FSDreamTeam forum

Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: virtualflying on February 05, 2023, 05:38:19 pm

Title: GSX quick edit pushback not working / dots not dissappearing
Post by: virtualflying on February 05, 2023, 05:38:19 pm
I saw a thread about this but I didn't have any of the culprit addons installed.

Today's scenario included the Fenix A320, FlyTampa Las Vegas, and GSX. Nothing else.

I went to create a quickedit pushback, and when I hit enter, it said "Exiting editing mode" but the green dots still stayed on the ground, and no pushback.

The fix (for now) is to click "abort pushback", or if that doesn't work, restart Couatl, and then pushback using the "Saved quickedit pushback" feature.

Any idea why I can't just pushback from my original quickedit?
Title: Re: GSX quick edit pushback not working / dots not dissappearing
Post by: virtuali on February 06, 2023, 11:31:35 am
I went to create a quickedit pushback, and when I hit enter, it said "Exiting editing mode" but the green dots still stayed on the ground, and no pushback.

This has been discussed many times on the forum, and it doesn't normally happen.

If it happens to you, it's usually caused by too much stress on Simonnect, usually caused by too high AI settings or even worse, AI traffic injection with too high settings, which causes Simconnect to randomly not responding to all requests from external programs, like the one from GSX asking to remove the dots used during the QuickEdit method.

The fix (for now) is to click "abort pushback", or if that doesn't work, restart Couatl, and then pushback using the "Saved quickedit pushback" feature.

That's exactly how you fix it. Of course, the real fix would be preventing the problem from even happening, that is lowering the AI settings to keep the number of objects under control without exceeding the max simobject limit in the sim, which will cause all sort of issues with simconnect connection.

What you can do from GSX side, is disable "Ground Clutter" in the Config panel, and run an update, to install a more lightweight version of the GSX jetway replacement files which will contain the same number of objects ( just jetways and nothing else ) compared to the files they replaced. This will work only at default airports where jetways has been replaced by GSX though.