FSDreamTeam forum
Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: b742f on January 23, 2023, 02:40:48 am
I still get the spinning menu, everywhere I fly. This latest flight YPPH to YPKG and back. Landing in YPKG and YPPH I had to start the service again through the shortcut.
This was the last part of the log, still some airports are causing an issue.
SU10 enabled, GSX version 2.2.2
Navigraph Navdata installed
Same with me happens on all airports, all is fine before takeoff, after the landing and clear of runway spinning menu couatl closes from tray, then a restart of couatl is needed to continue with GTX.
Thats exactly what I reported a few weeks ago. :)
Nowhere the update was supposed to fix this issue, which we have never been able to reproduce yet. One thing some users affected by it reported to have fixed it is:
- Configure the antivirus to add the whole Addon Manager folder to the antivirus Exclusions.
Another possible solution has been posted here:
But again, I cannot confirm if it's working or not, since I unable to replicate the problem in the first place.
It doesn't work tried all the above tips mentioned.
It doesn't work tried all the above tips mentioned.
It's obviously impossible to help you without knowing any context. You don't say if you use the SU10 Navdata API option and, of course, I cannot possibly say if you really tried ALL tips or, as you wrote, only the "above tips", or the ones you know about. So, please, always clearly report everything you tried, so we can say if you really tried "all" tips. For example:
- Is the Couatl icon still visible ? Does it disappear if you hover on it ?
- If it didn't disappear, can you fix with by right-click and "Restart" ?
- If it did disappear, can you restart it using the "Start Couatl for GSX MSFS" ICON on the Desktop ?
Ok what i noticed is that when updating FSDT live, it crashes halfway through, looks like something is blocking it .I excluded the couatl folder in Windows security.
Yes the Couatl icon is visible,and yes i can restart it from desktop menu .
Ok what i noticed is that when updating FSDT live, it crashes halfway through, looks like something is blocking it .
Are you sure it's crashing and not just quitting automatically, because it has nothing left to do ? You can confirm that by updating using the installer icon, which is the same .exe as the updater icon, just with a full interface, and it doesn't quit at the end.
Confirm! updating using the installer doesn't quitting automatically. Ill do a test flight tonite and see.
This is the problem:
Bglmanx non ready yet, waiting
It doesn't work tried all the above tips mentioned.
It's obviously impossible to help you without knowing any context. You don't say if you use the SU10 Navdata API option and, of course, I cannot possibly say if you really tried ALL tips or, as you wrote, only the "above tips", or the ones you know about. So, please, always clearly report everything you tried, so we can say if you really tried "all" tips. For example:
- Is the Couatl icon still visible ? Does it disappear if you hover on it ?
- If it didn't disappear, can you fix with by right-click and "Restart" ?
- If it did disappear, can you restart it using the "Start Couatl for GSX MSFS" ICON on the Desktop ?
icon is visible until i hover over it then it disappears. Happened again EGLL-LEPA tonight. I PMed you a log file from last flight in Australia.
Try to run Coatl64_MSFS.exe as admin and in Windows 8 compatibility mode. This made the process run solid for me, every flight.
Wow! This actually worked for me, have to do a couple of flights more. It is a strange one, compatibility with W8.