FSDreamTeam forum
Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: AUA9085 on January 22, 2023, 02:29:02 pm
Hey Umberto,
Is ist possible to add something like „ignore temperature for deicing“ that its always available.
I just pushed back with -1C did no deicing and After the push I had 0C, and deicing option for remote deice was gone:(
Probalby a treshold for when deicing should bei available to edit in the menu would also be Nice :)
I had similar: weather was horrible: snow and rain but temperature was +1 and no DE-ICING options, even the plane skidded on the surface from the snow. I can't even experiment with new de-icing options on my new EPKK profile xd Will be nice if this option is available all time. Regards
Checking the GSX code to be sure, you should have been offered Deicing in both cases because, the current strategy is:
- If the surface conditions ( SimVar "SURFACE CONDITION" in MSFS ) are either Snow or Icy, Deicing will always be offered, no matter the temperature.
- If the temperature ( SimVar "AMBIENT TEMPERATURE" ) is below +8C°, Deicing will be offered only if it's Snowing or Raining ( SimVar "AMBIENT PRECIP STATE" >=4 )
- If the temperature is below 0C°, Deicing will be offered regardless of the precipitation.
I got DEICE offer at pushback request but after the push, it wasnt there :(
I manually set the temperature to -1C and deice was possible again, it was snowing.
Probably you can give us a possibility to set a value in the options to control the 3rd variable.
"- If the temperature is below 0C°, Deicing will be offered regardless of the precipitation."
I just talked to a real world pilot recently and even if none of the 3 variables are given but the aircraft is full of snow, the are doing deicing.
Sure, that cant be simulated (yet) but I would really enjoy a possibility to get DEICE even none of the 3 variables are given :)
even if none of the 3 variables are given but the aircraft is full of snow, the are doing deicing
So was your airplane full of snow ? Because yes, we can probably add that condition as well, by checking the quantity of ice variable.
If we have 0°C and rain just before pushback and the rain just quits because the cloud moved, there is no reason to entirely skip de-/anti-icing.
Since deicing is entirely skippable, the rules for the options should be far less strict.
by checking the quantity of ice variable.
Won't help in the above scenario either. For icing not just the current conditions are relevant but also those in the past *and* in the future. If you know that temperature is dropping and expect a departure delay, you'll need anti-icing treatment even though the conditions during taxi might be just good enough.
Your criteria basically is based on when de-/anti-icing is clearly required, but there is a big grey area where the flight crew's decision based on experience and conditions, traffic and predictions do matter and can result in treatment.
Please allow us to enable an option that de-/anti-icing is always available so we can decide ourselves when we consider it to be required or raise the 0°C limit to +5°C to have the option available in more cases even if the other rules don't apply.
While some users might like this to be decided for them, obviously some don't since there is no workaround if GSX just decides to not show the option.