FSDreamTeam forum
Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: Transair on January 08, 2023, 01:25:10 am
When parked on a ramp (i.e. not nose-in), I would like to see an option as option 5 to prepare for departure without any tug....so just disconnect services, remove cones, and have the engineer stand by the aircraft to clear for start-up.
If a parking is not nose-in, if you set the Pushback preference to "None" in the GSX customization page, when you select a Departure, it will ASK if you want to be Pushback so, if you reply NO there, it will just remove vehicles and cones.
The reason for that question, is that GSX cannot possibly know for sure if the Pushback has been set to None intentionally ( like in that case ) or by mistake, or if that parking position might possibly be used in both configuration ( nose-in or not ), so you always have a chance to get a Pushback, if needed.
Also, there's a global option in the Settings "Always ask for Pushback", which if Enabled will always show the Pushback question, while if it's Disabled ( default is Disabled ), will only make such question for parking spots that has been set to "None" as Pushback preference.
right...thanks for that reply. Will try this.