FSDreamTeam forum
Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: whiggy on January 04, 2023, 12:59:05 pm
I notcied, If I'm using the SU10 Navdata API option on, Couatl seems to be crashing before landing. This occurs every flight.
If I want to have GSX after landing, I must restart couatl manually.
I'm using Couatl64_MSFS.exe file version from 16.12.2022 (version
Same problem,
But at least it still works.
Indeed, this has been an issue since the SU10 beta option I think, up until the current version. The SU10 beta option works better in that it avoids issues with AFCADs, but it does require a restart for use on arrival.. Hope this gets fixed so the SU10 option can be switched on all the time.
We are still trying to produce the problem and, as requested in all other threads about this issue, it would be helpful getting more data about your installation, especially:
- a list of all 3rd party add-ons that might possibly use Simconnect, like AI traffic utilities or modules that loads with the sim.
- if you are using 3rd party Navdata
- your starting and destination airports, possibly with the route taken, so we might try to replicate the flight, to check if the problem is possibly caused by some unexpected data coming from the Navdata API, like nearby airports, etc.
Addons which are using simconnect?
Hmm so far I can say it's only Volanta.
All my other addons are using FSUIPC.
Yes I'm using Navigraph Navdata for MSFS and my addons.
I notice this problem on every flight with navdata api. Can not isolate to any airports.
1. Axis and ohs, Volanta, vpilot(?)
1a. modules that load with exe.xml: Nool aero, Axis and Ohs, Fenix bootstrapper, Logitech plugin (for radio panel) , aerosoft VDGS module, FSUIPC7
ACARS VA clients but they all use FSUIPC I believe
2. Navigraph data
3. any route. Consistent behaviour, all flights when SU10 option is enabled.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SimBase.Document Type="Launch" version="1,0">
<Name>Aerosoft VDGS Driver</Name>
<Path>D:\MSFS_Addons\Mods Freeware\Nool MSFS VDGS 3.3.0\noolaero-module-vdgs\Binaries\vdgs-util.exe</Path>
<Path>D:\FSTools\Addon Manager\couatl64\couatl64_MSFS.exe</Path>
<Path>C:\Program Files\FenixSim A320\deps\FenixBootstrapper.exe</Path>
<Path>C:\Users\whiggy\Documents\Maddog X Files\MSFS 2020\MDClient\MDClient.exe</Path>
Axis and Oh's : No
vpilot: yes
Navigraphdata: yes
Windows Event-Manager Log entry:
Name der fehlerhaften Anwendung: Couatl64_MSFS.exe, Version:, Zeitstempel: 0x00000000
Name des fehlerhaften Moduls: unknown, Version:, Zeitstempel: 0x00000000
Ausnahmecode: 0xc0000005
Fehleroffset: 0x00007ffe2b832e70
ID des fehlerhaften Prozesses: 0x0x1724
Startzeit der fehlerhaften Anwendung: 0x0x1D920B49460BB99
Pfad der fehlerhaften Anwendung: D:\FSTools\Addon Manager\couatl64\Couatl64_MSFS.exe
Pfad des fehlerhaften Moduls: unknown
Berichtskennung: ef69b63c-9d63-40ce-b5a9-259435284d47
Vollständiger Name des fehlerhaften Pakets:
Anwendungs-ID, die relativ zum fehlerhaften Paket ist:
1. Axis and ohs, Volanta, vpilot(?)
1a. modules that load with exe.xml: Nool aero, Axis and Ohs, Fenix bootstrapper, Logitech plugin (for radio panel) , aerosoft VDGS module, FSUIPC7
ACARS VA clients but they all use FSUIPC I believe
2. Navigraph data
3. any route. Consistent behaviour, all flights when SU10 option is enabled.
First thing to check, is trying with all those add-on modules AND Navigraph data disabled ( everything disabled, except GSX ), and do the same route. If these addons are linked to the Community, for example using the Addon Linker, it should be very easy to disable all of them and try again.
If you don't get the crash with everything Disabled, the best 2nd step would be enabling ONLY Navigraph data and test again.
So, I found the problem.
All what I need todo is remove "afcad_path =" from the airport config.
I made 5 flights today without the crashing problem.
It seems to be a problem if an afcad_path is in the config when you using Navdata API option.
It seems to be a problem if an afcad_path is in the config when you using Navdata API option.
Weird, considering that line is completely ignored when using the Navdata API, but we'll have a look at it.
I'm really sad because today couatl crash again on an flight . Maybe the last few flights was happenstance where it has worked. I don't know.
Found this tip on GSX profile creators channel on Discord:
1. Open Windows Security - type "Windows Security" in your Start menu
2. Click App & browser control
3. Click Exploit protection
4. Click Program settings
5. Click Add program to customize
6. Browse to \Addon Manager\Couatl64\Couatl64_MSFS.exe click Ok
7. Scroll down to Data Execution Prevention (DEP)
8. Check Override system settings
9. Toggle switch to Off
10. Click Apply (Save)
7. Scroll down to Data Execution Prevention (DEP)
8. Check Override system settings
9. Toggle switch to Off
Guys, please don't do that. Better do manual restarts of Couatl than disabling security settings that are important to have on.
Guys, please don't do that. Better do manual restarts of Couatl than disabling security settings that are important to have on.
That procedure disables DEP JUST for the Couatl64_MSFS.exe, not the whole system, and won't cause any security problems, unless you think the Couatl engine is really a threat/virus, but if you do, you'd better not using GSX to begin with.
Found this tip on GSX profile creators channel on Discord:
1. Open Windows Security - type "Windows Security" in your Start menu
... etc ...
Uberto, for your information, with "use SU10 Navdata API" ON and this tip added, I tested my flight LFML>LSGG where Couatl engine systematically cash before landing and this tip didn't solved nothing, almost in my case.
Hope this might help.
for your information, with "use SU10 Navdata API" ON and this tip added, I tested my flight LFML>LSGG where Couatl engine systematically cash before landing and this tip didn't solved nothing, almost in my case.
I never tried this fix, because I was never able to replicate that crash in the first place, I only reported something I ready on the GSX profile creators on Discord, who reported this fixed the problem for that, so it might be useful to try here as well.
I never tried this fix, because I was never able to replicate that crash in the first place, I only reported something I ready on the GSX profile creators on Discord, who reported this fixed the problem for that, so it might be useful to try here as well.
Yes, I thought you couldn't try this tip, as you said already before you was struggling trying to reproduce this cash of Couatl engine. So you known now that this tip is almost not a 100% solution. Maybe it is because I am still running Windows 10, maybe it solve the problem only on specific MSFS cases, this will be probably impossible to know !
Have the same problem. The tricks doesn't solve it.
Yip! that trick didnt solve it
So, I found the problem.
All what I need todo is remove "afcad_path =" from the airport config.
I made 5 flights today without the crashing problem.
It seems to be a problem if an afcad_path is in the config when you using Navdata API option.
I can confirm this to work for me. THANK YOU!!! Virtualli, this workaround fixes the crash.
One more feedback:
Yesterday, I flew again my flight LFML>LSGG with the intention to check frequently if Couatl engine was still running during the whole flight, not only on arrival approach and I was surprised to see it had already crashed, when I tested for the first time, just after reaching my cruise level 280. So I restarted it manually and it didn't crashed again during the whole rest of the flight.
Hope this info might help.
Tried deleting the afcad_path , without success. Any suggestions ?
I was the author of the tip on the GSX Discord about making an exception for Couatl64_MSFS.exe - That's the only app that the setting is being disable for so that is very low risk. Unfortunately, the fix only works the first time you try it. After that, it behaves as it did before.
I'm convinced that some security setting or perhaps memory management setting in Windows 11 is killing the EXE after it goes idle during a flight. I used to have the same problem with FSUIPC but since I reinstalled it (and it loads with the sim as Couatl64 does) it remains alive the whole time.
I'm tempted to uninstall GSX and reinstall it to see if that works.
My last 2 flights went succesfully, Coatl still running at the arrival airport.
Three things I did:
1 - Run Couatl64_MSFS.exe as admin. (Had this already on, didn't help)
2 - Run Couatl64_MSFS.exe in Windows8 compatibility mode. (most likely this not)
3 - Exclude Couatl64_MSFS.exe process from Windows defender MSE. (This! seems what did it)
2 - Run Couatl64_MSFS.exe in Windows8 compatibility mode. (most likely this not)
This shouldn't be very useful.
3 - Exclude Couatl64_MSFS.exe process from Windows defender MSE. (This! seems what did it)
This is why we always suggest to add the whole Addon Manager folder to the antivirus Exclusions. Much better, because not only it will prevent any executable there to be harmed by the antivirus but, since we also have all our products files there, excluding the whole folder will make the startup faster.
This isn't a new issue/bug for me, but finally wore down to come here to write a post about it.
Every single flight, I have to restart Couatl Engine before I arrive to my destination, without fail. I assume this is happening to others? Anyone know a fix?
It's frustrating/annoying to have to always remember to restart the engine because it crashes in mid-flight.
As discussed many times on the forum, we haven't been able to reproduce it yet. Users have reported several possible solutions like:
- Be absolutely sure the antivirus is configured with the WHOLE Addon Manager folder added to its Exclusions.
- Changing the properties for the Couatl64_MSFS.exe to run "As Adminstrator"
- Enable "Windows 8 Compatibility" for the EXE, in the same page.
- Disabling DEP for the process, as explained here:
I cannot vouch if any of these is valid, because I was never able to replicate the crash to begin with, I'm only reporting what other users posted.
Will try these potential fixes and will report back. Thanks!
I notcied, If I'm using the SU10 Navdata API option on, Couatl seems to be crashing before landing. This occurs every flight.
If I want to have GSX after landing, I must restart couatl manually.
I'm using Couatl64_MSFS.exe file version from 16.12.2022 (version
Same here; glad to find this thread. Thought I was losing my mind as it crashes on every flight before arrival.
2 - Run Couatl64_MSFS.exe in Windows8 compatibility mode. (most likely this not)
This shouldn't be very useful.
3 - Exclude Couatl64_MSFS.exe process from Windows defender MSE. (This! seems what did it)
This is why we always suggest to add the whole Addon Manager folder to the antivirus Exclusions. Much better, because not only it will prevent any executable there to be harmed by the antivirus but, since we also have all our products files there, excluding the whole folder will make the startup faster.
I've tried this Umberto, and it didn't seem to help. Using Windows 11, I think there's some other security setting that I need to adjust to allow the app to run without being automatically shut down. Do you have any additional thoughts or suggestions?
I've tried this Umberto, and it didn't seem to help. Using Windows 11, I think there's some other security setting that I need to adjust to allow the app to run without being automatically shut down. Do you have any additional thoughts or suggestions
You mean you tried *both* ( I need to ask, because you quoted two things and said "I tried this" ) ?
If yes, there are no other suggestions I can offer because, as I've said, I was never able to replicate the crash in flight, so I am only reporting what other users said it fixed the problem for them so, if other suggestions come, I'll add them to my list next time somebody will ask.
I've merged the two identical threads, and copied again what's the latest list of possible fixes:
- Be absolutely sure the antivirus is configured with the WHOLE Addon Manager folder added to its Exclusions.
- Changing the properties for the Couatl64_MSFS.exe to run "As Adminstrator"
- Enable "Windows 8 Compatibility" for the EXE, in the same page.
- Disabling DEP for the process, as explained here:
I cannot vouch if any of these is valid, because I was never able to replicate the crash to begin with, I'm only reporting what other users posted.
So these are just PRELIMINARY results -- my Couatl was crashing every flight before approach.
Per Umberto's suggestions, I've made the program run always as an administrator, including the entire GSX folder in my Norton anti-virus as an exclusion, and checked the Couatl app to be Windows 8 compliant.
As of just 1 day, my Couatl engine has NOT crashed. Hoping this is a fix!!! Will report more soon.
Per Umberto's suggestions, I've made the program run always as an administrator, including the entire GSX folder in my Norton anti-virus as an exclusion, and checked the Couatl app to be Windows 8 compliant.
It's difficult to say which of these really fixed it, because there are several changes applied to it at the same time but:
- running as administrator should be useful only if your user account has limited permissions, otherwise there shouldn't be any differences, and surely not happening some time during the flight.
- Windows 8 compatibility: this one is the most puzzling one, since nobody at FSDT ever used Windows 8 in years, we all use the latest Visual Studio updates for Windows 10 so, I don't understand why setting Windows 8 compatibility could improve things.
- Antivirus: this seems the most likely: since reports of crashes are during flight, and during flight the program communicates with the sim through Simconnect, which at the low level is like a file in memory ( "Named pipes" it's the technical term ), it's possible an antivirus might mistakenly flag this as a "suspicious" file activity, so it blocks it. This is also the one that fits better with reports of crashes in flight, which is where our program does less, since it doesn't do anything other than periodically asking to the sim using Simconnect, which airports are around you, so it's far less complex and demanding compared to what it does on ground when servicing, when instead is very solid.
I use Windows Defender, and it's configured as follow:
- The whole Addon Manager folder Excluded
- The whole MSFS Content (Official + Community) Excluded
- The Flightsimulator.exe process Excluded
Of course, there's another possible issue, and it's just problems with the SU10 Navdata API itself. I don't know if there are other apps that use it now, but I'm sure GSX was the first one using it and since it's new, it's possible it might have issues because, all logs I saw from users with a crash, had the log stopped while GSX was getting the updated list of nearby airports.
So I've done two successful flights now with GSX not needing to be restarted. I had previously added virus scanner exclusions but that didn't help. What did help is Windows 8 Compatibility Mode.
I think the secret to this mode is not "Windows 8" but rather that it's not behaving like "Windows 11" - I would wager that most of the people having problems with GSX crashing before approach are on Windows 11. For now I am content that this fixes the problem.
I will, however, run one more test with Windows 8 mode turned on and removing the anti-virus exclusion to see if both are required or if Windows 8 mode alone resolves the problem.
I will, however, run one more test with Windows 8 mode turned on and removing the anti-virus exclusion to see if both are required or if Windows 8 mode alone resolves the problem.
You only need W8 compatibility mode nothing else, to keep Coatl running. Looks like it forces windows into a more helpful approach instead of terminating the process. I am on W10.
I will, however, run one more test with Windows 8 mode turned on and removing the anti-virus exclusion to see if both are required or if Windows 8 mode alone resolves the problem.
You only need W8 compatibility mode nothing else, to keep Coatl running. Looks like it forces windows into a more helpful approach instead of terminating the process. I am on W10.
I'm hoping to try this myself today! You're the first person I've heard on Windows 10 with this issue. Very interesting.
Just a few words to say that for me, this issue has gone by running MSFS (not GSX) as administrator every time I launch it (it doesn't work if the option "run as administrator" is set in the Windows properties menu, I don't know why...).
Hope it helps.
Been running MSFS as admininstrator since day dot and ive had this issue with GSX lately as well and cant resolve unless I restart couatl which is also in admin mode and now win8 compability mode so will see if that helps. This is a shockingly bad piece of payware programming if you have to keep changing all these things and basically be a computer programmer just to get it to work. Just sayin!
Been running MSFS as admininstrator since day dot and ive had this issue with GSX lately as well and cant resolve unless I restart couatl which is also in admin mode and now win8 compability mode so will see if that helps. This is a shockingly bad piece of payware programming if you have to keep changing all these things and basically be a computer programmer just to get it to work. Just sayin!
I'd hardly call checking some boxes "programming" but you're welcome to your opinion. The Developer is on this forum every day helping people work through issues so I'd say whatever it lacks in issues is more than made up for by the level of personal support given. Hopefully you'll be able to undo all those checkboxes and have success with just Win8 Compatibility mode.
@Umberto - Confirmed definitively that GSX does not crash when Windows 8 Compatibility mode is turned on and without anti-virus exclusion
What does the SU10 option actually do and what do you lose if unticked?
I've never ticked it until recently and noticed the random crashing once I've departed my airport which requires loading it up again once landed (which isn't really a problem)
What does the SU10 option actually do and what do you lose if unticked?
I've never ticked it until recently and noticed the random crashing once I've departed my airport which requires loading it up again once landed (which isn't really a problem)
It allows GSX to read the BGL data for any airport regardless of whether it's encrypted (purchased on MSFS In-Game store) or not. This means you don't have to edit the .ini file to set the AFCAD location.
What does the SU10 option actually do and what do you lose if unticked?
I've never ticked it until recently and noticed the random crashing once I've departed my airport which requires loading it up again once landed (which isn't really a problem)
It allows GSX to read the BGL data for any airport regardless of whether it's encrypted (purchased on MSFS In-Game store) or not. This means you don't have to edit the .ini file to set the AFCAD location.
So does this only apply to airports purchased from the MS marketplace?
So does this only apply to airports purchased from the MS marketplace?
No - It applies to all 3rd party airports
So does this only apply to airports purchased from the MS marketplace?
No - It applies to all 3rd party airports
Ok so it's an option you'd want to keep on then - I'll check the workaround to see if it cures the crashing
This means you don't have to edit the .ini file to set the AFCAD location
You never had to do this, even if you don't use the SU10 Navdata. Yes, I know, many free profiles still say that in their docs but, as explained in the manual, Page 52, when sharing profiles is discussed:
The name of the .BGL used to customize the scenery is listed in the [GENERAL] section of the GSX .INI profile. It will include the complete path valid for your system but, don’t worry, there’s no need to edit it out before sharing your work, since GSX will only use the .BGL filename, and will ignore the full path altogether, it has been designed like this exactly to facilitate sharing of GSX .INI profiles without worrying about different paths. As long the currently active .BGL matches the name referenced in the .INI file, the .INI will be loaded by GSX, no matter the path.
Of course, when using the SU10 Navdata option, the whole line is ignored, since no .BGL is read.