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Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: Gpxe on January 01, 2023, 02:08:29 am

Title: GSX keeps loopping when trying to refuel the Maddog
Post by: Gpxe on January 01, 2023, 02:08:29 am

I have an issue or misunderstanding when I try to refuel the Maddog with GSX. GSX keeps looping on "please use your airplane fuel system to set the desired fuel quantity" and does not refuel.

 What I do:

- I start the airplane (bat + APU)

- Airplane has 1150 kgs of fuel

- On the EFB, I import my SimBiref OFP, which includes 6800 kgs of fuel (including 2900 kgs trip fuel and 300 kgs for taxi).

- I then call the fuel truck from GSX.

- Meanwhile, and before it arrives, I update my fuel load in the FMC (ACARS / PRE Flight / WT & BALANCES).


Still no luck .. GSX keeps saying "please use your airplane fuel system to set the desired fuel quantity".


My settings:

- Simbrief is in Green in the GSX menu

- I have a gsx.cfg file in C;\Users\myname\appdata\roaming\virtuali\airplanes\maddogx (dated Novmber 10, 2022)

- GSX and Maddog are updated

- GSX settings are ticked as follows : multiple trips (YES) estimate passengers number (YES) always refuel progressively (YES) detec custom aircraft system refueling (YES)

- Refuled aircraft is UNticked in the simualtor options in the Maddog Load Manager


Please help !!

Title: Re: GSX keeps loopping when trying to refuel the Maddog
Post by: nartbag on January 01, 2023, 11:29:45 pm
I am having the same issue. Super annoying. Please give us a damn button to skip a service, Umberto.
Title: Re: GSX keeps loopping when trying to refuel the Maddog
Post by: marinosk on January 02, 2023, 10:27:36 am
From the MD Load Manager -> Simulator Options, have you selected the option "Synchronize Services with GSX Pro"?
Title: Re: GSX keeps loopping when trying to refuel the Maddog
Post by: virtuali on January 02, 2023, 11:46:28 am
- Meanwhile, and before it arrives, I update my fuel load in the FMC (ACARS / PRE Flight / WT & BALANCES).

That's the mistake: it seems you must have ignored or missed the message ( and the voice ) saying "Please don't Load Aircraft until the Fuel Truck arrives and ask to do it."

Still no luck .. GSX keeps saying "please use your airplane fuel system to set the desired fuel quantity".

That's because you haven't increased the fuel AFTER the truck arrived, as the above message asked.

-(YES) detec custom aircraft system refueling (YES)

This should be Disabled, as it is by default, and it's only used in very specific cases, which no airplane in MSFS requires, as explained here:

Title: Re: GSX keeps loopping when trying to refuel the Maddog
Post by: nartbag on January 03, 2023, 02:26:45 am
- Meanwhile, and before it arrives, I update my fuel load in the FMC (ACARS / PRE Flight / WT & BALANCES).

That's the mistake: it seems you must have ignored or missed the message ( and the voice ) saying "Please don't Load Aircraft until the Fuel Truck arrives and ask to do it."

How about another solution: Can you give us an option to skip the service?

What if I didn't need a refuel? All I did was hit "prepare for pushback" after boarding, when I was ready to go, and it wants to send me a catering truck and fuel truck? I don't need these things. I wanted a simple boarding + pushback. Not boarding and then catering + refuel truck AFTER boarding, ya know? Time to close the doors and gtfo!

I ended up having to restart couatl to get it to shut up and then my pushback functionality was broken, afterwards - it kept asking me to release the parking brake which was very much released.
Title: Re: GSX keeps loopping when trying to refuel the Maddog
Post by: virtuali on January 03, 2023, 11:29:28 pm
What if I didn't need a refuel?

Just don't call it!

All I did was hit "prepare for pushback" after boarding, when I was ready to go, and it wants to send me a catering truck and fuel truck? I don't need these things.

Have you maybe enabled the "Assistance Services “Auto” mode" option in the Settings ? Quoting from the manual:

Assistance Services “Auto” mode

This option makes GSX running on Autopilot, activating all its services in sequence, automatically. If you start from Deboarding or Boarding, the autopilot will call Cargo/Baggages services first, then Refueling and Catering at the same time.

If you enabled it, it's like you said to GSX you always need these things, in that particular sequence. Lots of users asked for it, so we added that option years ago, but it's Disabled by default.

If that option is not enabled instead, I'm not sure if the Maddog integration calls for Catering or Refueling automatically but, if you had the "detect custom aircraft system refueling Enabled and then you manually loaded the fuel, the Refuel truck was triggered by that, because that's precisely what that option does: it calls Refueling as soon it detects an increase in the Fuel quantity.

As I've said, the one and only reason for that option to exists ( and the reason why it's Disabled ), is to prevent GSX "missing out" the refueling of an airplane that starts progressively refueling itself automatically after some time, it was a very fringe case that only a couple of airplanes in P3D, like the PMDG 777, used, but it should normally be Disabled, as it is by default.