FSDreamTeam forum
Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: Mil0255 on December 28, 2022, 08:36:30 pm
Does anyone know if you can spawn stairs at any size airport? . IE airports not normally equipped with stairs within MSFS
The stairs kind is decided by the airplane door height, not the airport size. If they were related to the airport size ( and defining the airport size might not be very easy ), you might end up in a situation of the airport wanting to create a kind of stair not able to reach the airplane door, in case you are on a small airport, using an airplane requiring bigger stairs.
I, personally, would be fine with this - I'd just use certain gates for smaller and larger aircraft. I find it really annoying when GSX spawns two different stairs varieties for the front and rear doors, and I'd love an option to either force the airport to only load certain stairs, or force the airplane to force the airport to only load a certain type of stairs.
I find it really annoying when GSX spawns two different stairs varieties for the front and rear doors
Stairs are chosen independently for each door. Because of an eventual airplane pitch down attitude, it's not granted that, just because a certain stair will reach the front door, it might also reach the rear one, if the door's height is about around the exact height constraint threshold so, if we did that, we might end up in situation where a whole stair would be missing, in those situations.
That's why stairs are chosen independently for each door, so any that qualifies can appear.