FSDreamTeam forum
Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: Wingrider on December 22, 2022, 05:42:45 pm
Been FSDT customer for years... used GSX in P3D and enjoyed it... I installed MSFS2020 version a few weeks ago... a little buggy but worked... now I'm getting the spinning menu and it closes... Gateways appear... when parked in a spot to small I get "parking spot too small"... it totally unable to use... uninstalled several time(won't completely uninstall). I've read the forums little about this issue, except some arguing. Any help would be grateful.
Thanks in advance
now I'm getting the spinning menu and it closes...
Please check if this is fixed by restarting Couatl from the Traybar icon.
when parked in a spot to small I get "parking spot too small"... it totally unable to use... uninstalled several time(won't completely uninstall).
Not sure why you think this is any different than P3D or it's even an issue. In fact, quoting from the the GSX manual, Page 11:
Note for existing GSX users
GSX will warn you if a parking spot is either “too small for your aircraft”, or is already taken by an AI. However, a big change from previous versions is that will allow you to use it anyway
So, not only the way GSX checked the parking radius against your airplane Wingspan is IDENTICAL to P3D, but in MSFS you can even use the parking anyway, when in P3D you had to customize some options, because it would have prevented you to use it otherwise.
Of course, the other ways to customize this are still available, both on a global basis, quoting from the GSX manual, Page 27:
Ignore Wingspan when parking
This option will disable the “Parking Too Small” warning. Note that, with this version, GSX will always allow to use a parking, even if it says it’s too small but, with this option, you can also disable the warning.
But also on the airport level customization, quoting from the GSX manual, Page 33:
Max Allowed Wingspan
This option allows to override the parking radius in the airport .BGL, used to verify if a parking is too small to fit a certain parking. Sometimes, it’s possible a scenery has actual space available around a parking spot, but the scenery designer has specified a smaller radius for that parking spot, maybe for AI flow reasons, or to fix problems with default ground vehicles, or simply because of an oversight.
Thanks.. I'll try that... It's like the menu is hidden...
Thanks.. I'll try that... It's like the menu is hidden...
Hidden for good or does it appear in the option menu on top
It shows in msfs menu... When opening it spins and disappears...
have you tried going to your desktop to your short cut of the couatl icon and doing a restart
Yes several times
Which airport is that ? Is bought on the Marketplace ? If yes, are you enabled the SU10 Navdata option in the GSX Config panel ?
KBOS.. Yes Marketplace.. Unsure if enabled or not... I'll check it out...
GSX Pro still will not launch Menu spins closes.. no options. Been having issues for over a month. Have done all that was suggested.. Menu opens for a split second and then disappears... very frustrating... SU update is checked
GSX Pro still will not launch Menu spins closes.. no options. Been having issues for over a month. Have done all that was suggested.. Menu opens for a split second and then disappears... very frustrating... SU update is checked
As already discussed so many times on the forum, we haven't been able to reproduce yet. However, in the appropriate thread, there are some suggestions you can try:
ok.. I did a complete reinstall... Deleting all gsx folders... Still didn't work... For shits and giggles I switched up from C172 steam gauges to G1000... works perfectly... Can't for the life of me understand why I didn't try that before...
2min 58sec