FSDreamTeam forum
Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: Thomas_Kant on December 13, 2022, 01:38:40 pm
Hello all,
I have the following problem with GSX. At the departure airport GXS runs great and everything works. However, when I load at the destination airport and call GSX (after leaving the runway) GSX loads and loads GSX so it does not work.
I ask for help, mostly the error occurs after running the file FSDT Live Update. Where can I see if there is a new update?
After a new installation GSX actually runs fine and also at the destination airport.
Greetings Thomas
Where can I see if there is a new update?
Click the "Release Notes" button in the FSDT Installer, and check the latest release date.
Thanks I found this and what do I do if GSX does not start (works) at the destination airport
Thanks I found this and what do I do if GSX does not start (works) at the destination airport
Restart Couatl from the Tray bar icon.
ok I try and will report - thanks for the super fast and competent support