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Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: motishow on December 08, 2022, 09:31:46 am

Title: A310 fuel charging
Post by: motishow on December 08, 2022, 09:31:46 am
A310 , I have set fuel cuantity at EFB but GSX is still asking for it
Title: Re: A310 fuel charging
Post by: virtuali on December 09, 2022, 10:39:51 am
That's likely because the quantity you selected is not higher than the one you had before you called the GSX refueling.
Title: Re: A310 fuel charging
Post by: Johan217 on December 09, 2022, 12:23:15 pm
I've been having some trouble with the A310, too.
I believe its default state starts with 19000 kg of fuel, which is already a lot. I make sure to set it to e.g. 2000 before ordering refueling. However when refuelling, GSX keeps asking to enter the fuel quantity but never seems to recognise it. This does not happen every time.

I *think* (but not sure) the problem happens when you lower the fuel quantity while GSX is already ON. If you empty fuel first and only start GSX afterwards it works OK. Is this possible?
Title: Re: A310 fuel charging
Post by: virtuali on December 09, 2022, 02:39:04 pm
I *think* (but not sure) the problem happens when you lower the fuel quantity while GSX is already ON. If you empty fuel first and only start GSX afterwards it works OK. Is this possible?

It doesn't matter when GSX is started, since it doesn't check fuel on start. What matters is the quantity on board just before calling the GSX Fuel truck: that's when GSX reads the quantity, and it expects the quantity when it's asking to refuel the airplane to be higher than that.
Title: Re: A310 fuel charging
Post by: Johan217 on December 09, 2022, 05:17:15 pm
Perhaps an issue with the aircraft itself then? Because it is definitely happening (sometimes) after I set lower fuel quantity first in the EFB.
Title: Re: A310 fuel charging
Post by: virtuali on December 09, 2022, 06:16:50 pm
Perhaps an issue with the aircraft itself then? Because it is definitely happening (sometimes) after I set lower fuel quantity first in the EFB.

No idea, the only thing I know for sure, the A310 has a custom Fuel simulation, which means is not possible for GSX to SET the fuel quantity, but surely GSX reads the standard Fuel quantity variables so, unless they are not updated at that time, it simply reads them when you first call the GSX truck, and then when the truck arrives, it keeps waiting until there's a fuel increase, and if there is one, will start refueling, either very fast or progressively, depending if the "always refuel progressively" option is checked or not.
Title: Re: A310 fuel charging
Post by: Copper on December 15, 2022, 10:35:41 am
I also had the issue with the high default fuel volume loaded, so I need to drop the fuel to 0 first, then call the fuel truck.
But since the aircraft has no progressive refueling, as soon as I set the fuel, the fuel truck immediately disconnects and drives away.
I thought the "always refuel progressively" was intended for such cases so that fueling at least follows the speed that is set in the Timing settings (I set mine to minimum 60 seconds and factor 1x).

Did anyone manage to have the fuel truck actually stay and fuel for some time once you loaded the right amount of fuel on the A310?
Title: Re: A310 fuel charging
Post by: Johan217 on December 15, 2022, 12:39:15 pm
I can get progressive fueling to work consistently only if I set a higher fuel load than the initial default (+19.6K kg). Even after setting fuel to 0 first, anything less than 19.6K results in the fuel truck disconnecting. I think it is something with the aircraft.
Title: Re: A310 fuel charging
Post by: luki117 on December 15, 2022, 02:02:21 pm
I also had the issue with the high default fuel volume loaded, so I need to drop the fuel to 0 first, then call the fuel truck.
But since the aircraft has no progressive refueling, as soon as I set the fuel, the fuel truck immediately disconnects and drives away.
I thought the "always refuel progressively" was intended for such cases so that fueling at least follows the speed that is set in the Timing settings (I set mine to minimum 60 seconds and factor 1x).

Did anyone manage to have the fuel truck actually stay and fuel for some time once you loaded the right amount of fuel on the A310?

Same problem for me with the A310...  Dont know what to do... First i set the fuel quantity in EFB and FMS to 1.0 then order the fueltruck. He comes, when i get the advise, i set the quantity to 10.0 at EFB and FMS and press Apply on EFB. Most time GSX says: "set the desired quantity....." 2-3x again. And after 5 sec. the truck dismantle and leave.
Title: Re: A310 fuel charging
Post by: luki117 on December 15, 2022, 03:03:39 pm
I can get progressive fueling to work consistently only if I set a higher fuel load than the initial default (+19.6K kg). Even after setting fuel to 0 first, anything less than 19.6K results in the fuel truck disconnecting. I think it is something with the aircraft.

Seems to be the same for me. When i set 26t the truck fills in approximately 8t.
Title: Re: A310 fuel charging
Post by: Copper on December 15, 2022, 04:58:31 pm
Seems to be the same for me. When i set 26t the truck fills in approximately 8t.
That's correct due to the default amount that is in the A310 when loading.
Title: Re: A310 fuel charging
Post by: Johan217 on December 15, 2022, 05:08:00 pm
That's correct due to the default amount that is in the A310 when loading.
That is just the point. The aircraft is still sending this default amount to GSX even after the user has set it to 0 before ordering fuel through GSX. As a result, refueling does not seem to work correctly like it does with other custom aircraft.
Title: Re: A310 fuel charging
Post by: luki117 on December 16, 2022, 11:12:01 am
That's correct due to the default amount that is in the A310 when loading.
That is just the point. The aircraft is still sending this default amount to GSX even after the user has set it to 0 before ordering fuel through GSX. As a result, refueling does not seem to work correctly like it does with other custom aircraft.

Can't believe that we are the only ones with this problem. How do other pilots handle this? Or is there a way to setup the default Fuel quantity of A310? I'm wondering if is a GSX or a Inibuild problem.
Title: Re: A310 fuel charging
Post by: Johan217 on December 16, 2022, 12:30:04 pm
I believe this is an inibuilds issue, because other aircraft appear to be working as expected.
I tried removing fuel on the planning map before starting the flight, but that doesn't work either. Aircraft always starts with 19.6t. Normally you could edit the loadout in aircraft.cfg but with the A310 it is encrypted.
Title: Re: A310 fuel charging
Post by: TravelerRay on December 16, 2022, 05:04:48 pm
That's correct due to the default amount that is in the A310 when loading.
That is just the point. The aircraft is still sending this default amount to GSX even after the user has set it to 0 before ordering fuel through GSX. As a result, refueling does not seem to work correctly like it does with other custom aircraft.

Can't believe that we are the only ones with this problem. How do other pilots handle this? Or is there a way to setup the default Fuel quantity of A310? I'm wondering if is a GSX or a Inibuild problem.

I changed the default fuel qty for the cold and dark panel state.


Edit the  cold_and_dark.ini  or the other panel states if you so desire.

Search for and change the fuel weight for each of the tanks. Qty is in kgs.  This is what I changed mine to.



Keep the trailing zeroes

Title: Re: A310 fuel charging
Post by: luki117 on December 17, 2022, 03:54:46 pm
Tahnk you @TravelerRay

I tested it, and it seems to work. Sometomes the truck still leave after seconds, but the calculated fuel quantity seems correct now.
Title: Re: A310 fuel charging
Post by: Johan217 on December 17, 2022, 04:40:08 pm
Many thanks!!!
Title: Re: A310 fuel charging
Post by: Copper on December 17, 2022, 05:02:02 pm
That's likely because the quantity you selected is not higher than the one you had before you called the GSX refueling.
Please implement support for defueling in GSX, it happens IRL sometimes too and there is no reason the fuel truck shall just stand there and being stuck in a loop of voice prompts if you unloaded fuel from 19t to 6t for instance.
It should detect any change in the fuel amount (above certain treshold, e.g. 100kg per second to account for fuel consumption by APU), wait for some time (based on the "force progressive fueling" option and timing settings) and then drive away.

The fact that GSX does not accept defueling is the issue here. The above mentioned steps to edt config files are just workarounds.
Or at least having the option to send away the fuel truck manually would be useful since otherwise the whole process gets stuck and you only get out of it by restarting Couatl or by loading a higher amount, let the fuel truck drive away and then load the low amount that you actually need. That kind of interaction kills immersion.
Title: Re: A310 fuel charging
Post by: virtuali on December 19, 2022, 02:39:34 pm
The fact that GSX does not accept defueling is the issue here. The above mentioned steps to edt config files are just workarounds.

Fact GSX doesn't allow defueling is not an issue, it's obviously intentional and has been like this for the past 10 years, and nobody ever had any issue with it or suggested GSX should perform defueling too, but of course is something we might consider for a future update.
Title: Re: A310 fuel charging
Post by: Copper on December 19, 2022, 04:53:47 pm
Fact GSX doesn't allow defueling is not an issue
I disagree, this whole thread is about this being an issue :)

nobody ever had any issue with it or suggested GSX should perform defueling too
Not so sure about that...
People run into this issue repeatedly, yet you say this is not an issue and hasn't been for 10 years?

we might consider for a future update.
Please do so. It happens IRL, there is no reason not to support this in the sim. In most cases users have no influence (apart from editing config files) on how much fuel is loaded initially. It's just pure luck that the A310 is one of the first airliners in MSFS to be running into this issue on most flights.
Title: Re: A310 fuel charging
Post by: virtuali on December 20, 2022, 02:37:46 pm
I disagree, this whole thread is about this being an issue

You are saying it's an "issue" but, an issue in my view is a failure to perform to specification. Here, GSX is behaving to specs, because it has been explicitly programmed only to FUEL the airplane, not DEFUEL it.

Not so sure about that...

People run into this issue repeatedly, yet you say this is not an issue and hasn't been for 10 years?

I'm not sure what you were trying to point out here, those threads I linked just proved by point, both because there are so FEW of them, considering how much time GSX has been around, but even considering what it's being said there, which is the normal way GSX works. It just Re-Fuels, it doesn't De-fuels.

Please do so. It happens IRL, there is no reason not to support this in the sim. In most cases users have no influence (apart from editing config files) on how much fuel is loaded initially. It's just pure luck that the A310 is one of the first airliners in MSFS to be running into this issue on most flights.

Now you finally getting there, and agreed it's not an issue and it's normal for GSX to work like this ( because we made it this way ), we might use the proper approach in requesting for new features.
Title: Re: A310 fuel charging
Post by: Copper on December 20, 2022, 05:34:31 pm
You know what, nevermind. It's not worth the effort.
Deleted my original post since it has no purpose to try to argue with you.
Title: Re: A310 fuel charging
Post by: virtuali on December 21, 2022, 02:00:52 pm
You know what, nevermind. It's not worth the effort.

I could say the same about you: regardless of my effort to explain the obvious difference between an "issue" or the request for a new feature GSX never had, they seem wasted and there's no point arguing with you.

But the fact remains that nowhere we ever said GSX supports De-fueling, and the manual is quite clear explaining the refueling only works with an increase of fuel so, again, GSX is working as designed, this is not really opened to questioning.

Will we consider adding De-fueling as a new feature ? Possibly, since new features are added constantly.