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Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: walouigi on December 08, 2022, 01:32:14 am

Title: GSX removing all the AI traffic
Post by: walouigi on December 08, 2022, 01:32:14 am
Since the last update from GSX pro, I can no longer have GSX and AI at all, the minute I uninstall GSX all AI works 100% either FSTL or AIG.
The minute I install GSX pro, the AI are gone. Don't know why.
Also just to mention that the Coatl is always started manually, it never start automatically
Please advise
Title: Re: GSX removing all the AI traffic
Post by: 7799799 on December 08, 2022, 08:07:12 am
I have the same problem mostly exists in large airports
Title: Re: GSX removing all the AI traffic
Post by: motishow on December 08, 2022, 09:42:15 am
Since the last update from GSX pro, I can no longer have GSX and AI at all, the minute I uninstall GSX all AI works 100% either FSTL or AIG.
The minute I install GSX pro, the AI are gone. Don't know why.
Also just to mention that the Coatl is always started manually, it never start automatically
Please advise

You have to unistall GSX from yopur system if you wanna a good ia traffic,
Title: Re: GSX removing all the AI traffic
Post by: Johan217 on December 08, 2022, 10:00:51 am
You have to unistall GSX from yopur system if you wanna a good ia traffic,
Using FSLTL and GSX with no particular issues here, even at Aerosoft EBBR which I assume has many objects.
I imagine this is very dependent on performance specs. With all else at default, I do find I have to set "Historic Parked" in FSLTL on 1 or even 0 during peak hours or it will inject far too many aircraft.
Title: Re: GSX removing all the AI traffic
Post by: walouigi on December 08, 2022, 01:20:13 pm
My problem, is I don't get any AI at all, regardless of what I do, but as soon as GSX is removed all is back to normal.
I used to have it with P3D and all was working 100%, with MSFS it's a night mare.
Title: Re: GSX removing all the AI traffic
Post by: motishow on December 08, 2022, 03:09:58 pm
i told it, the solution is to unistall GSX , i have unistalled it and i am using pushback toolbar plus simultech-misc-my-replacement-assistance-trucks and now all works perfect with traffic
Title: Re: GSX removing all the AI traffic
Post by: walouigi on December 08, 2022, 03:12:10 pm
I did remove it this morning and today all is working perfectly, shame that a great product for P3D is such a mess for MSFS 2020.
Thanks so much
Title: Re: GSX removing all the AI traffic
Post by: virtuali on December 09, 2022, 10:34:24 am
This has been already discussed and answered so many times already, and it's not obviously a GSX problem or "bug". There's an hard limit on the number of objects in a scene, after which the simulator will start to randomly remove objects, and stop to accept commands to create new ones.

Nobody had this problem before AI products using AI Injection came out.

Obviously, is nobody's fault, not GSX, not the AI injectors. Not a single add-on is to "blame", but if you use them all at the same time, you can reach the limit.

if you are on a large airport that might already have a large number of objects on its own, add GSX with its own objects, and then add AI with too high injection settings, or just too high settings (even without injection), the max number of objects limitation is being hit, and nobody can do anything about it so please, it would be best if you would at least understand this is a simulator limitation, NOT a "GSX bug". Fact you solved it by uninstalling GSX doesn't mean it's GSX's fault: you would achieved the same result by uninstalling the AI product, or just lover the AI settings.

There IS one thing you can do in GSX, and is Disabling the "Extra Ground Clutter" option in the GSX Config panel, then run an Update.

This will install a lightweight version of the GSX jetway replacement files, which doesn't contain extra objects like traffic cones, FOD bins, toolbars. It contains just the jetway, meaning GSX wouldn't increase the number of object compared to how the scenery was by default. However, this only matters at airports that has their jetways replaced by GSX, which should be only default airports.

There's a post discussing this problem on the official MSFS forum:


Please pay attention at what the poster is saying ( he opened the thread ):

I actually had this happen only using AIG and not GSX.
There are so many objects at the airport, it must have reached the limit with only the traffic added

That's clearly proves GSX is not the problem,  the problem is the overall limit of objects being reached, no matter how.
Title: Re: GSX removing all the AI traffic
Post by: walouigi on December 10, 2022, 03:41:26 pm
Thank you Umberto for clarifying this for me, and yes indeed I was flying out of JFK, KATL and KMIA.
Ok I have to figure out what would be best to work with.
Title: Re: GSX removing all the AI traffic
Post by: walouigi on December 11, 2022, 04:45:40 pm
Hi Umberto,
So just to advise, that I did try to bring the AI to 30 % and remove all the cluster from GSX, and it is always the same , NO AI regardless on what I do.
So I have removed the GSX pro and all back to normal.
It might me no program fault, as you said, but I hope it will be fixed in the future to be able to us it.
Title: Re: GSX removing all the AI traffic
Post by: Johan217 on December 11, 2022, 05:30:16 pm
What happens if you start FSLTL only when you are in the air? Do you have traffic then?
Have you tried at smaller default airports, or disable all IFR/VFR traffic and enable just statics? Does it work then?
Title: Re: GSX removing all the AI traffic
Post by: walouigi on December 11, 2022, 05:54:37 pm
I did not start FSLTL when I am in the air, as the main reason for the AI for me is at the airport, not in the air.
Now I did try at small airport as well, and I can see there is traffic, same as large airport, as I run Little navmap and I can see there is traffic, but I cannot see them.
I removed all my static in FSLTL, that did not help, I also tried AIG and it is the same. If I keep the static, they are displaying because I guess they are part of the airport objects, only the live AI that I cannot see.
Title: Re: GSX removing all the AI traffic
Post by: Johan217 on December 11, 2022, 07:31:33 pm
I did not start FSLTL when I am in the air, as the main reason for the AI for me is at the airport, not in the air.
Just trying to figure out what's going on. If you start the injection when you are at +20000 ft there should be no issue with ground objects.

And what about MSFS real-time traffic and offline traffic? Do they show up?
What are your "Airport life" (ground vehicles etc) settings in MSFS? I imagine they go into the count as well.

Finally, check the FSLTL configuration file
Code: [Select]
{"ifraircraftlimit":80,"vfraircraftlimit":20,"staticaircraftlimit":0.1,"staticaircraftlimitmax":30,"spawnradius":150,"secstilremove":120,"flightplannerdbapikey":"","nofallback":"Yes","nogenerics":"Yes","modeloveride":"","consoledebug":"","fshudport":19786,"silent":""}make sure staticaircraftlimitmax is not higher than 30 (default) - this was changed in the most recent update, perhaps it did not get overwritten correctly.
Title: Re: GSX removing all the AI traffic
Post by: walouigi on December 11, 2022, 07:45:21 pm
Thanks for replying back.
I do not use MSFS real time traffic, it's off , for the MSF "Airport Life" I put them to minimum, so almost nothing, since I know GSX display a lot + I only care about what's around my aircraft so not much showing on the rest of the airport.
Now for the config, this is what I have:

So I guess I see the problem as it is 2000, don't know how that is that high, I will change it and try again, and let you know.
Title: Re: GSX removing all the AI traffic
Post by: Johan217 on December 11, 2022, 07:54:47 pm
I do not use MSFS real time traffic, it's off
Again, just trying to figure out where the problem is (just FSLTL/AIG or all types of traffic).

Definitely set that value to 30 and see if it helps. (2000 was somehow default in the earlier version)
Title: Re: GSX removing all the AI traffic
Post by: walouigi on December 11, 2022, 08:10:58 pm
I do appreciate your help, absolutely.
So I am in the process of reinstalling GSX after changing manually the 2000 to 30, I know I just updated FSLTL lately and It shows no update available at this point, so don't know why it was not updated.
So I will keep you posted once installed
Title: Re: GSX removing all the AI traffic
Post by: walouigi on December 11, 2022, 09:05:59 pm
Hi Johan,
Just to report back, so yes the problem was the "2000" in the config of fsltl, because now it seems all good, I restarted the sim many times and all seems to work, but I also have use less cluster in GSX.
What I don't understand is the fat the the AIG was doing the same, disappearing with GSX, very weird.
Anyway now FSLTL is working with GSX for the time being, thanks again for the help and hint on the cfg.
I hope it will help others, in the same sitution.
Title: Re: GSX removing all the AI traffic
Post by: Johan217 on December 11, 2022, 09:58:12 pm
Glad to hear you got it working!

As to AIG doing the same thing... I could understand this happening during the same session. I've seen these "ghost aircraft" before too using a monitoring tool and they don't seem to go away until you restart the entire sim. But if it happens without ever starting FSLTL then I have no idea. Maybe AIG has a similar variable like the staticaircraftlimitmax in FSLTL? I haven't used AIG for a long time.
Title: Re: GSX removing all the AI traffic
Post by: walouigi on December 11, 2022, 10:04:22 pm
Hi Johan,
Well, I don't know you probably know way then me for AIG, but any way I stopped using AIG when FSTL came out, and really happy now that I can use GSX with it.
Thanks again for all your help, very much appreciated