FSDreamTeam forum

Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: Luxionica on November 25, 2022, 05:43:17 pm

Title: Installer Does Not Work
Post by: Luxionica on November 25, 2022, 05:43:17 pm
After 5 attempts to install GSX the installer crashes every single time at exactly the same point.

It gets to CREATING GSX Pro .ZIP archive then it crashes.

Any help would be appreciated because this installer is just making me waste my money.
Title: Re: Installer Does Not Work
Post by: virtuali on November 25, 2022, 08:23:27 pm
Any help would be appreciated because this installer is just making me waste my money.

I suggest getting the fact straight, before jumping yourself to the wrong conclusion about what is at fault it. We always try to do that, before passing any judgement.

First, how much free space you have on the Windows boot drive ? Also, what do you mean with "crash" ? An error dialog ? If yes, which one ? Just quit with no errors ?
Title: Re: Installer Does Not Work
Post by: dazvid70 on November 25, 2022, 10:51:43 pm
Hi there i am having the same issue. It just hangs on the creating GSXpro.zip archive. Do you need a log? Thanks
Title: Re: Installer Does Not Work
Post by: dazvid70 on November 26, 2022, 04:21:49 pm
I have narrowed it down to couatl updater2 32 bit not responding when it gets to the Create GSX Pro.Zip Archive and just hangs. Can anyone help? I have tried uninstalling FDST and still no luck.

I only just purchased this yesterday so it would be nice to see it in action.

Thank you
Title: Re: Installer Does Not Work
Post by: virtuali on November 27, 2022, 02:42:09 pm
First, don't open new threads when you were being supported perfectly fine in this one.

Also, I asked a very specific question, you haven't answered to it so, I'll try again: how much free space you have on the Windows boot drive ? Also, what do you mean with "crash" ? An error dialog ? If yes, which one ? Just quit with no errors ?

How much system RAM you have also ?
Title: Re: Installer Does Not Work
Post by: dazvid70 on November 27, 2022, 04:17:40 pm
C drive has around 38g left. I have 16g system ram. The only error window I get is what I have posted earlier Couatl updater2 32 bit not responding when I use task manager to try and quit out of it.

I have tried to install it on my e drive with 538g free but still the same.

Is it my c drive thats the problem?

Thank you for responding

Title: Re: Installer Does Not Work
Post by: virtuali on November 27, 2022, 04:19:21 pm
38GB should be enough to temporarily hold any downloaded files when they are uncompressed.

Try to add the whole Addon Manager folder to the antivirus EXCLUSIONS, that might be another possible cause for a crash while installing, assuming hard drive space is not the issue-
Title: Re: Installer Does Not Work
Post by: dazvid70 on November 27, 2022, 04:32:38 pm
Ok ill give that a go thanks. Ill let you know how I get on.
Title: Re: Installer Does Not Work
Post by: dazvid70 on November 27, 2022, 04:57:10 pm
Just tried adding the addon foldeer and removing any temp files from the temp folder and still get the Couatl_updater2 not responding. I can see the downloaded files from 002 to 005 and the zip archive in the temp folder. I can extract them but will that install the program?

Sorry about this just trying everything here.
Title: Re: Installer Does Not Work
Post by: dazvid70 on November 27, 2022, 05:24:34 pm
Got a little further. I went into the temp folder and extracted the zip archive and linked this to MSFS add on linker and i can now see the GSX menu option in my toolbar. Unfortunately i got Couatl Scripting Engine Not Started when i clicked it within MSFS. Nearly there lol
Title: Re: Installer Does Not Work
Post by: virtuali on November 27, 2022, 05:30:48 pm
Got a little further. I went into the temp folder and extracted the zip archive and linked this to MSFS add on linker and i can now see the GSX menu option in my toolbar. Unfortunately i got Couatl Scripting Engine Not Started when i clicked it within MSFS. Nearly there lol

Have you done this for both packages ? fsdreamteam-gsx-pro and fsdreamteam-gsx-world-of-jetways. If yes, and the program reads "Installed", everything is fine, just run the FSDT Live Update again, to get the latest files.

Also, check if Couatl starts manually from its Icon.
Title: Re: Installer Does Not Work
Post by: dazvid70 on November 27, 2022, 06:19:39 pm
Yes all installed correctly according to FSDT. Took me a while but i got there in the end. Thank you
Title: Re: Installer Does Not Work
Post by: Luxionica on November 28, 2022, 04:55:36 pm

First, how much free space you have on the Windows boot drive ? Also, what do you mean with "crash" ? An error dialog ? If yes, which one ? Just quit with no errors ?

I have around 45gb of free space, there is no error dialog at all it just goes straight to not responding after reaching the part where it creates ZIP archive
Title: Re: Installer Does Not Work
Post by: virtuali on November 29, 2022, 11:47:01 am
I have around 45gb of free space

On the drive the %TEMP% variable points to ( usually the Windows boot drive ) ?
Title: Re: Installer Does Not Work
Post by: Luxionica on November 29, 2022, 11:57:15 am
I have around 45gb of free space

On the drive the %TEMP% variable points to ( usually the Windows boot drive ) ?

yes on that drive
Title: Re: Installer Does Not Work
Post by: virtuali on November 29, 2022, 12:15:24 pm
yes on that drive

Then it's possible the antivirus instead is interfering, because it surely monitors whatever happens in the %TEMP% folder.

Since adding the folder to the antivirus Exclusion might be very dangerous, I don't suggest trying that and, instead, try to disable the antivirus while installing.
Title: Re: Installer Does Not Work
Post by: Luxionica on December 01, 2022, 03:37:47 pm
I just tried installing again with antivirus disabled, sadly it still crashes on the creating zip archive part
Title: Re: Installer Does Not Work
Post by: virtuali on December 01, 2022, 03:43:34 pm
I just tried installing again with antivirus disabled, sadly it still crashes on the creating zip archive part

Do you see some error logged ? Do you have something in the Windows Event Viewer about the crash ? It might be useful to check.