FSDreamTeam forum
Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: jgniewkowski on November 22, 2022, 03:57:31 pm
Using the PMDG 737-700, the fuel truck will not leave. It will be displaying the "Bill: $####" on its display but will never depart (need to restart Couatl in order to pushback).
Is this the correct behavior? Am I missing the "Pay my bill" step?
From the manual:
Always remember to pay your Fuel bills, and fly efficiently, to keep them as low as possible!
There's no such steps, that phrase in the manual is just for fun. Nobody ever reported the truck not leaving after showing the bill. Is the display constantly scrolling, or it's frozen ?
I have this issue too with the maddog. Bill is actively scrolling, this was with progressive fueling enabled and using maddog efb to load fuel
Yes, actively scrolling. (I knew it was just for fun in the manual - just pulling your leg a bit)
Just kidding! You don't have to pay the fuel bill! It's just for fun.
I have this issue too with the maddog. Bill is actively scrolling, this was with progressive fueling enabled and using maddog efb to load fuel
Your log shows you quit the sim while passenger were still being boarded. Try to wait until all boarding process is complete, in some cases the fuel truck needs to wait ( depending on the side )
Okay I tried again, and still the fuel truck waits after filling completed. The animation removing the fuel nozzle and prepping the truck for driving away completes, but once the fueller is back in the truck it just sits there waiting.
I requested refueling first and waited to request boarding. In this scenario the truck departs after fueling is complete.