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Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: harpsi on November 21, 2022, 12:37:21 am

Title: First time with GSX
Post by: harpsi on November 21, 2022, 12:37:21 am

Finally  I had time to test the application. So, first I read some pages of the pdf and started at Leeds airport. So, for a first approach I have some questions:

1. Text messages while deboarding, text messages for baggage, text messages for unloading, text messages for parking the aircraft while the marshaller is giving directions... well, text messages for everything. Is there a way to get rid of those? If you want to record a nice video for enthusiasts, those messages are very ugly.

2. Overlap between GSX cars (catering service and others) and other addons' cars, maybe from LVFR misc global or maybe from the airport itself. Can I use this addon at the same time? I would like to have my aircraft served by GSX but AI aircrafts served by something else similar...

3. Boarding requested with Fenix A320. A mess... So, with fenix I said I want to load 140 passengers plus cargo during 7 minutes. Strange or not, GSX loaded only 108 passengers and took a lot of time. So, do I board passenger via EFB or GSX? Then, to load cargo, lateral doors AFT/FWD were opened by me. They didn't open automatically, but they closed automatically.

4. Jetway not connected during boarding. So, passengers were walking in the air at gate 8. I needed to toggle it towards the aircraft via EFB again. Don't know why it was disconnected. Something wrong?

5. A lot of moving traffic at the airport simply disappeared. Don't know why. Maybe because I set real time and at Leeds there are almost no flights at that time. In the traffic options, the first and the third are set to 100% and I also have LVFR misc global installed. Solutions?


Note: Indeed my name appears in the beta testing team written in the pdf. I tested GSX for FSX, that's true, but not for MSFS. :)
Title: Re: First time with GSX
Post by: harpsi on November 22, 2022, 12:19:09 am
Second flight:

1. Cars from airport were removed and substituted by GSX cars. Why and from which addon? GSX?

2. Catering services, GPU cars, baggage trucks - crashes and more crashes; they jump over the previous one. Is this the way it operates?

3. Messages all the time for "set fuel quantity". Loading with EFB has nothing to do with GSX. It seems that I load two times the aircraft, one after the other. Something wrong?

4. Refueling and baggage take lots of time. Is there a way to speed up?

5. Baggage is coming after passenger loading. Is this the way?

6. I clicked on 'pushback edit' since no option was available. Basically I could not get out of this position and I had to terminate my flight and start another. Don't know how to get out of this.

7. Does GSX work without simbrief? I wanted to do a flight to test the addon but without filling all the steps in simbrief.

Any solutions for this and the previous post? I am reading the manual but it is too incomplete... Not every step is written.
Title: Re: First time with GSX
Post by: virtuali on November 22, 2022, 03:22:12 pm
1. Text messages while deboarding, text messages for baggage, text messages for unloading, text messages for parking the aircraft while the marshaller is giving directions... well, text messages for everything. Is there a way to get rid of those? If you want to record a nice video for enthusiasts, those messages are very ugly.

Those text messages has been around since FSX and they are controlled by the GSX verbosity slider.

2. Overlap between GSX cars (catering service and others) and other addons' cars, maybe from LVFR misc global or maybe from the airport itself. Can I use this addon at the same time? I would like to have my aircraft served by GSX but AI aircrafts served by something else similar...

Difficult to reply without knowing exactly what other vehicles you are seeing and HOW they are being made. Page 10 of the manual, chapter named "Using GSX with other 3rd party Ground Service products" has more details about this.

[quiote]3. Boarding requested with Fenix A320. A mess... So, with fenix I said I want to load 140 passengers plus cargo during 7 minutes. Strange or not, GSX loaded only 108 passengers and took a lot of time. So, do I board passenger via EFB or GSX? Then, to load cargo, lateral doors AFT/FWD were opened by me. They didn't open automatically, but they closed automatically. [/quote]

You are assuming there is some kind of tight integration between the Fenix custom passengers simulation and the GSX own passengers simulation.

The only thing you can match, is the passenger number which, as clearly explained in the manual, can be made matching a 3rd party airplane only by using Simbrief integration in GSX, assuming of course you load the same flight plan in the EFB.

The boarding time you set in the Fenix EFB won't have any effect on GSX, since the only thing that controls boarding time speed in GSX, is the Passenger Density slider so, regardless how much time you ask to load the plan in the EFB, GSX will load using its own timings, the only thing you can match between the two is the passenger number, which is in any case just a visual thing, since GSX passenger will not affect the airplane payload, they never did, not even in P3D, unless the airplane developers ( Fs Labs did this ), explicitly coded the airplane to dynamically change its payload while GSX passengers board/deboard.

So, clearly, if Fenix will decide to do something similar, you might eventually see a more seamless integration of the process.

4. Jetway not connected during boarding. So, passengers were walking in the air at gate 8. I needed to toggle it towards the aircraft via EFB again. Don't know why it was disconnected. Something wrong?

You probably forgot to disable the automatic jetway feature in the Fenix, so it probably connected the jetway while GSX was connecting it too and, because this is a "toggle" command ( an SDK limitation, we don't have a "connect" or "disconnect" event, just a "toggle" ), when two toggle events overlaps, they invert the result.

5. A lot of moving traffic at the airport simply disappeared. Don't know why. Maybe because I set real time and at Leeds there are almost no flights at that time. In the traffic options, the first and the third are set to 100% and I also have LVFR misc global installed. Solutions?

Please clarify if you are referring to AI airplanes or ground vehicles. GSX surely won't affect AI.

Note: Indeed my name appears in the beta testing team written in the pdf. I tested GSX for FSX, that's true, but not for MSFS

Well, we put you in the credits because, since you DID Beta test, we DID sent you a free testers copy of GSX Pro when Beta started. We sent it to the email you used to register to this forum, but I see you ordered GSX Pro with a different email a few days ago, that's likely why you thought we added you to the credits for no reasons...
Title: Re: First time with GSX
Post by: harpsi on November 22, 2022, 07:45:54 pm
3. Boarding requested with Fenix A320. A mess... So, with fenix I said I want to load 140 passengers plus cargo during 7 minutes. Strange or not, GSX loaded only 108 passengers and took a lot of time. So, do I board passenger via EFB or GSX? Then, to load cargo, lateral doors AFT/FWD were opened by me. They didn't open automatically, but they closed automatically.

You are assuming there is some kind of tight integration between the Fenix custom passengers simulation and the GSX own passengers simulation.

The only thing you can match, is the passenger number which, as clearly explained in the manual, can be made matching a 3rd party airplane only by using Simbrief integration in GSX, assuming of course you load the same flight plan in the EFB.

The boarding time you set in the Fenix EFB won't have any effect on GSX, since the only thing that controls boarding time speed in GSX, is the Passenger Density slider so, regardless how much time you ask to load the plan in the EFB, GSX will load using its own timings, the only thing you can match between the two is the passenger number, which is in any case just a visual thing, since GSX passenger will not affect the airplane payload, they never did, not even in P3D, unless the airplane developers ( Fs Labs did this ), explicitly coded the airplane to dynamically change its payload while GSX passengers board/deboard.

So, clearly, if Fenix will decide to do something similar, you might eventually see a more seamless integration of the process.[/quote]

How do I do this integration?

You probably forgot to disable the automatic jetway feature in the Fenix, so it probably connected the jetway while GSX was connecting it too and, because this is a "toggle" command ( an SDK limitation, we don't have a "connect" or "disconnect" event, just a "toggle" ), when two toggle events overlaps, they invert the result.

Found the option. Do I need to disable "autodoor simulation" as well?

Note: Indeed my name appears in the beta testing team written in the pdf. I tested GSX for FSX, that's true, but not for MSFS

Well, we put you in the credits because, since you DID Beta test, we DID sent you a free testers copy of GSX Pro when Beta started. We sent it to the email you used to register to this forum, but I see you ordered GSX Pro with a different email a few days ago, that's likely why you thought we added you to the credits for no reasons...

Oh, many thanks. Sorry... Maybe that e-mail doesn't work anymore. :\ Yes, I ordered it. I thought I would not have it for free since I was not a tester at all. Well, maybe next time I can test something and get the executable file as well.  :)
Title: Re: First time with GSX
Post by: harpsi on November 22, 2022, 10:53:43 pm
Flight at EGNT, parked at gate 10 with a GSX user profile installed correctly.

1. Deboarding. Should I deboard from a previous flight that didn't exist at all? well, I tried. Bags were thrown away to the ground and disappeared after 2 seconds because baggage cars were too far from the aircraft.

2. Overlapping vehicles: baggage cars, catering service, pushback truck, fuel car, everything... I don't have any extra program installed from ground vehicles.

3. Baggage cars after boarding: almost 10 minutes to show up. Is there a way to modify those times?

4. Stairs were called to the back left, but when you have people boarding at the front gate, you don't have anyone boarding at the back. So, why the stairs? Then to remove the stairs and its operation I needed to wait almost 20 minutes... Something wrong?

5. Do we need GSX aircraft profiles? There is none for the Fenix aircraft as far as I know. What is their function?

Waiting for suggestions. Thanks.
Title: Re: First time with GSX
Post by: virtuali on November 23, 2022, 11:19:19 am
1. Deboarding. Should I deboard from a previous flight that didn't exist at all? well, I tried. Bags were thrown away to the ground and disappeared after 2 seconds because baggage cars were too far from the aircraft.

You haven't said which aircraft you are using. If it's still the Fenix, that looks like a custom profile you have edited with the wrong door positions. There's no need to edit anything on the Fenix, the GSX included profile works perfectly fine.

2. Overlapping vehicles: baggage cars, catering service, pushback truck, fuel car, everything... I don't have any extra program installed from ground vehicles.

Nobody ever reported this, but it might be better having a more precise report, to understand what is not being removed.

3. Baggage cars after boarding: almost 10 minutes to show up. Is there a way to modify those times?

This has been discussed so many times, that I've lost count how many times I tried to explain this, which has never changed since 2012, when the first GSX came out.

Too long waiting times for vehicles that are coming from other places are ALWAYS a result of a badly designed airport, with parking spots of the "Vehicle" kind not placed correctly, or in a single place far away, instead of multiple staging areas, each one close to some terminal. And/or, not enough ( or even none at all ) taxiway of the "Vehicle" kind, which will be used by preference by GSX ( even if the path is longer! ), to minimize the chance of ground vehicle clashing with AI airplanes, that's why they exists in real life.

I assure you with a properly made airport, waiting times will be much shorter.

4. Stairs were called to the back left, but when you have people boarding at the front gate, you don't have anyone boarding at the back. So, why the stairs? Then to remove the stairs and its operation I needed to wait almost 20 minutes... Something wrong?

Have you completely forgot how GSX always worked, since 2012 ? The back stairs are NOT used for passengers, when there's a Jetway, but by default, they are called anyway, eventually to be used by a cleaning crew.

For those users not accustomed to this very common practice ( it's not the same all around the world ) the parking customization page has an option to Disable the rear staircases. Being like this in years.

5. Do we need GSX aircraft profiles? There is none for the Fenix aircraft as far as I know. What is their function?

You surely don't need a custom aircraft profile, when the one included with GSX works perfectly fine, which tells why nobody bothered to create one.
Title: Re: First time with GSX
Post by: harpsi on November 23, 2022, 08:20:45 pm
1. Deboarding. Should I deboard from a previous flight that didn't exist at all? well, I tried. Bags were thrown away to the ground and disappeared after 2 seconds because baggage cars were too far from the aircraft.

You haven't said which aircraft you are using. If it's still the Fenix, that looks like a custom profile you have edited with the wrong door positions. There's no need to edit anything on the Fenix, the GSX included profile works perfectly fine.

OK. Anyway I have no special profile installed for this aircraft.

2. Overlapping vehicles: baggage cars, catering service, pushback truck, fuel car, everything... I don't have any extra program installed from ground vehicles.

Nobody ever reported this, but it might be better having a more precise report, to understand what is not being removed.

Photos in attachement.

3. Baggage cars after boarding: almost 10 minutes to show up. Is there a way to modify those times?

This has been discussed so many times, that I've lost count how many times I tried to explain this, which has never changed since 2012, when the first GSX came out.

Too long waiting times for vehicles that are coming from other places are ALWAYS a result of a badly designed airport, with parking spots of the "Vehicle" kind not placed correctly, or in a single place far away, instead of multiple staging areas, each one close to some terminal. And/or, not enough ( or even none at all ) taxiway of the "Vehicle" kind, which will be used by preference by GSX ( even if the path is longer! ), to minimize the chance of ground vehicle clashing with AI airplanes, that's why they exists in real life.

I assure you with a properly made airport, waiting times will be much shorter.

Sorry. How do I know if the airport is properly designed? I believe orbx, flytampa, and others, they all have properly designed airports.

4. Stairs were called to the back left, but when you have people boarding at the front gate, you don't have anyone boarding at the back. So, why the stairs? Then to remove the stairs and its operation I needed to wait almost 20 minutes... Something wrong?

Have you completely forgot how GSX always worked, since 2012 ? The back stairs are NOT used for passengers, when there's a Jetway, but by default, they are called anyway, eventually to be used by a cleaning crew.

For those users not accustomed to this very common practice ( it's not the same all around the world ) the parking customization page has an option to Disable the rear staircases. Being like this in years.

Indeed yes. I was away from FS during 4 or 5 years... I just returned last year with MSFS. I will try to read about this.
Title: Re: First time with GSX
Post by: Captain Kevin on November 23, 2022, 11:10:51 pm
Sorry. How do I know if the airport is properly designed? I believe orbx, flytampa, and others, they all have properly designed airports.
The AFCAD file for the airport would have vehicle paths and vehicle parking, so the vehicles have a better way of getting from their starting points to your gate. Without that, they'll pop up from anywhere, even if that means they have to take taxiways and runways to get to your airplane. The only scenery developer I can think of that has taken this into account is Flightbeam.
Title: Re: First time with GSX
Post by: harpsi on November 23, 2022, 11:42:44 pm
Sorry. How do I know if the airport is properly designed? I believe orbx, flytampa, and others, they all have properly designed airports.
The AFCAD file for the airport would have vehicle paths and vehicle parking, so the vehicles have a better way of getting from their starting points to your gate. Without that, they'll pop up from anywhere, even if that means they have to take taxiways and runways to get to your airplane. The only scenery developer I can think of that has taken this into account is Flightbeam.

So, what do I do in this case?
Title: Re: First time with GSX
Post by: rogermoore on November 24, 2022, 10:50:15 am
1. you review the GSX sales text and note the term "automatically" and ponder what that meant?

2. then engage in the ball aching process of customising the airport config file using the editor function OR download someone's else's from flightsim.to for the airport concerned

this was my first experience with GSX also, and having read the forum accepted msfs may be partially responsible for some oddities.  however yesterday i read through the P3D forum and was amazed at the similarities of the posts / complaints.

good luck
Title: Re: First time with GSX
Post by: virtuali on November 24, 2022, 02:28:55 pm
Please repost your screenshot in a way that make it easier to identify the vehicles, since at night is very hard to do, especially if you cut out parts of the screen. Try again at day, with a longer field of view, and clarify which scenery is used.
Title: Re: First time with GSX
Post by: harpsi on December 05, 2022, 12:05:16 am

It is very difficult. It happens in every airport. I don't know how is possible because I have no additional programs and all the options are off inside MSFS. But still, lots of cars, trucks, whatever. First we need to see why...


P.S.: I don't know why the screenshot doesn't match the real colours of the screen... It is another issue to solve, but not related with this.
Title: Re: First time with GSX
Post by: harpsi on December 05, 2022, 01:37:52 am
Another flight.

Parked at YSSY. Deboarding requested, aircraft doors opened but no movement of the gate and no cars came to pick up the bags. Suggestions?
Title: Re: First time with GSX
Post by: Pirateinparadise on December 05, 2022, 01:55:38 pm
1. you review the GSX sales text and note the term "automatically" and ponder what that meant?

2. then engage in the ball aching process of customising the airport config file using the editor function OR download someone's else's from flightsim.to for the airport concerned

this was my first experience with GSX also, and having read the forum accepted msfs may be partially responsible for some oddities.  however yesterday i read through the P3D forum and was amazed at the similarities of the posts / complaints.

good luck

To a person of average intelligence, it means that services called happen without the user directing every aspect of them.

         Baggage loading - select option, loaders arrive, doors open, baggage gets loaded, doors close  - automatic? yes
         Pax loading - jetway docks, door opens, pax board - automatic? yes
         Select option. jetway connects, door opens, pax deboard, loaders arrive, doors open, baggage unloaded - automatic? - yes
    Push back:
        Select option, pin gets inserted, tug gets connected, push occurs, tug disconnects, pin gets removed, workers and tug depart - automatic? - yes

    Not "automatically" fixing issues inherit to MSFS or airport design problems like no vehicle parkings within 20km of the gate, or having too many static vehicle models that clutter the parking spots doesn't mean that the services don't work automatically.
Title: Re: First time with GSX
Post by: harpsi on December 05, 2022, 03:29:04 pm
I don't know what do you mean by "To a person of average intelligence"... Are you calling me dumb or something similar?

I already said that my name was on the text review by mistake. How could I review a text or an addon without testing it and having MSFS installed at that time?

So, for me it is the first time ever with this addon. FSX is gone for more than 6 or 8 years. I forgot everything. Ok? Like Umberto said, I even had the addon for free, but I paid it. It means I didn't test it at all. OK?

Now, coming back to the real questions, I will think about them and I will post something again if I need.

The first thing is how to get rid of thousand cars and trucks at every gate, and it seems that when I try to park/move the aircraft to a more or less empty gate, cars and trucks will follow me and appear in that gate. And probably those have nothing to do with GSX.

So I tested Fenix A320 and now I was curious to test PMDG. The aircraft is full of vehicles from PMDG, so they have nothing to do with GSX. Which means it will happen with every aircraft. I need to get rid of those first... Otherwise I get PMDG cars, PMDG stairs, pushback trucks from PMDG and GSX, and so on.
Title: Re: First time with GSX
Post by: virtuali on December 05, 2022, 04:13:36 pm
The aircraft is full of vehicles from PMDG, so they have nothing to do with GSX. Which means it will happen with every aircraft. I need to get rid of those first... Otherwise I get PMDG cars, PMDG stairs, pushback trucks from PMDG and GSX, and so on.

Not sure how you couldn't haven't possibly noticed that, when you call GSX, the PMDG vehicles will be automatically send away. And, of course, if waiting that extra time annoys you, just create a Saved airplane State with the PMDG FMC with all vehicles removed, save it as GSX, and set it as default.
Title: Re: First time with GSX
Post by: harpsi on December 05, 2022, 07:41:01 pm
The aircraft is full of vehicles from PMDG, so they have nothing to do with GSX. Which means it will happen with every aircraft. I need to get rid of those first... Otherwise I get PMDG cars, PMDG stairs, pushback trucks from PMDG and GSX, and so on.

Not sure how you couldn't haven't possibly noticed that, when you call GSX, the PMDG vehicles will be automatically send away. And, of course, if waiting that extra time annoys you, just create a Saved airplane State with the PMDG FMC with all vehicles removed, save it as GSX, and set it as default.

That's the problem. I called GSX services and PMDG or Fenix vehicles are still there. That's why a lot of "crashes" happen because I have cars and trucks everywhere, but even those modelled by 3rd party airports are not going away as well. And if I try to move the aircraft to an almost empty spot, cars and trucks are going after me to occupy that spot as well. What can I do?
Title: Re: First time with GSX
Post by: harpsi on December 06, 2022, 12:20:54 am
So, here it is.

Aircraft loaded, no GSX action until now.

Whatever I do with GSX, and I believe that catering could the first action, GSX vehicles will clash with those vehicles which seem to be part of the scenery and placed in every gate...

Title: Re: First time with GSX
Post by: virtuali on December 06, 2022, 10:44:51 am
Aircraft loaded, no GSX action until now.

That's exactly what you are supposed to see: if you don't start GSX, nothing will change, and you'll see the default Ground vehicles (*visually* replaced by GSX models, but they are still default ground vehicles) which WILL be removed once you call GSX.

PMDG are another thing entirely, and I assure you they are being removed by GSX when calling a service. The only thing of note, since GSX use the 2nd FMC to send away the vehicles ( so you are not interrupted if you are using the main one at the same time ), it requires to have at least battery power; a cold and dark airplane won't be able to remove the vehicles. Again, easily fixed by creating a Save State with all vehicles removed.

About Fenix vehicles, GSX is not supposed to remove those, but I don't think they always appear by default.

Whatever I do with GSX, and I believe that catering could the first action, GSX vehicles will clash with those vehicles which seem to be part of the scenery and placed in every gate...

If a vehicle is not a real Ground vehicle, but a static object that looks like a vehicle ( or other ground stuff, like pallets, ulds, stairs, etc. ) it cannot be removed dynamically in any way, unless you edited the scenery.

Which is why, GSX always had ( in years, since FSX ) the ability to customize its own vehicle starting positions for each gate, so they might work better with static objects in the scenery. There's just nothing you can do to prevent vehicles that comes from afar, like Catering or Refueling, to clash into static scenery objects.
Title: Re: First time with GSX
Post by: harpsi on December 07, 2022, 12:06:19 am
So, I tried one parking place without jetway. Jetways are still problematic. Here is the image. First I deboarded all the aircraft as if the aircraft was coming from somewhere and everything was perfect. So, now I am starting my flight. First thing is catering. As you see in the image, that's how the catering operates. Can we avoid those clashes like the one inside the black circle?

No refueling. I still have to understand how I do that with Fenix and GSX together. Now boarding. Here are my cars with no bags at all to deliver, and even the cars are strange... It is the first time I see the cars like shown in the black circles.

Pushback and start was OK.
Title: Re: First time with GSX
Post by: virtuali on December 07, 2022, 12:17:50 am
Can we avoid those clashes like the one inside the black circle?

What I said in the last two lines of my reply:

GSX always had ( in years, since FSX ) the ability to customize its own vehicle starting positions for each gate, so they might work better with static objects in the scenery. There's just nothing you can do to prevent vehicles that comes from afar, like Catering or Refueling, to clash into static scenery objects.

That's how GSX always worked, nothing changed.
Title: Re: First time with GSX
Post by: harpsi on December 07, 2022, 12:24:22 am
I modified the post and added some other things.
Title: Re: First time with GSX
Post by: virtuali on December 07, 2022, 12:30:10 am
No refueling. I still have to understand how I do that with Fenix and GSX together.

We posted a video a while back:

And another one with the PMDG, which might be better explained, not exactly identical, but the procedure is conceptually similar:

Now boarding. Here are my cars with no bags at all to deliver, and even the cars are strange... It is the first time I see the cars like shown in the black circles.

It has been found there's a limit on the number of Simobjects displayed in the sim, which on very detailed airports and/or using AI traffic injection, can be reached, and if it has, the sim will start to remove objects at random.

- Lower you AI traffic settings and/or the quantity of AI used by any AI injector program

- Deselect the option "Extra Ground clutter", which will install a version of the GSX jetway replacement files with the same number of object of the originals they replaced. This would only matter at default airports though.
Title: Re: First time with GSX
Post by: harpsi on December 08, 2022, 12:28:58 am
So, another flight...

Deboarding: OK.

Catering: OK.

Refueling: Even following the video values do not match, but at least I ended refuelling.

Boarding: When I refuel via Fenix, aircraft is also loaded with cargo and passangers. In this case I assigned 153 passengers. After that I start boarding via GSX but it loads 100 passengers... Why? And we can see the heads of the passengers walking inside the gate. Also, I loaded passengers very quickly via Fenix and it took half an hour to load passengers via GSX. How can it be a little bit faster?

Preparing for pushback: Waiting the non-needed stairs to complete operation. More than 15, 30, 45 minutes... I could not start the flight anymore because it stayed like this forever :\
Title: Re: First time with GSX
Post by: harpsi on December 08, 2022, 04:36:19 pm
Coualt engine hasn't started... first time with this message :\

Any suggestions?

Title: Re: First time with GSX
Post by: sidfadc on December 08, 2022, 11:07:22 pm
Restart Coualt
Title: Re: First time with GSX
Post by: virtuali on December 09, 2022, 10:16:15 am
Boarding: When I refuel via Fenix, aircraft is also loaded with cargo and passangers. In this case I assigned 153 passengers. After that I start boarding via GSX but it loads 100 passengers... Why?

Because you haven't read the manual, which clearly explains that since passengers are not something like a standard variable but a custom internal simulation in the airplane, GSX cannot read a value that has been calculated by a 3rd party airplane internally (not without the airplane having some kind of SDK that exposes that), so normally GSX will estimate the number of passengers from the Payload, as it always did for the past 10 years, which of course will never match the airplane own internal simulation, unless the airplane coded a specific GSX integration, telling explicitly to GSX how many passengers you are supposed to have.

However, if the airplane doesn't have a GSX integration, if you use GSX SIMBRIEF integration instead, and set the passenger number in the flight plan, GSX will use that figure so, assuming the airplane is reading Simbrief as well, they'll match the number, since they are both using the same flightplane.

And we can see the heads of the passengers walking inside the gate.

That's because you haven't read the latest manual or release notes ( Page 65 of the Manual ), which explain why, on 3rd party jetways that have heights different than default ( 4.60 mt ), passengers will either walk too low or too high, but there's a way to set these heights in the GSX  airport profile. It's a data that doesn't exist anywhere else in the simulation, so there are no other ways to possibly tell GSX about the height of a 3rd party jetway.

Also, I loaded passengers very quickly via Fenix and it took half an hour to load passengers via GSX. How can it be a little bit faster?

First, you cannot obviously expect GSX would even match the speed of simulated passengers with actual animated passengers. Both because for the same reasons of their number, the fact the airplane is using an accelerated boarding is not possibly known by GSX, but even if it was, it would be wrong to adapt it to real animated passengers, since they look ridiculous if we had to accelerate them to match the airplane speed.

Here, the setting in the manual you failed to read is at Page 29, the explanation of the "Passenger Density" setting, which has a direct effect on the time it takes to Board, since the higher the setting, the more passengers will be displayed at the same time and, since their total number won't change, with more passengers displayed, the Time to Board will be way shorter.

And of course, if the parking doesn't have a Jetway, but use Stairs, Boarding time will be 2x faster than with a Jetway ( because MSFS doesn't support double jetways ) for planes using two staircases, or 3x shorter for planes configured with 3 stairs.

Preparing for pushback: Waiting the non-needed stairs to complete operation. More than 15, 30, 45 minutes... I could not start the flight anymore because it stayed like this forever

Not happening here but, if you could make a proper report, clearly explaining exactly what you did, we might look into it.
Title: Re: First time with GSX
Post by: harpsi on December 13, 2022, 01:45:29 am
i am just trying to set all those issues while staying on the ground.

For example I am now boarding, but it says that there is a default jetway. Strange because I did all the changes in the config board. I also tried to move the jetway with Fenix ground services but it doesn't move as well. 
Title: Re: First time with GSX
Post by: virtuali on December 13, 2022, 01:05:52 pm
For example I am now boarding, but it says that there is a default jetway. Strange because I did all the changes in the config board.

Not sure what changes you are referring to but, nothing in GSX for MSFS will ever allow to change the kind of jetways. They will always be default, the ability to change the jetway type was only possible in FSX or P3D, because of SODE.

I also tried to move the jetway with Fenix ground services but it doesn't move as well.

Which, if you understood how Jetways works in GSX Pro ( = exactly like default ones ), should have been ample evidence whatever problem you had, it had nothing to do with GSX because:

- GSX doesn't change the way jetways operates, at all. It might change the jetway *appearance* on default airport, but they would still work exactly as the default ones, using the default animation system.

- If a jetway doesn't work from GSX, it won't work from the Fenix EFB, and it won't work from the default ATC Ground Services menu. This because, regardless the way you call it, all of these methods are identical: they just sent the default "TOGGLE JETWAY" key event to the sim, and it will be up to the simulator if the jetway works, or not.

The only thing that matters if a jetway works or not, is your airplane main door position in relationship to the jetway. And it will be exactly the same, regardless if you use GSX or not.

The only thing you can do in GSX to HELP the jetway working better, is to customize the Stop position to let GSX guide you to a better parking position from which that jetway will work better.