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Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: aseinsha on November 05, 2022, 09:40:58 pm

Title: Pushback raise function broken?
Post by: aseinsha on November 05, 2022, 09:40:58 pm

Even though raise on pushback is ticked on the airplane profile (A320 fenix) I'm no longer getting the raise push back vehicle, just getting the ones with long tow bar...
I've tried resting the profile back to GSX default, verified tick box is checked in airplane setting, and restarted GSX but still get the push back vehicle with the tow bar...
Anyone else having this issue?
Title: Re: Pushback raise function broken?
Post by: Frank Lindberg on November 06, 2022, 08:29:24 pm
Yes me too   :'(
Title: Re: Pushback raise function broken?
Post by: virtuali on November 07, 2022, 09:26:02 am
Nothing has changed in the choice of the Pushback vehicle, and I can still see the Towbarless Truck being selected.

Since on an A320, there are 3 different trucks that can chosen, two with a Towbar and one without, you have a 33% chance to see the Towbarless truck appearing.
Title: Re: Pushback raise function broken?
Post by: aseinsha on November 08, 2022, 06:27:29 pm
I see, so even with the tick box checked you don't get the Towbarless truck 100% of the time.
Thanks for the reply!
Title: Re: Pushback raise function broken?
Post by: virtuali on November 08, 2022, 06:44:56 pm
I see, so even with the tick box checked you don't get the Towbarless truck 100% of the time.

The "Pushback Raise" has zero effect on the choice of vehicle. Regardless if it's On or Off, you still have a 33% chance to get a Towbarless vehicle, just that it won't raise gear if the option is Off.