FSDreamTeam forum
Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: m_j_lyons on October 08, 2022, 12:04:45 am
Good afternoon - I've ended up just removing GSX Pro completely form my system but Couatl still starts up with MSFS. How do I remove that as well. I don't want it eating up resources if I'm not using GSX any longer.
It all runs from the same directory.
I don't know what you did to "removing GSX Pro completely" but, if you did it in the only correct way, by using the "Uninstall" button in the FSDT Uninstaller, the uninstaller would have removed the Couatl64_msfs.exe entry from the EXE.XML automatically.
In fact, the entry is removed even after you just UNLINK GSX Pro, which is what you are normally supposed to do if you just want to Disable GSX temporarily, without going through the hassle of reinstalling it again should you need it. GSX won't have ANY ( repeat: ANY ) effect on the simulator with it's Unlinked since, Unlinking both removes the links from the Community folder AND removes the Couatl entry from the EXE.XML, Relink is the opposite.
If, instead, you tried to remove it manually for some reason, you need to clear up the EXE.XML entry manually.
Thank you. I had to manually edit the exe.xml file - I did use the "uninstall" button on the FSDT Uninstaller to do the uninstall. The file structure for Couatl and Couatl64 are both still in the AddOn Manager directory also...not sure if they were supposed to be deleted during the uninstall or not. Either way...problem resolved.