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Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: Brokenbroccoli on October 04, 2022, 08:50:04 pm
The jetway hood from the GSX jetways (and also at FSDT's LSZH) falls through the skin of the aircraft. Can this be fixed please? I know this was an issue with the MSFS SDK at launch of MSFS, but any other 3rd party jetway I have installed gets this right, so I guess it's definitely possible to fix.
Try checking out the gsx manual, I believe you may be able to mess with stuff in the 3d editor regarding this
Try checking out the gsx manual, I believe you may be able to mess with stuff in the 3d editor regarding this
Didn't find anything
Any plans to fix this?
It's not possible to help you with such sparse description of the problem. Like which airplane you use, for example.
I don't see any particular issues with either kind of jetways and, it's not possible that a jetway would fit perfectly on any airplane, since the jetway animation system doesn't know anything about the actual size/curvature of the airplane fuselage, so you always have a bit of misalignment, but of course without a better description/screenshot, it's difficult to know if yours is really a problem, or is still within the normal and expected margin of error.
It's not possible to help you with such sparse description of the problem. Like which airplane you use, for example.
I don't see any particular issues with either kind of jetways and, it's not possible that a jetway would fit perfectly on any airplane, since the jetway animation system doesn't know anything about the actual size/curvature of the airplane fuselage, so you always have a bit of misalignment, but of course without a better description/screenshot, it's difficult to know if yours is really a problem, or is still within the normal and expected margin of error.
I usually fly the Fenix A320, but this also happens with the default/FBW A320.
Unfortunately, this was also always the case with "MyReplacement jetways" from Simultech. Every other dev (I have sceneries from many other devs) seem to work perfectly fine with any A320 also.
I'll attach some screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/N1XT0Uu
Am I the only one having this problem?
Am I the only one having this problem?
More likely you are the only one that seems to be bothered by this extremely small visual issue. The MSFS entire jetway animation system have far more serious issues that this, which are not fixable until they are fixed in the sim itself.
Sorry, but seeing an extremely ugly block in my cockpit everytime I look to the left is not an "extremely small visual issue". In the end, the whole GSX program is just about visuals.
If this is due to the sim itself how can every single other scenery I have installed (from at least 7 different devs!) get that right??
I have had that issue, but only at certain gates.
It is usually the result of the plane sitting in a position that makes it awkward for the jetway to connect. Usually, the airplane is too close and editing the stop position to move the airplane back a couple of feet will fix it.
I've had this issue with stock jetways as well as with various scenery before GSX was even a thing.
The devs of the Izmir scenery replied to my ticket that it's the aircraft at fault (Fenix here as well).
Don't think this is something GSX can actually fix since basically most addon scenery has those issues.
I had a similar issue at WSSS. The jetway hood was pointing vertically upward and causing a gap between the aircraft and walkway.
I found a workaround. I asked GSX to retract jetway then used the freeware pushback tool to operate it. It came over perfectly. I retracted it with this tool again and GSX was able to use it perfectly after that.
Seems like jetways get confused sometimes....
I found a workaround. I asked GSX to retract jetway then used the freeware pushback tool to operate it. It came over perfectly. I retracted it with this tool again and GSX was able to use it perfectly after that.
GSX sends the standard "JETWAY TOGGLE" Event to operate a Jetway, exactly like the freeware pushback toolbar. That's the only way to trigger a Jetway in MSFS.