FSDreamTeam forum
Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: tholtom on October 03, 2022, 09:10:11 pm
I purchased the license over the weekend to use but unfortunately can't get the installation process to start.
I've entered the licence key but when clicking on install, a blue wheel briefly spins and then nothing happens. I've ran as administrator too.
Please help. I feel a little aggrieved having paid but received nothing.
You have posted two cut screenshots, which makes hard to understand what might happening, because some text is cut.
However, from what I see, it is downloading something so, clearly "something" is happening. Try the usual suggestions:
- Configure the antivirus to add the whole Addon Manager folder to the antivirus Exclusions.
- Be sure to disable any firewall
- Reinstall the FSDT Installer again. If that doesn't work, restart Windows after the installation and try again.
I purchased the license over the weekend to use but unfortunately can't get the installation process to start.
I've entered the licence key but when clicking on install, a blue wheel briefly spins and then nothing happens. I've ran as administrator too.
Please help. I feel a little aggrieved having paid but received nothing.
Im having the same problem but only one bar for the download comes up and all of the icons on the screen flicker for 5 secs and the the whole thing freezes. Never had this problem with both of my gsx products for p3d 4.5. Paid 50 odd dollars for a product that is not working
You have posted two cut screenshots, which makes hard to understand what might happening, because some text is cut.
However, from what I see, it is downloading something so, clearly "something" is happening. Try the usual suggestions:
- Configure the antivirus to add the whole Addon Manager folder to the antivirus Exclusions.
- Be sure to disable any firewall
- Reinstall the FSDT Installer again. If that doesn't work, restart Windows after the installation and try again.
You have AGAIN posted a cut screenshot, so I can't see the log area in the bottom part. However, from your error message, is seems quite clear there's some kind of antivirus or firewall interference, I already posted all the possible solutions.
I have the same problem...
I should have it installed but doesnt work...
You have AGAIN posted a cut screenshot, so I can't see the log area in the bottom part. However, from your error message, is seems quite clear there's some kind of antivirus or firewall interference, I already posted all the possible solutions.
All antivirus and firewalls have been switch off
I have the same problem...
I should have it installed but doesnt work...
You don't obviously have the "same problem", because what you posted shows GSX Pro is not Linked, while the other poster has it "Installed" and he had a subsequent error suggesting access to a folder that he should normally have access to, possibly antivirus-related.
Clearly, your problem is completely different but, since you made the same mistake of posting a CUT screenshot, I can't possibly say more, since I can't see the full screen, showing the log area and the msfs installation.
A COMMON problem of GSX not being able to be linked, is having the Community folder on an External drive not formatted as NTFS:
All antivirus and firewalls have been switch off
Nowhere I ever said you should "switch off" the antivirus. Instead, you must configure it to add the whole Addon Manager folder to the antivirus EXCLUSIONS.
And yes, before you said "but if it's switched off!!", I obviously speak for personal experience: some antivirus even if they look "switched off", they really aren't, because their low-level service is still running, so the only real way to turn it off would be uninstalling it. Seen this plenty of times on users system while doing remote assistance, a "switched off" antivirus still mistakenly blocked the files, while a correctly configured one didn't.
All antivirus and firewalls have been switch off
Nowhere I ever said you should "switch off" the antivirus. Instead, you must configure it to add the whole Addon Manager folder to the antivirus EXCLUSIONS.
And yes, before you said "but if it's switched off!!", I obviously speak for personal experience: some antivirus even if they look "switched off", they really aren't, because their low-level service is still running, so the only real way to turn it off would be uninstalling it. Seen this plenty of times on users system while doing remote assistance, a "switched off" antivirus still mistakenly blocked the files, while a correctly configured one didn't.
Thank you for taking the time to respond with me. I have taken your advice and am still having the same problem. Nothing I seem to do is helping and having owned gsx and the expansion pack for p3d 4.5 I am really looking forward to trying this out. Any other advice or help would be appreciated
Any other advice or help would be appreciated
Are you still getting the same access error message ? Are you possibly trying to run the installer while the simulator was still running ? Don't do that, of course...
Also, it would be best if you did what I asked, and posted the installation screen WITHOUT CUTTING IT OUT. I NEED to see the whole window!
Any other advice or help would be appreciated
Are you still getting the same access error message ? Are you possibly trying to run the installer while the simulator was still running ? Don't do that, of course...
Also, it would be best if you did what I asked, and posted the installation screen WITHOUT CUTTING IT OUT. I NEED to see the whole window!
Yes still getting the same error message, sim is not running. Im not meaning to cut the photo but that how the installer looks on my screen. The way im taking a screenshot is the windows button left alt print screen. Im not very good with technology so any help would be appreciated
Any other advice or help would be appreciated
Are you still getting the same access error message ? Are you possibly trying to run the installer while the simulator was still running ? Don't do that, of course...
Also, it would be best if you did what I asked, and posted the installation screen WITHOUT CUTTING IT OUT. I NEED to see the whole window!
Yes still getting the same error message, sim is not running. Im not meaning to cut the photo but that how the installer looks on my screen. The way im taking a screenshot is the windows button left alt print screen. Im not very good with technology so any help would be appreciated
Unless some else chimes in try typing in the search box snipping tool, a box will appear saying its being moved than click on the link and follow the intructions simple is you simple draw around the area of your screen that you want to take a screen shot
just google on utube it will tell you on how to do it