FSDreamTeam forum
Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: Johan217 on October 03, 2022, 02:24:41 pm
With the default CJ4 and Longitude I keep getting this error in GSX: "Can't read the aircraft type" (see attached screenshot)
I checked that the values match their respective Simbrief profiles
icao_type_designator = "C25C"
icao_type_designator = "C700"
Incidentally this seems to occur only since updating GSX this morning, before I did get "Simbrief OK" with these aircraft. Did anything change?
All help appreciated!
I can't reproduce the problem.
- With the CJ4, all works normally, I made a SimBrief plan and GSX recognize it correctly, see the first screenshot.
- With the Longitude, it seems there's a bug in the airplane.cfg, the icao_type_designator is set as "C25C" instead of C700 as it should be but, even in this case, GSX correctly reports the error of a non-matching airplane, see the 2nd screenshot.
OK, thanks for checking.
Any idea what could cause this (i.e. should I look at the Simbrief profile or the aircraft.cfg?)
I'll double check things on my end but apart from the icao_type_designator in the Longitude I did not change anything to the aircraft files.
Are other airplanes being read correctly ?
Yes, all other aircraft are recognized correctly.
As I said the CJ4 and Longitude were recognized OK a few days ago (I updated GSX today) - as referenced in this thread (possibly a related issue?): https://www.fsdreamteam.com/forum/index.php/topic,27946.0.html
Am currently reinstalling GSX and the MSFS aircraft just in case. Will report back if this fixes it.
As I said the CJ4 and Longitude were recognized OK a few days ago (I updated GSX today) - as referenced in this thread (possibly a related issue?):
Completely unrelated, it was a general problem with SimBrief refueling option not showing in general, which has already fixed.
Happy to report that reinstalling both aircraft and/or GSX solved it. No idea what could have changed between now and two days ago, but oh well... :)
As I said the CJ4 and Longitude were recognized OK a few days ago (I updated GSX today) - as referenced in this thread (possibly a related issue?):
Completely unrelated, it was a general problem with SimBrief refueling option not showing in general, which has already fixed.
At least I was not dreaming :) Glad it got fixed, thanks.
I found the cause for the "Can't read the aircraft type" error.
This happens when you edit the aircraft.cfg of an aircraft in the OFFICIAL folder. I suspect it has to do with character count. E.g. setting a value 1 to 0 still works, but editing the tail number can trigger the error. Aircraft in the Community folder do not seem to be affected.
I'm experiencing this error as well. I'm not quite sure if I understand your fix. I went into the core MSFS folder where the official packages are and corrected the aircraft.cfg to C700. Are you saying I shouldn't have done this? OR do we not change anything as well as NOT change to a custom tail number?
To be safe, never make any edits to aircraft.cfg that are in the Official folder. If you are experiencing the same issue, revert back to the original (if you don't have a backup, delete the aircraft folder and MSFS will reinstall it automatically).
To get the default Longitude to work with Simbrief, you have to change its Simbrief profile so that "ICAO Code" is "C25C" (see screenshot). Do NOT change anything in the aircraft.cfg.