FSDreamTeam forum

Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: 7984 on October 03, 2022, 01:31:30 pm

Title: Refueling system is not quite right for PMDG 737-800
Post by: 7984 on October 03, 2022, 01:31:30 pm
Hello every one, I am new guy here who's from China mainland and recently bought GSX pro for MSFS.
As title said, I've got refueling system problem with PMDG737-800.
I did contact support team by email and they reply me with a video which I have already watched before they sent it to me, even German tutorial vidoes, thanks to Youtube subtitle system.
yeah, I've followed this tutorial and step by step to do it.
fuel truck finished its job earlier than it should be, message on left top side of screen shows how much it's loading and I ain't confusing with KGS and LBS.
Fuel truck only load 4400+ LBS and go away, but I set 15000KGS on Fuel Page. Before truck arrived, plane already has 2000KGS fuel in it. which means I set a quantity larger than the one I had before.
if you already have fueled once, but you wanna fuel it again before take off, fuel truck will instantly finsh its job and gone right after you set fuel quality on FMC.
if I wanna fuel truck load fuel normally , I need reload the game. or it will load "enough" fuel within one second.
It is like fuel truck is still suffering from premature ejaculation. I think this issue causes because of PMDG fuel page will instantly change plane's fuel quality.
and as picture shows, it is fueling but definitely not using pipes.
and thanks for bring us such a good addon.
Kind regards.
and here's link of support team's video
https://youtu.be/DQMDUjs4jMk (https://youtu.be/DQMDUjs4jMk)
Title: Re: Refueling system is not quite right for PMDG 737-800
Post by: virtuali on October 03, 2022, 01:37:49 pm
I find difficult to follow your explanation but, in general:

- It's not possible that uninstalling/reinstalling GSX would change how refueling it's done.

- The only possible reasons why the truck goes away immediately are:

1) You haven't set a quantity larger than the one you hade before.

As already discussed in another thread, there's a DELAY ( visible even if you open the *standard* Fuel page of the sim ) from the moment you set the Fuel quantity in the PMDG using "Total" FMC option so, if you just wait 4-5 seconds AFTER you have been asked to set the Fuel quantity in GSX, it will work. This delay doesn't seem to be a problem if you use the "Level" option, so there's no need to do the extra wait.

2) All of this will only work if you have the "Always refuel progressively" option in GSX.
Title: Re: Refueling system is not quite right for PMDG 737-800
Post by: 7984 on October 03, 2022, 01:57:11 pm
Hello again, this is my second post, so let us straight to it.
I can not edit passenger number and suitcases(cargo).
and these words are what support team said:
This is clearly explained in the manual: either by setting the airplane Payloadbefore calling GSX (so it will estimate the passenger number from the Payload) OR by filing a flightplane using SimBrief, so it will take the number from Simbrief.
Yes I did as exactly what they told to me.
Picuture No.1 shows 8 of 11 passenger boarded but I have only set 1 guy in 1st class and another in enconomy.
Pic No.4 matches Picture No.1. well, seems like there ain't only two guys boarding.
No.2 shows 25 of 35 but I set only 30 guys for my flight.
both of them has 0 cargos which picture No.3 shows they are full loading the cargo.
 by the way, from a longer distances, every suitcases will be disappear. so does sunshine glasses on the by-pass pin guy
And simbrief way, it always tell me SimBrief aircraft doesn't match MSFS aircraft
Someone please share me a profile that matches, thanks.
and another issueGPU requested, it will show up but not functional
Thanks every GSX worker that bring us such a good addon.
kind regards
Title: Re: Refueling system is not quite right for PMDG 737-800
Post by: virtuali on October 03, 2022, 02:05:38 pm
picture No.1 and No.2 shows that passenger numbers does not match what I set on FMC.

Of course they don't match, the passenger number set in the FMC is an internal variable only known to the airplane, so GSX can't read it, which means when you set the passenger number based on Payload, is an ESTIMATE, which as clearly explained in the manual, is done by dividing the payload by 220 lbs.

If you want the number to match, you should use SimBrief AND set the same number of passengers in the PMDG FMC, because the PMDG FMC is not automatically integrated with SimBrief so, even if GSX WILL read SimBrief, it's your responsibility to set the same number in the PMDG FMC, if you want them to "match".

And simbrief way, it always tell me SimBrief aircraft doesn't match MSFS aircraft

That's ANOTHER completely different issue, which has been discussed so many times on the forum that it's basically impossible to read the forum and not being able to find it, I'll repeat it again for the 100th time:

- The PMDG 738-800 has B737 icao_type_designator, which is the icao code for the -700, so you need to edit the aircraft.cfg and change it to the correct code, that is B738. The -600 and the -700 are fine.

and another issueGPU requested, it will show up but not functional

This has been asked and answered so many times on the forum as well: the GSX GPU cannot affect the PMDG electrical system, which has its own internal simulation, so you need to use the PMDG GPU instead.

by the way, from a longer distances, every suitcases will be disappear. so does sunshine glasses on the by-pass pin guy

That's exactly what is supposed to happen with a properly optimized product. Lower LOD levels enters in view to keep the fps up, by removing unnecessary things, like sunglass on "longer distances"
Title: Re: Refueling system is not quite right for PMDG 737-800
Post by: 7984 on October 03, 2022, 02:55:03 pm
Thanks for your reply.
I have rewrited this post, please read it again.
Sorry bother you.
Kind regards
Title: Re: Refueling system is not quite right for PMDG 737-800
Post by: virtuali on October 03, 2022, 02:57:52 pm
I have rewrited this post, please read it again.

You haven't said if you followed my suggestions.
Title: Re: Refueling system is not quite right for PMDG 737-800
Post by: 7984 on October 03, 2022, 03:06:30 pm
Thanks, you have answered my every question.
I did what you told me and I do have simbrief connected.
thanks you
and sorry for bother you to reply me that much.

one thing still confuses me. how can I edit the number of suitcases or cargo for PMDG738?
I set 0 on Freight of Simbrief. but GSX pro still load the full 6 cars of suitcases.
by the way
will GSX add options on GSX settings like:
How many numbers of passenger will board?
How many cargo will we load?
How much fuel will we load?
it doesn't even need to contect simbrief or FMC and makes things easier as GSX is only making animation stuff and not actually loading stuff.
and seems like fuel loading and boarding for pmdg 737 confuses many players.
thanks again, you made my hoilday much happier.
Best regards for helpers like you
Title: Re: Refueling system is not quite right for PMDG 737-800
Post by: virtuali on October 03, 2022, 03:08:01 pm
one thing still confuses me. how can I edit the number of suitcases or cargo for PMDG738?

You can't, they are always the same number.
Title: Re: Refueling system is not quite right for PMDG 737-800
Post by: 7984 on October 03, 2022, 03:11:36 pm
fuel truck finished its job earlier than it should be, message on left top side of screen shows how much it's loading and I ain't confusing with KGS and LBS.
Fuel truck only load 4400+ LBS and go away, but I set 15000KGS on Fuel Page. Before truck arrived, plane already has 2000KGS fuel in it. which means I set a quantity larger than the one I had before.
I think I have followed before you told me, and I have that DELAY waited
Here's a picture about "Always refuel progressively stuff". again, before you told me.
Title: Re: Refueling system is not quite right for PMDG 737-800
Post by: 7984 on October 03, 2022, 03:12:46 pm
will GSX add options on GSX settings like:
How many numbers of passenger will board?
How many cargo will we load?
How much fuel will we load?
it doesn't even need to contect simbrief or FMC and makes things easier as GSX is only making animation stuff and not actually loading stuff.
and seems like fuel loading and boarding for pmdg 737 confuses many players.
Will suitcases be edited in future?
Title: Re: Refueling system is not quite right for PMDG 737-800
Post by: virtuali on October 03, 2022, 03:17:11 pm
Will suitcases be edited in future?

Not likely, most users are already complaining luggage takes too long, if we assigned one luggage for passenger, it will take even longer.
Title: Re: Refueling system is not quite right for PMDG 737-800
Post by: 7984 on October 03, 2022, 03:21:42 pm
will GSX add options on GSX settings like:
How many numbers of passenger will board?
How many cargo will we load?
How much fuel will we load?
it doesn't even need to contect simbrief or FMC and makes things easier as GSX is only making animation stuff and not actually loading stuff.
and seems like fuel loading and boarding for pmdg 737 confuses many players.
I didn't wanna it take longer, mate. I set 0 on cargo as picture shows.
Yes, I think it is taking way too long. so I wanna to edit its number.
like what I said up there, make things ezier. let ourself to set numbers on setting.
Thanks for your reply
best regards for you, mate
Title: Re: Refueling system is not quite right for PMDG 737-800
Post by: virtuali on October 03, 2022, 03:22:13 pm
I think I have followed before you told me, and I have that DELAY wited Here's a picture about "Always refuel progressively stuff". again, before you told me.

Then I can only repeat and confirm, as clearly shown in the video, that it works as expected. Does it work for you if you choose the "Level" option ? If yes, it only means you should wait a bit longer.
Title: Re: Refueling system is not quite right for PMDG 737-800
Post by: 7984 on October 03, 2022, 03:25:01 pm
Is there anyone who's normally fueling PMDG 738? I hope GSX add options on GSX settings like how much fuel that need to be loaded rather than this FMC connect stuff.
FS2cew's RAAS doesn't connect QNH setting, I think it is fine to set it on RAAS software itself. so I offer this suggestion.
thanks everyone and those workers that made GSX pro for us
best regards
Title: Re: Refueling system is not quite right for PMDG 737-800
Post by: 7984 on October 03, 2022, 03:29:28 pm
Then I can only repeat and confirm, as clearly shown in the video, that it works as expected. Does it work for you if you choose the "Level" option ? If yes, it only means you should wait a bit longer.
Thanks for your reply again. and sorry for bother you this much.
you are a really great helper
level option doesn't make fuel to be exact and I did try it. I waited longer coz I was busying on flight plan.
fuel truck finished its job earlier than it should be, message on left top side of screen shows how much it's loading and I ain't confusing with KGS and LBS.
Fuel truck only load 4400+ LBS and go away, but I set 15000KGS on Fuel Page. Before truck arrived, plane already has 2000KGS fuel in it. which means I set a quantity larger than the one I had before.
and it fuels, yes, but like I said it is gone too soon.
kind regards
Title: Re: Refueling system is not quite right for PMDG 737-800
Post by: virtuali on October 03, 2022, 03:32:04 pm
Is there anyone who's normally fueling PMDG 738?

What do you mean with "normally refueling" ? Having GSX actually refuel the PMDG 737 ?

That's not possible, the plane has its own internal fuel simulation, so it can't be refueled by another add-on, it can't even be refueled by the MSFS own refuel menu, have you tried doing that ?

FS2cew's RAAS doesn't connect QNH setting,

I don't know what the QNH setting has anything to do with Refueling.
Title: Re: Refueling system is not quite right for PMDG 737-800
Post by: 7984 on October 03, 2022, 04:02:12 pm
Don't you think that is great to set numbers of passengers or numbers of cargo cars,
even quality of fuel on GSX setting as there's already a great option like passenger density which makes boarding faster.
No fmc or simbrief conncetion issue, no ESTIMATE passsenger numbers, and no instantly done fueling the plane.
also, it is a software that doing animation stuff, not actual loading or fueling the plane as you said. so we just gonna set its numbers of animations of passenger or cargo or fuel.
I just wanna it to be better so I offered my suggestion.
thanks for taking time to reply me and help me a lot.
Best regards for fsdreamteam team
Title: Re: Refueling system is not quite right for PMDG 737-800
Post by: virtuali on October 03, 2022, 04:06:10 pm
Sorry, but I don't really understand you.
Title: Re: Refueling system is not quite right for PMDG 737-800
Post by: 7984 on October 03, 2022, 04:36:27 pm
Do you understand now?
Title: Re: Refueling system is not quite right for PMDG 737-800
Post by: virtuali on October 03, 2022, 04:42:39 pm
Do you understand now?

Not at all. Please write more clearly and please refer to:

- The VIDEO that confirms GSX refueling WORKS

- This thread confirming GSX refueling WORKS, yes IT WORKS even when using the Total Lbs/Kgs option:


This user was also fully convinced, like you, that GSX "didn't work" when using the Total Lbs/Kgs option and, at the end of the whole thread, it turned out GSX always worked, and the only issue was the few seconds of delay in the PMDG FMC before the quantity was updated, see his last post here, confirming IT WORKED:


Title: Re: Refueling system is not quite right for PMDG 737-800
Post by: virtuali on October 03, 2022, 04:49:05 pm
I've merged your posts, since it's completely useless discussing of the same issue on two threads. Please don't post again, until you read all the OTHER posts in the thread I've linked before, which end up proving GSX refueling WORKS with the PMDG 737.
Title: Re: Refueling system is not quite right for PMDG 737-800
Post by: 7984 on October 03, 2022, 05:20:46 pm
completely useless, oh my god.
virtuali, sometimes we players just don't know FSdreamteam's softwares as much as you do.
I suggest you understand us more patiently and we do know that you are a kindly helper of this forum
and most of us just wanna make GSX better as tech team has already done a great job on P3D.
end of discussion and no need to reply. thanks for your help today.
my best regards for you.
↑ those words, I bet you can understand ↑
Title: Re: Refueling system is not quite right for PMDG 737-800
Post by: virtuali on October 03, 2022, 05:27:52 pm
completely useless, oh my god.

You think it was useful to post the same things in two threads ? I just made them easier to read, by merging them into one.
Title: Re: Refueling system is not quite right for PMDG 737-800
Post by: 7984 on October 03, 2022, 05:41:15 pm
Long time luggage loading and can not be edited is a same thing as fueling pmdg 738 to you?
never mind.
best thing we can do here is to stop replying to each other
Title: Re: Refueling system is not quite right for PMDG 737-800
Post by: virtuali on October 03, 2022, 06:13:17 pm
Long time luggage loading and can not be edited is a same thing as fueling pmdg 738 to you?

It's you that started posting about Fuel in BOTH threads, that's why I merged them, of course.
Title: Re: Refueling system is not quite right for PMDG 737-800
Post by: 7984 on October 03, 2022, 06:35:45 pm
Be Broad-minded, virtuali.
always treat people with open arms.
thanks for your help today, you have done me a great favor.
Title: Re: Refueling system is not quite right for PMDG 737-800
Post by: virtuali on October 03, 2022, 06:49:49 pm
Be Broad-minded, virtuali. always treat people with open arms.
thanks for your help today, you have done me a great favor.

Again, I don't really know what you are saying here. To make the thread easier to read, I merged all your posts in one. That's it.
Title: Re: Refueling system is not quite right for PMDG 737-800
Post by: 7984 on October 03, 2022, 06:58:48 pm
I don't understand you either.
quite a coincidence.
thanks for your reply again.
kind regards
Title: Re: Refueling system is not quite right for PMDG 737-800
Post by: virtuali on October 03, 2022, 07:04:17 pm
I don't understand you either. quite a coincidence.

Which might explain why you haven't read the other forum post, in which it was confirmed in the end the GSX refueling WORKS with the PMDG 737 just fine. I still suggest trying to read that, and understand that.
Title: Re: Refueling system is not quite right for PMDG 737-800
Post by: 7984 on October 03, 2022, 07:28:54 pm
Jesus Christ. are you serious?
how did I say 'you done me a great favor' if I don't understand those links and answers that you posted up there.
I just don't understand why you so obsessed with this argument that happened a few mins ago.
like threads titles says, one for boarding, one for fueling.
You are making me uncomfortable in the way that you talk,
No wonder WebMaximus talked about your arrogant attitude.
Just stop replying this thread as you have already consider it as completely useless.
Thank you!
Title: Re: Refueling system is not quite right for PMDG 737-800
Post by: Leopardo Di Cardio on October 03, 2022, 11:27:50 pm
Jesus Christ. are you serious?
how did I say 'you done me a great favor' if I don't understand those links and answers that you posted up there.
I just don't understand why you so obsessed with this argument that happened a few mins ago.
like threads titles says, one for boarding, one for fueling.
You are making me uncomfortable in the way that you talk,
No wonder WebMaximus talked about your arrogant attitude.
Just stop replying this thread as you have already consider it as completely useless.
Thank you!

Writing to the administrator how he should write or prefer not to write at all makes me smile. I read the entire thread and to be honest, it was fully and comprehensibly described, so the writing seems to me to be a deliberate provocation rather than a real question about a binding problem. And the administrator is what he is, sometimes slightly arrogant, but we are all different, but I have to admit that the effort to help with problems is maximal. There is no point in dissecting anything, we are here for GSX and those who are not, have nothing to do here. 8)
Title: Re: Refueling system is not quite right for PMDG 737-800
Post by: virtuali on October 04, 2022, 02:39:41 pm
Just stop replying this thread as you have already consider it as completely useless.Thank you!

You continue missing the point, which I already explained so many times: the "useless" word was ONLY related to the fact you opened two threads, one about Refueling and *other* things, and another one about Refueling again, and then you started posting the same questions and even the same images on BOTH!

THAT and ONLY THAT was "useless", so I just MERGED the two topics into one. THAT'S IT. I hope you finally understand now, what I meant when I said "useless". And sorry but, sometimes I fail to really understand what you are writing, are you using an online translator maybe ?