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Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: GreyStone93 on September 26, 2022, 02:14:13 pm

Title: Boarding happens in 20 Seconds and no Visible Passengers!
Post by: GreyStone93 on September 26, 2022, 02:14:13 pm
I've run into an issue on my last few flights were after selecting boarding in the GSX menu it skips pilot and crew boarding and goes straight to passengers which will board in only about 20 seconds (it shows the correct passenger number) Baggage meanwhile will load normally
Title: Re: Boarding happens in 20 Seconds and no Visible Passengers!
Post by: FrittenFritz on October 01, 2022, 08:17:03 pm
same issue!
Title: Re: Boarding happens in 20 Seconds and no Visible Passengers!
Post by: Keirtt on October 02, 2022, 06:11:58 am
I'm seeing the same behavior lately. Works sometimes and not other times.
Title: Re: Boarding happens in 20 Seconds and no Visible Passengers!
Post by: virtuali on October 02, 2022, 11:52:32 am
You should try to be more accurate in your reports, because it's very difficult to understand the issue, without *any* detail about the scenery used and the kind of parking used.

Assuming you used a gate with a Jetway, as explained so many times in the forum, in order to see Passengers/Crew boarding, the Jetway must be both *detected* by GSX AND it must have Docked too.

There are many reasons why the Jetway couldn't be detected, most common one is the scenery is a Marketplace scenery, so it can't be read by GSX, or GSX might have loaded the wrong airport file, because the correct one might have been rejected for some reason ( corrupted file, too big file, etc. ), and all of these issues will be fixed with the upcoming Navdata API upgrade, which will remove the need for GSX to read the airport file directly.

And, even if the jetway could be Detected, in order to see Passengers, it must have Docked correctly.

If any of these conditions are not satisfied, Boarding/Deboarding of Passengers and Crew will be only simulated, going fast with no people to see.
Title: Re: Boarding happens in 20 Seconds and no Visible Passengers!
Post by: FrittenFritz on October 02, 2022, 01:39:57 pm
Good Day,

since a couple of Days EVERY Single Flight I have the Bug that the Passengers just Board in 20 Seconds without even being Visible. Also, it skips the Pilot and Crew Boarding (Which I'm not complaining). But yeah, the Passenger Boarding happens in like 20 Seconds and Done. i always check for the Green SimBrief button. Everything is correct. Also, the correct Pax Amount.

So far this happened in every Flight for 5 Days now. Anyone got an Idea?
Title: Re: Boarding happens in 20 Seconds and no Visible Passengers!
Post by: virtuali on October 02, 2022, 02:54:16 pm
I've merged your thread in the one that already existed, see my previous explanation.
Title: Re: Boarding happens in 20 Seconds and no Visible Passengers!
Post by: MDFMike on October 02, 2022, 05:15:13 pm
I have this "no boarding animation" issue with the Feelthere KLAX scenery, for example using Gate 72A - but only during boarding. Deboarding at this same KLAX airport - same gate (72A) will animate the passengers, crew, and pilots deboarding.
When preparing a flight, I always first ensure the # of passengers is set in the PMDG 737-800, Simbrief status is Green "OK", and the jetway can be selected and docked by GSX before. So, this case falls under the "Marketplace" category.  Is there any workaround to allow "Marketplace" airports like Feelthere KLAX to support boarding? Since the animated off boarding works for this same Marketplace airport, is it possible that there is a minor defect here? 
Title: Re: Boarding happens in 20 Seconds and no Visible Passengers!
Post by: DroidE326 on October 02, 2022, 07:01:13 pm
There definitely seems to be something going on here. Gate 30 at LPPR (Orbx addon airport) was working really well for me up until I departed from there again today. I have been successfully using the same procedure for several flights now, but today I experience the same thing as described by others here, i.e. on requesting boarding, you get the passengers loading message/passengers arriving audio (but no graphics), then GSX counts up the passenger number (until it reaches the same total as specified in Simbrief) which happens in a relatively short space of time (10-20 sec). However, as others have also said, if you request deboarding everything proceeds as normal and you see/hear the passengers deboarding the aircraft and using the jetway in the usual way.
Title: Re: Boarding happens in 20 Seconds and no Visible Passengers!
Post by: motishow on October 02, 2022, 07:56:26 pm
i have the same issue
Title: Re: Boarding happens in 20 Seconds and no Visible Passengers!
Post by: Mulder884 on October 02, 2022, 11:20:03 pm
I have had this problem since last week and have also reported on it here.
Title: Re: Boarding happens in 20 Seconds and no Visible Passengers!
Post by: FrittenFritz on October 02, 2022, 11:24:23 pm

To temporary fix this Problem, connect the Jetway manually first. And THEN proceed with the boarding procedure. It worked for me in several Tests.
Title: Re: Boarding happens in 20 Seconds and no Visible Passengers!
Post by: MDFMike on October 03, 2022, 05:53:29 am
re "+++WORKAROUND+++

To temporary fix this Problem, connect the Jetway manually first. And THEN proceed with the boarding procedure. It worked for me in several Tests."

This does not work for Marketplace airports such as Feelthere KLAX. When connecting the jetway manually first for a Marketplace airport, the GSX boarding request causes the jetway to immediately undock (works as a "toggle" as it seems to not understand or recognise the current Jetway docking state with Feelthere KLAX). With stock MSFS airports - the manually docked Jetway remains docked during a GSX boarding request.
Title: Re: Boarding happens in 20 Seconds and no Visible Passengers!
Post by: virtuali on October 03, 2022, 10:47:56 am
This does not work for Marketplace airports such as Feelthere KLAX.

Of course it doesn't work, if you read the explanation in my previous post:

There are many reasons why the Jetway couldn't be detected, most common one is the scenery is a Marketplace scenery, so it can't be read by GSX

In order to detect a Jetway, GSX must associate the jetway with the parking spot you are in, but since Marketplace airports can't be read because their .BGL are encrypted, GSX will use data from the default underlying airport and, if this doesn't match the add-on airport ( very likely it won't ), Jetways cannot be detected, so passengers won't walk through them.

The *current* workaround is to ask the scenery developer to provide with an unencrypted version of the airport file only to be placed in the GSX profiles folder, some developers like LatinVFR and OrbX are already offering such downloads.

However, it's just a short-term solution, which won't be required anymore once we'll complete the integration of the new Navdata API that came out with SU10, which will allow GSX to pull data using Simconnect, removing the need to read the airport .BGL, so even Marketplace airports will be fully supported.