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Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: pipejaraara on September 25, 2022, 01:27:00 am

Title: LVFR airports newly available BGLs
Post by: pipejaraara on September 25, 2022, 01:27:00 am
LVFR has recently made available the BGL files for their airports for those of us who purchased them on the Marketplace. What I don't understand is how to use them.

Where do we place them? and how do we make GSX recognise them?

Any help would be appreciated.

Title: Re: LVFR airports newly available BGLs
Post by: AthenaG on September 25, 2022, 04:19:36 am
1. Copy the provided BGL file to the usual directory in %AppData%\Roaming\virtuali\GSX\MSFS.

2. Change the name in the .ini file for the GSX profile for that airport config. The line that starts "afcad-path".
    e.g. afcad_path = \\?\C:\MSFS\Community\lvfr-barcelona\scenery\world\scenery\objectsBCN.bgl

Athena Grey
Title: Re: LVFR airports newly available BGLs
Post by: pipejaraara on September 25, 2022, 04:37:40 am
Thank You
Title: Re: LVFR airports newly available BGLs
Post by: pipejaraara on September 25, 2022, 04:59:36 am
I apologize, so on the second step, do I change that afcad line to point to %AppData%\Roaming\virtuali\GSX\MSFS and the file name?

Title: Re: LVFR airports newly available BGLs
Post by: AthenaG on September 25, 2022, 07:51:12 am
No worries.

Change the directory name as per your own system location for the MSFS Community file. The example I gave was based on my Community folder location.

afcad_path = \\?\E:\MSFS\Community\lvfr-barcelona\scenery\world\scenery\objectsBCN.bgl

The bold part: just change to your location drive and folder. And more important is the BGL name at the end.
Title: Re: LVFR airports newly available BGLs
Post by: virtuali on September 25, 2022, 01:33:44 pm
Change the directory name as per your own system location for the MSFS Community file. The example I gave was based on my Community folder location.

There's no need to change the path in the .INI file, quoting from GSX Manual, Page 46:

The name of the .BGL used to customize the scenery is listed in the [GENERAL] section of the GSX .INI profile. It will include the complete path valid for your system but, don’t worry, there’s no need to edit it out before sharing your work, since GSX will only use the .BGL filename, and will ignore the full path altogether, it has been designed like this exactly to facilitate sharing of GSX .INI profiles without worrying about different paths. As long the currently active .BGL matches the name referenced in the .INI file, the .INI will be loaded by GSX, no matter the path.