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Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: marcogagnor on September 15, 2022, 12:51:22 am

Title: fuel don't load FBW, again
Post by: marcogagnor on September 15, 2022, 12:51:22 am
I haven't used the FBW for a while.
When I call the fuel truck, he arrives and even though the SIMBRIEF notification is GREEN, I cannot select the symbrief item regarding the amount of fuel, so the truck does not stop.
Title: Re: fuel don't load FBW, again
Post by: virtuali on September 15, 2022, 07:15:21 pm
Please clarify:

- You see the Simbrief option, but you can't select it ?


- You don't have the Simbrief option, but you have the other quantities ?


- The fuel quantities menu doesn't open at all ?
Title: Re: fuel don't load FBW, again
Post by: marcogagnor on September 17, 2022, 07:43:41 pm
I don't see the simbrief select, when in the corner the simbrief status is green
Title: Re: fuel don't load FBW, again
Post by: virtuali on September 18, 2022, 10:56:43 am
I don't see the simbrief select, when in the corner the simbrief status is green

As explained so many times, and of course in the manual too, the fuel menu will only show if:

- The "Show fuel/cargo dialog" option in the airplane configuration is Enabled, signaling this airplane can be fueled by GSX. By default it is Enabled in the internal configuration supplied with GSX


- You haven't closed the Toolbar menu in the time between calling the fuel truck and its arrival. As explained in the manual Pages 66-67, when the toolbar Icon is not Active, there's no way to pop-up a menu so, in certain situations, like refueling or deicing, when subsequent menus are supposed to show automatically after a while, you must pay attention not to close the Toolbar icon yourself, otherwise any menu that is supposed to be shown, won't appear.
Title: Re: fuel don't load FBW, again
Post by: marcogagnor on September 18, 2022, 02:54:33 pm
everything is fine, while before the update was the voice "simbrief 20% gallon etc", now it does not come anymore, only the% standard or the menu. Why?
Title: Re: fuel don't load FBW, again
Post by: virtuali on September 19, 2022, 09:49:10 am
everything is fine, while before the update was the voice "simbrief 20% gallon etc", now it does not come anymore, only the% standard or the menu. Why?

Because there's no SimBrief flight plan matching the flight. The SimBrief button shows if something's wrong.
Title: Re: fuel don't load FBW, again
Post by: marcogagnor on September 19, 2022, 05:31:25 pm
however it is green in the lower window. I do exactly the same things I did before doing the update, but now the symbrief selection item does not appear. It should work like on the Fenix
Title: Re: fuel don't load FBW, again
Post by: virtuali on September 20, 2022, 10:24:01 am
however it is green in the lower window. I do exactly the same things I did before doing the update, but now the symbrief selection item does not appear. It should work like on the Fenix

If you said " It should work like on the Fenix", it means you haven't really understood how the GSX refueling works.

- If the airplane is flagged as using the standard fuel system, you will see the GSX refueling menu with quantities AND SimBrief ( if Simbrief is enabled ). The FBW A320, by default, is flagged like this.

- If the airplane is flagged as using a custom fuel system, you won't see ANY GSX refueling menu, regardless of Simbrief, and the Fenix by default is flagged like this.

So, if you WANT to have the FBW "working like the Fenix", all you have to do is to Disable the "Show default Fuel/Cargo" option in the airplane configuration editor, and follow the same procedure as with the Fenix, so the airplane will refuel itself, will use its own SimBrief integration and GSX will JUST adapt its animations to it.
Title: Re: fuel don't load FBW, again
Post by: marcogagnor on September 20, 2022, 09:35:50 pm
I wonder why every time I write here I never solve anything. As the Fenix ​​intends that starting the sim and the GSX PRO and all, not meaning that they have the same procedures. Second, it's not what you say since that option you say is already unselected. So, I repeat the question, why doesn't it work like in the Fenix, that is, when activated from the tablet, the plane is also refueled? Why doesn't Simbrief detection work? Can I have solutions and not paternals?
Title: Re: fuel don't load FBW, again
Post by: virtuali on September 21, 2022, 05:07:49 pm
I wonder why every time I write here I never solve anything.

Because it doesn't seem you do much effort trying to understand the explanations that have been always given correctly.

As the Fenix ​​intends that starting the sim and the GSX PRO and all, not meaning that they have the same procedures.

This sentence is very hard to decipher.

I haven't said the procedure is *exactly* "the same" in the FBW or the Fenix. I said IF you want to have the FBW refueling using the same PRINCIPLE ( of course the procedure is not "identical" ) of an "airplane refueling itself with its own EFB", you can CHANGE the default configuration for the FBW A320 that comes with GSX, and Disable the "Show default Fuel/Cargo", so the procedure will be SIMILAR to the Fenix.

Second, it's not what you say since that option you say is already unselected.

It is  what I said, assuming your report was correct.

According to your report, you said you were missing the SimBrief option in the GSX refueling menu, which indicates the option "Show default Fuel/Cargo" is ENABLED, otherwise there wouldn't be ANY GSX refueling menu, so maybe you had a problem with SimBrief.

If, instead, you said you were missing the SimBrief option, but what you really meant was something entirely different, that you are not getting the GSX Refueling menu ( the one with the various quantities ), that's what is supposed to happen if you have the "Show default Fuel/Cargo" DISABLED, meaning you CHANGED IT from the Default we set for that airplane.

It's not a problem refueling any airplane that way ( you can't do the opposite, refueling with GSX an airplane that can't be refueled externally ), you'll just follow a procedure that is CONCEPTUALLY SIMILAR to the Fenix, which has been explained and repeated so many times:

- Start with some initial quantity.

- Call the GSX Refueling

- DO NOT TOUCH the Fuel until the Truck arrives and tell you to use the airplane system to load Fuel.

- Use whatever method the airplane has to refuel itself, and set a quantity that is greater than the one you INITIALLY had, otherwise the truck will go away immediately.

- The airplane will refuel itself, GSX will only do animations.

- If the "always refuel progressively" option in GSX is Enabled, the GSX animation will proceed as the same speed AS IF GSX was really refueling the airplane ( it isn't ), otherwise it will be very fast.
Title: Re: fuel don't load FBW, again
Post by: marcogagnor on September 23, 2022, 04:24:52 pm
as soon as I can try again following these steps.
Another thing, for a couple of days the jetways are no longer made of glass, but they are like the default ones with the writing above the airport. I have not changed anything, I found it like this, it seems to me after the update, but it could already be before, however without changing anything.
Title: Re: fuel don't load FBW, again
Post by: virtuali on September 23, 2022, 05:36:00 pm
jetways are no longer made of glass, but they are like the default ones with the writing above the airport.

Please indicate which airport you are referring to, and what do you mean with "the writing above the airport", you mean the jetway logo ? If yes, they ARE GSX jetways, or they might be jetways for a 3rd party airport that has been Disabled in the Config panel, as it should.
Title: Re: fuel don't load FBW, again
Post by: marcogagnor on September 24, 2022, 01:20:22 am
any airport I've been to recently, from Europe to the USA. I mean the writing for example "Indianapoli International Airport", on the jetway, but this is not made of glass and in fact I do not see the passengers. I do not use third-party or non-default airports. Before that, jetways were always made of glass
Title: Re: fuel don't load FBW, again
Post by: Turok144 on September 24, 2022, 01:39:00 am
Not sure what happened today, but when I ordered fuel and the tanker arrived I did not get the usual voice that tells you not to do anything until the fuel truck tells you to do it.

Anyway, the truck arrived and instead of a voice giving me instructions, the menu popped open asking how much fuel I wanted.  My PMDG was bone dry, so from the menu I selected 90%.  I briefly saw the digital readout beginning to add the fuel and in less than 5 seconds the fuel truck just left.  I looked at the fuel gauge and no fuel was added.  I ended up using the FMC to fuel up since the truck just took my money and I was suckered. 😁😉😮

All kidding aside, this happened after the last update and in the past, I usually got the voice message telling me not to add fuel until told to do so.  Is this a new bug?
Title: Re: fuel don't load FBW, again
Post by: virtuali on September 24, 2022, 06:20:10 pm
Anyway, the truck arrived and instead of a voice giving me instructions, the menu popped open asking how much fuel I wanted. 

If you saw the default GSX fuel menu, it's because you must have changed the default configuration for the PMDG that has the "show fuel/cargo dialog" option DISABLED by default.

By setting it to Enabled, you told GSX the PMDG could be refueled by GSX but, since it really can't, you haven't been really refueled so, all is to be expected, and there's a reason why we set that option to Disabled by default, with the PMDG.

Of course, you can easily confirm this was a change you made, because if you select "RESET" in the Airplane configuration page, GSX will go back to using its own internal configuration, which has that option Disabled.
Title: Re: fuel don't load FBW, again
Post by: marcogagnor on September 24, 2022, 08:43:04 pm
I did as you wrote but the truck did not stop because again I did not have the 9264 kg simbrief item to select. I have tried both with the selected option, and without, absolutely nothing changes. Before I updated I did the same procedures and the truck stayed, now not anymore. As for the jetways they continue to be like the default ones with the only incision "Las Vegas Airport" or "Delta etc ..". Even after uninstalling and reinstalling.
Title: Re: fuel don't load FBW, again
Post by: Turok144 on September 25, 2022, 05:19:08 am
No.  I have not changed anything to enabled or disabled regarding fuel.  In fact, this is the first time I'm being made aware that this option exists. Thank you for the info, I will take a look and change it accordingly.  Perhaps it was changed when I installed the update.
Title: Re: fuel don't load FBW, again
Post by: virtuali on September 25, 2022, 06:11:59 pm
I have tried both with the selected option, and without, absolutely nothing changes.

That's not possible. If you really changed the "Show fuel/cargo dialog" option, the refueling should be COMPLETELY different.

If it's Enabled, you'll see the GSX Menu with several quantities *and* the Simbrief entry IF you have a valid SimBrief plan.

If it's Disabled, you won't see ANY menu, but the completely different procedure I already indicated in my last reply to you.
Title: Re: fuel don't load FBW, again
Post by: virtuali on September 25, 2022, 06:13:51 pm
No.  I have not changed anything to enabled or disabled regarding fuel.  In fact, this is the first time I'm being made aware that this option exists. Thank you for the info, I will take a look and change it accordingly.  Perhaps it was changed when I installed the update.

As I've said, if you select "RESET" in the Airplane configuration page, GSX will go back to using its own internal configuration, which has that option Disabled. If you see the option changing from Enabled to Disabled, then it's 100% sure you changed it.

Or, perhaps, you download a custom profile for that airplane someone made with the option Enabled. In either case, the installer will never install or change any custom airplane profile.
Title: Re: fuel don't load FBW, again
Post by: marcogagnor on September 26, 2022, 04:38:46 am
if I leave the option active in the aircraft settings, nothing changes, do not compare the choice for simbrief, although the icon dedicated to him is green. If not the selection I have no choice. Before the GSX PRO update, I didn't have this problem, I saw the option even if it didn't work correctly, but at least I saw the symbrief option
Title: Re: fuel don't load FBW, again
Post by: marcogagnor on September 26, 2022, 03:25:16 pm
You're right, I didn't save the option before exiting, now without it it works like in the Fenix. However selecting the option "show etc .." the symbrief choice does not appear even though it is green. When I will try the ER190 which does not have EFB I will need that option.
For jetways I solved it by reading some old threads. Thank you
Title: Re: fuel don't load FBW, again
Post by: Turok144 on September 26, 2022, 03:50:40 pm
No.  I have not changed anything to enabled or disabled regarding fuel.  In fact, this is the first time I'm being made aware that this option exists. Thank you for the info, I will take a look and change it accordingly.  Perhaps it was changed when I installed the update.

As I've said, if you select "RESET" in the Airplane configuration page, GSX will go back to using its own internal configuration, which has that option Disabled. If you see the option changing from Enabled to Disabled, then it's 100% sure you changed it.

Or, perhaps, you download a custom profile for that airplane someone made with the option Enabled. In either case, the installer will never install or change any custom airplane profile.

Hi Umberto,

I ticked the little button for the fuel and everything is working fine with the fueling now. 👍
