FSDreamTeam forum
Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: farman on September 11, 2022, 04:13:42 pm
before boarding operations, I select the nr of passengers from the PMDG 737 payload menu; after that, when the passenger bus arrives, the number of passengers always exceeds the selected one; about the double, more or less. Am I doing anything wrong?
Thanks for any help & regards,
Quoting from the manual, Page 14:
Passengers Number
GSX will estimate the number of passengers on board based on the weight of all stations in the [weight_and_balance] section of the aircraft.cfg of the airplane in use, divided by 220 lbs, an industry standard to calculate how much a single passenger + luggage weights, in average. For example, the default A320 has a maximum payload of about 60.300 lbs, equaling to 274 passengers, this difference is due to the inability to know exactly which payload station is cargo and which
is people, the simulator doesn’t support it, so GSX can only do a rough estimate. For a better precision 3rd party airplane developers can set a variable to communicate to GSX the passenger number they have setup in the plane or, even better and new to this version, if you plan your flight with SimBrief, GSX can read the actual passenger number from your current dispatch on SimBrief
There's no such thing as a "Passenger number" as a standard variable different add-on can agree on, the internal custom simulation of passengers in the airplane is completely separate from the GSX passenger simulation so, the only options to have the number in GSX respect the one in the airplane is:
- The airplane should set a variable used by GSX to communicate to it the number of passengers in its FMC
- You use SimBrief to file a dispatch with the correct number of passengers, which GSX will read.
Query, I am selecting the passenger density in gsx options, the airport has transparent jetway and only about 12 passengers are displayed approximately, no more passengers are displayed, thanks. :'( :'( :'(
got it, thank you,
Query, I am selecting the passenger density in gsx options, the airport has transparent jetway and only about 12 passengers are displayed approximately, no more passengers are displayed, thanks
The passenger density DOES NOT control the number of passengers, only the spacing between each one, the number of passengers is controlled in the way I explained in the last post, quoted from the manual.
Thanks for the answer, as an opinion, it would be good in the future to be able to visualize a large number of passengers in this type of jetways for a better realism, greetings. 8) 8)
Thanks for the answer, as an opinion, it would be good in the future to be able to visualize a large number of passengers in this type of jetways for a better realism, greetings.
It doesn't seem you understood how the passenger number is calculated. Please re-read again my last post, especially the part where one thing is the overall passenger number, and another thing is the spacing between each one.
I have a similar problem:
SimBrief plan Released -> 0637 UTC
Depart -> 0800 UTC
Sim started abot 0650 UTC
Flight plan LEMD - LFRS
1. Start pre-check and power up the plane JustFlight BAE 146-300 with GSX Profile by @theegg52. Next Operete jetways or Stairs.
After power up the aiplane I open all doors & hatch and then I ask Catering service. As Catering service is done I go to the plane's EFB and press OFP page -> press Continue to load Weights & Passengers.
2. Go to Aircraft page of the EFB and load weights & passengers.
3. Ask GSX to Request boarding.
After all these procedures I wait as I'm ready to start a Push-back operation. Today I planned take 60 passengers with SimBrief but As I was landed to Nantes and started Deboarding I found that there was 81 passengers. Every time GSX set it's own number of the passanger so do I something wrong? Estimate passengers is unticked.
Every time GSX set it's own number of the passanger so do I something wrong? Estimate passengers is unticked.
The first thing to check is the Simbrief button in GSX. If it's not saying "OK" and it's not Green, it means the SimBrief flight plan hasn't been read, and if it's red, there's a message saying why.
Thank You!
Yes - there was a message in GSX => SimBrief aircraft doesn't match MSFS aircraft.
I have in Simbrief ICAO Code B463 and below You can see what is BAE 146-300 .cfg:
;//BAe 146-300 (Avco Lycoming ALF 502R5) for Microsoft Flight Simulator. (c)Just Flight 22MAY22 RC2
major = 1
minor = 0
atc_model = "TT:ATCCOM.AC_MODEL BA46.0.text"
Category = "airplane"
performance = ""
editable = 1
wip_indicator = 2
icao_type_designator = "143"
icao_manufacturer = "BAe"
icao_model = "B463" <-----------------------------------------This match with Simbrief ICAO Code!!!!
icao_engine_type = "Jet"
icao_engine_count = 4
icao_WTC = "M"
What is wrong?
Ok - seems to be that I got this problem solved. I tested Simbrief plan I made this morning and GSX "told" me that I'm too late and try an other time - something like that. Solution was -> icao_type_designator = "B463"
Ok - seems to be that I got this problem solved. I tested Simbrief plan I made this morning and GSX "told" me that I'm too late and try an other time - something like that. Solution was -> icao_type_designator = "B463"
Yes, as discussed in so many threads about SimBrief and GSX supposedly not working, when in fact it's always the icao type in the airplane that hasn't been set correctly, the parameter to look for is icao_type_designator.
This is explained in the MSFS SDK:
https://docs.flightsimulator.com/html/Content_Configuration/SimObjects/Aircraft_SimO/Aircraft_Config_Definition.htm?rhhlterm=icao_type_designator&rhsearch=icao_type_designator (https://docs.flightsimulator.com/html/Content_Configuration/SimObjects/Aircraft_SimO/Aircraft_Config_Definition.htm?rhhlterm=icao_type_designator&rhsearch=icao_type_designator)
The ICAO type designator of the plane. It can be different to the atc_type field. All possible values are available from the ICAO official database. For example the Airbus A320 Neo:
icao_type_designator = "A20N"
Why is GSX so critical about departure time or aircraft type at all?
I mean, there can only be one active simbrief flightplan, and checking for the departure airport might make sense - but checking aircraft type or the time should really not matter.
Maybe removing those restrictions would reduce the number of so many questions that are "discussed in so many threads".
Why is GSX so critical about departure time or aircraft type at all?
Because it's used by the GSX VGDS to show the ETD countdown, as in real life.
It seems every user has his own idea how many restrictions we should have on SimBrief, we decided to stay on the safe side and, to prevent users assuming GSX has "bugs", we decided to load a SimBrief plan only when we are 100% sure it has everything that GSX uses within reasonable parameters.
What's really the issue of having to set the correct place on SimBrief to being with, considering it has an option to suggest moving the time of an existing flight plane to the current time ?
What's really the issue of having to set the correct place on SimBrief to being with, considering it has an option to suggest moving the time of an existing flight plane to the current time ?
Well, you see the issue.
People install 3rd party aircraft, load a simbrief profile, and run into issues. When reporting them here, they get hinted that this is a common issue.
Rinse repeat.
If the departure time is in the past, Fenix will also show wrong information, that's to be expected. But having a wrong aircraft type is really intransparent to many as to what to look for since neither the aircraft.cfg nor the Simbrief profiles are user friendly. And in case of marketplace purchases you can't even modify one of them.
So what purpose does the aircraft type check serve other than annoy users for a totally valid combination of aircraft+simbrief plan just because some icao code was put in differently?
If the departure time is in the past, Fenix will also show wrong information, that's to be expected.
Not to many so yes, by restricting the time and making a clear warning about it, is the correct method to prevent user seeing wrong data. From GSX, at least.
So what purpose does the aircraft type check serve other than annoy users for a totally valid combination of aircraft+simbrief plan just because some icao code was put in differently?
Sorry, no. This is not open to discussion or negotiation. If the airplane type is wrong, and GSX would load a SimBrief plan for the wrong airplane, like a plan for a 747 into a 737, 100% of users will assume GSX "has a bug", trying to load 400 passengers on a 737.
The only thing we MIGHT do, is to allow users to override the icao type in the GSX airplane configuration, to fix airplanes that are not easy or can't be modified, but the icao type restriction will stay, and this is not going to change ever.
If the departure time is in the past, Fenix will also show wrong information, that's to be expected.
Not to many so yes, by restricting the time and making a clear warning about it, is the correct method to prevent user seeing wrong data. From GSX, at least.
Flights can depart after their scheduled time. If I make a turnaround and prefile a new simbrief plan for the way back and then end up in a hold or divert, this is a totally valid scenario. Showing invalid simbrief data is incorrect in this situation since the flight just gets delayed, but the scheduled time of departure remains the old.
You could show a warning in your menu that the time is in the past (or that the aircraft type is wrong), but rejecting to load the simbrief data is the worst case for a user since GSX in that case just refuses to load potentially valid data.
Another option is to have a button "load simbrief despite possible issues" to force loading it. Once I'm in the cockpit I don't want to have hassle with Simbrief vs. GSX, I just want it to load the stuff I set up - it is the wrong time to just refuse loading it. Show me a warning and let me figure it out for the next flight, but for the sake of user experience, just allow me to load it nonetheless!
So what purpose does the aircraft type check serve other than annoy users for a totally valid combination of aircraft+simbrief plan just because some icao code was put in differently?
Sorry, no. This is not open to discussion or negotiation. If the airplane type is wrong, and GSX would load a SimBrief plan for the wrong airplane, like a plan for a 747 into a 737, 100% of users will assume GSX "has a bug", trying to load 400 passengers on a 737.
Just show a warning but load the simbrief data still. It would be clear to the users that there is an issue but they still could fly if they know what to expect?
But I understand that you don't accept this being an issue for more people than it would probably be if you lifted these limitations, so we have to live with that and let people report the issues over and over again with every new addon released :)
Flights can depart after their scheduled time. If I make a turnaround and prefile a new simbrief plan for the way back and then end up in a hold or divert, this is a totally valid scenario. Showing invalid simbrief data is incorrect in this situation since the flight just gets delayed, but the scheduled time of departure remains the old.
That's a different issue, surely flight can depart late, but they usually are on a gate before their scheduled time, it's ok the VGDS would show a positive number during servicing, but it would be confusing if the time was already past even before service started.
But I understand that you don't accept this being an issue for more people than it would probably be if you lifted these limitations, so we have to live with that and let people report the issues over and over again with every new addon released
Most users don't even care to report anything, they will just assume the program has a bug and move on or, even worse, report of non-existent bugs on other site we can't even be present to explain so yes, we err on the side of caution and it's really simple:
Want to use SimBrief ?
Fill everything correctly, and be sure your airplane data is not wrong because, if there weren't any particularly popular airplanes with the wrong icao_type_designator set, we wouldn't even have this discussion to begin with and yes, the only PROPER way to "fix" this, is to allow user to override errors in other products, just like we need to do with airports.
Flights can depart after their scheduled time. If I make a turnaround and prefile a new simbrief plan for the way back and then end up in a hold or divert, this is a totally valid scenario. Showing invalid simbrief data is incorrect in this situation since the flight just gets delayed, but the scheduled time of departure remains the old.
That's a different issue, surely flight can depart late, but they usually are on a gate before their scheduled time, it's ok the VGDS would show a positive number during servicing, but it would be confusing if the time was already past even before service started.
It's not a different issue, it's a valid scenario where GSX would refuse a totally valid Simbrief flight.
If you think that's ok, then so be it. We agree to disagree on that.
But I understand that you don't accept this being an issue for more people than it would probably be if you lifted these limitations, so we have to live with that and let people report the issues over and over again with every new addon released
Most users don't even care to report anything
They do care to report it like it is done here or on various discords where other people help figuring out the issue with the ICAO code.
they will just assume the program has a bug
No need to assume if the program shows a warning instead of an error, as I suggested.
Want to use SimBrief ?
Fill everything correctly, and be sure your airplane data is not wrong
Or open new threads over and over reporting simbrief issues, instead of having GSX to clearly state issues but still load data. In the case of this thread, the data was totally fine to load it, but GSX refused it just for the sake of you fearing more bug reports.
It's your product, your design choices, but by the number of such reports you might consider this being a pain in the a... for your customers.
Since this discussion doesn't seem to lead to anything helpful other than insisting that the current approach is the only valid, I'm out.
It's not a different issue, it's a valid scenario where GSX would refuse a totally valid Simbrief flight.
If you think that's ok, then so be it. We agree to disagree on that.
It is a different issue, that is far less common to be a problem.
They do care to report it like it is done here or on various discords where other people help figuring out the issue with the ICAO code.
Which of course will be much worse if GSX blindly loaded any flight plan for the wrong airplane. Much better not loading the plan and make an obviously warning ( which we have ), rather than have the program behaving strangely, like loading 400 passengers on a 737
It's your product, your design choices, but by the number of such reports you might consider this being a pain in the a... for your customers. Since this discussion doesn't seem to lead to anything helpful other than insisting that the current approach is the only valid, I'm out.
That's why I said every user has a different idea about which restrictions to place. The one on the icao type was particularly interesting but ONLY because PMDG made a minor "mistake" in their .cfg which will of course fixed in the next update, but it's not as if many users shared your opinion, many agree with our design choice and said it would have been wrong if GSX just took any flight plan in.
many agree with our design choice and said it would have been wrong if GSX just took any flight plan in.
Where are those "many"?
Where are those "many"?
I really don't know what you are trying to achieve, spending my time using the search option for you, but nonetheless, here's you are:
Seriously? So If I plan a Simbrief flight for a 777-200ER, with 320 passengers and 148,000 of fuel on board and then start the flight with a 737... You don't think GSX should care? That makes no sense. Of course it matters, and of course GSX should check...
Another one, replying to another user "somiller", who was as insistent as you are trying to convince me GSX should load a flight plan for the wrong airplane:
This is my first post I just read this thread I cannot believe this customer somiller sometimes I guess you just can't fix stupid
Another one, also replying to the same somiller on Avsim, who's apparently on a personal crusade to supply GSX with a flightplane for the wrong airplane:
after Umberto declined to implement his really lousy idea, he got all angry and rude. If Umberto had implemented his idea, I can promise you that I would have been on FSDT's forum the very next day demanding that it be corrected. 'Hey Umberto, I started a flight with a ERJ-145 at the gate in Boise. GSX brought 6 bus loads of passengers 12 tons of cargo, 40 tons of fuel, and the VDGS says I'm flying from, NY to Taiwan. Why would GSX use a briefing for a 787 flight from NY to Taiwan that I created in Simbrief 3 months ago? WTH were you thinking? I know developers can have a hard time tying their shoes, but for crying out loud. Can you please make GSX stop using briefings that obviously weren't created for my ERJ-145 flight from Boise to Birmingham? Just have GSX look at the type of airplane we're using and have it make a reasonable guess at the number of pax for us.' .