FSDreamTeam forum

Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: Raznboth on September 08, 2022, 11:38:38 pm

Title: GSX Keep detecting default afcad
Post by: Raznboth on September 08, 2022, 11:38:38 pm
GSX keep detecting default afcad instead the custom one, even if i put the afcad inside the virtuali folder.

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/934650563684089929/1017549185270173850/YBNA2.png (https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/934650563684089929/1017549185270173850/YBNA2.png)

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/934650563684089929/1017549185802846218/YBNA1.png (https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/934650563684089929/1017549185802846218/YBNA1.png)
Title: Re: GSX Keep detecting default afcad
Post by: virtuali on September 09, 2022, 04:09:26 pm
GSX keep detecting default afcad instead the custom one, even if i put the afcad inside the virtuali folder.

That's because that airport .BGL is abnormally large at 40MB, because the developer decided to put several extra things inside of it in addition to the bare airport data. It's not a very good idea, because if they wanted to update even the smallest thing like an ILS frequency or a taxiway name, they would have to distribute that large file, so most developers usually try to separate the airport data from other things like 3d object, and in order to speed up the airport cache regeneration, GSX automatically skips any file larger than 30MB ( it was 4MB in FSX/P3D).

You can raise this limit by adding this line in the %APPDATA%\Virtuali\Couatl_MSFS.INI

airportCacheMaxBGLSizeBytes = 50000000

I've set it to 50M ( 50 millions bytes ) in this example, so it would take your 40MB file.
Title: Re: GSX Keep detecting default afcad
Post by: abhigyan on September 10, 2022, 05:51:00 am
respected dev
my virtuali folder has 3 files only. couatl.err , couatladdon, keymapping .is that ok or i am missing the ini file. is this the cause of err some time.wher can i find this ini file . using steam. req can u please kind enough to upload the ini file so that i can use it to change the value said above
Title: Re: GSX Keep detecting default afcad
Post by: virtuali on September 10, 2022, 03:28:56 pm
my virtuali folder has 3 files only. couatl.err , couatladdon, keymapping .is that ok or i am missing the ini file.

The Couatl_MSFS.ini file is not supposed to be there, unless you enabled logging so, if you need to set the airportCacheMaxBGLSizeBytes  parameter, just create a new file with that name and only that line.
Title: Re: GSX Keep detecting default afcad
Post by: abhigyan on September 10, 2022, 03:48:26 pm
respected dev
thanks for the reply. q is how do i enable logging. 2nd is in which format the file is created .in text document or what  and file name should Couatl_MSFS.INI with underscore or what.sorry to say i am not able to understand .can u please give a proper guide how to do it. help is much more app
thanku waiting for help
Title: Re: GSX Keep detecting default afcad
Post by: virtuali on September 10, 2022, 03:51:22 pm
thanks for the reply. q is how do i enable logging

Why you want to enable logging from the .INI ? Do you have a problem with the program not starting ? If GSX works and you just want to enable logging, you can do it from the settings, it will create the .INI file automatically.

Once you have it, just add the airportCacheMaxBGLSizeBytes  = xxxxx ( a number higher than 30 millions, which is the default ) IF you have airports larger than that which are currently skipped.
Title: Re: GSX Keep detecting default afcad
Post by: abhigyan on September 10, 2022, 05:03:47 pm
respected dev
just out of qurocity. any way thanks for the reply and helping me out
thanks will try this