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Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: zannu on September 08, 2022, 02:57:53 pm

Title: *SOLVED* Fenix A320 refueling problem
Post by: zannu on September 08, 2022, 02:57:53 pm
SOLVED!! after reading a similar post i deactivate the option Show MSFS “Fuel and Cargo in the airplane GSX menu and all going well
Hi after the last update GSX don't load the fuel correctly with Fenix.
Before the update when the truck arrive ask me to use the EFB of fenix to start the refueling and all is going well.
Now the trucks arrive GSX open a refueling menu with different options ex. LOAD 550LBS and after tell me the refueling is finished.
Thanks for your  help
Title: Re: *SOLVED* Fenix A320 refueling problem
Post by: paul123 on September 12, 2022, 07:36:28 pm
You are the man !! Finally solved my issue. Thanks for posting.
Title: Re: *SOLVED* Fenix A320 refueling problem
Post by: zannu on September 13, 2022, 09:26:49 am
no problem mate.
nice to help!
Title: Re: *SOLVED* Fenix A320 refueling problem
Post by: virtuali on September 13, 2022, 05:06:43 pm
SOLVED!! after reading a similar post i deactivate the option Show MSFS “Fuel and Cargo in the airplane GSX menu and all going well

The option is DISABLED in the GSX internal database for the Fenix A320, something you can verify quite easily, by clicking the "RESET" button in the Airplane configuration editor, which will reset all your customizations.