FSDreamTeam forum
Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: HELP PLS on September 06, 2022, 10:56:05 pm
couatl v4.8 (build 4849)
panic log started on Tue Sep 6 16:52:43 2022
problem raised by addon <unknown>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File ".\common\criticalsection.py", line 23, in _synchronized
File ".\common\mpmenu.py", line 123, in emulateMenu_MSFS
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: u'C:\\Users\\myuser\\AppData\\Local\\Packages\\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\\LocalCache\\Packages/MSFS/fsdreamteam-gsx-pro/html_ui/InGamePanels/FSDT_GSX_Panel/menu'
{'Airport': 'PANC', 'User Pos': (61.177444023455095, -149.98978046295974, 30.1626 m, 2.47376 m, 22.947773811861442, 0.011784148402512074, 0.024434609338641167, -0.007927311251482267, 2.553919111633301, 1.0)}
I keep getting this whenever I try to start GSX, then it tells me to run live update and when I do that it tells me it cant find valid AFCAD. Ive checked the incorrect installs and ive followed the steps and it still dosent work. Please help :(
Stop using Live Update and just download the manually offline installer... this will always have the bug fixes.
Something must have gone wrong with your installation, because it seems you are missing a folder which is surely created by the installer. Uninstall/reinstall again.
I have uninstalled and reinstalled it 20+ times, and where do I get the offline downloader?
And whenever I run live update it always downloads the same files, one of them being fueltruck.cfg
The Stick thread in this section named "Offline installer"
Would the packages cache folder in %APPDATA% not being installed cause those issues?
Would the packages cache folder in %APPDATA% not being installed cause those issues?
No, it only means it will be downloaded again.
I mean that whenever I download GSX and have it installed the packagescache folder is not there
I mean that whenever I download GSX and have it installed the packagescache folder is not there
It will only there if you reply Yes to the question to keep the installer files for later use made during the installation.
Should I hit yes if I want it to run better?
anyone know if the account I use not being an admin would cause gsx issues?
anyone know if the account I use not being an admin would cause gsx issues?
It would likely cause licensing issues, because the installer runs with admin rights ( because it need to install and register several required libraries ) but no the program itself. There's an alternate way to activate GSX when running as non-admin, which this user confirmed to work:
Its not in trial mode I think, like its activated and everything it just wont open
And the offline updater dosent work, but it looks like im having the trial mode issue
Everytime I try to update it it always downloads a fueltruck.cfg file
You mean the rules_fueltruck.cfg ?
Yeah, Im not quite clear on how to fix the accounts issue