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Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: Flightdoc on September 06, 2022, 03:00:12 am
Anyone else flying the FBW A320 and seeing all the passengers boarding? I have never seen more than one. This is with Simbrief configured to give me 155 passengers. I did an experiment today and loaded the 747 with same flightplan. For the first time using GSX I saw all the passengers boarding. Hmmm.
I used to have only 1 passenger.
In Simbrief did you enter Aircraft: A20N ?
It's not the A320.
MSFS 2020\Community\flybywire-aircraft-a320-neo\SimObjects\AirPlanes\FlyByWire_A320_NEO
Look there for the aircraft.cfg, it says:
icao_type_designator = "A20N"
This should be entered in Simbrief.
As the manual says, at Page 60, where SimBrief is discussed:
Pay particular attention to the default Asobo A320: its icao type designator is A20N, not A320, which is correct according to real life specifications
SO I have tried it both ways. The A20N designation still gives me only a single passenger. I DO think its a Simbrief issue between GSX and FBW because I often get that red Simbrief error in the GSX menu.
I DO think its a Simbrief issue between GSX and FBW because I often get that red Simbrief error in the GSX menu.
There isn't "just" a red button, there's also a message below it saying what's wrong with the flightplan.
Typically the message was 'can't connect to Simbrief' but even when I don't get the error message I have never seen more than a single passenger using the A20N definition and the flight plan set to a number. Maybe I'll try again with passengers on AUTO
EDLP chose a gate to spawn , FBW using Simbrief the A20N definition. Select boarding, No jetway by stairs this time, again all the crew but just one passenger. Set to AUTO or choosing a number no difference. Just puzzled.
I will check with the FBW crew today in case they know something ...
Custom Airframe to save for Simbrief, still based on the A20N. Did not make a difference for me unfortunately. I will try another version of the FBW there are actually 3 versions.
Please post a log after you reload SimBrief, it will tell exactly what's happening.
I didnt have a Simbrief error while running GSX (mostly the editor) this morning but I did get an error when I called a fuel truck. Log attached. Running the Sept 6 version so the last update.
Same problem for me here. But: Without simbrief flightplan! Starting with FBW Dev at EDDM (Gate or Parking), set fuel and wight via the EFB and MCDU, and then call boarding in GSX. Captain and Crew boarding is normal but there is only one PAX arriving with the small bus! The flightplan is from LNM imported to the World Map of MSFS. The same flight (boarding) with Asobo A320 works OK - big bus, many pax.... So i think the problem is the FBW A32NX and/or GSX...
Ok, for me it works with Simbrief and the FBW A320
Steps to follow:
First of all, you should have this set in the tablet on the FWB A320, Options>Sim Options>set SYNC MSFS Flight Plan to NONE!
1. Simbrief flight plan
enter flight nr.
DEST & ARR airports
enter Aircraft Type A20N, not A320
enter passengers no., extra fuel, cargo
check if your flight plan is valid
generate flight plan
2. In MSFS go to World map and enter DEST. and ARR. airports, same as in Simbrief! Make it an IFR flight.
3. Start the airplane
Battery, then APU, then ADIRS to NAV
4. When screens are loaded, go to MCDU
Go to AOC menu
go to INIT PAGE, do REQUEST, your flight plan is loaded
5. Check GSX Menu
SIMBRIEF OK will be in green (otherwise you messed it up at Simbrief!)
6. Start Boarding, Catering, Fuel on the GSX Menu
That's it.
(if it still doesn't work, you should download the OFFLINE Addon Manager) Sticky subject in the Forum)
Not my solution,because i dont use simbrief. And i already work with the offline Update.
Not my solution,because i dont use simbrief. And i already work with the offline Update.
In that case it's very easy to explain: as explained at Page 14 of the manual, when it's explained how GSX calculates the number of passengers, lacking SimBrief, the number is estimated from the airplane Payload when you called GSX so, if your airplane is empty, it would default to the minimum, which I think it's 1 or 2.
thanks for the careful list above.. I followed it but I can't find a SIMBRIEF green button -- where should I see that?
thanks for the careful list above.. I followed it but I can't find a SIMBRIEF green button -- where should I see that?
It's the last button in the GSX menu. It's red if there's a problem, with a text below saying which problem is.
So I followed the procedure above carefully, and everything looked good in the sim itself. I still did not see a green SIMBRIEF button on the GSX menu. Simbrief plan correctly loaded and showing in MCDU. But no button, so I went to the pilots tablet and turned it on (set to AUTO load Simbrief). It showed the Simbrief value there including my flight plan from Simbrief. When I pulled up the GSX menu again it showed a RED Reload Simbrief button. I clicked it and that generated an error log. Attached.
Your error :
('Exception1 = ', 'URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL')
seems to indicate you haven't used the correct SimBrief login. It must the ONLY the ALIAS, not the id, not your name, not both.
Only the ALIAS - got it!
So now that I'm using my proper ALIAS I don't get a SIMBRIEF red button, but neither am I getting the green. So I fired up the pilots tablet -- Simbrief again does seem properly loaded and I have MSFS Sync OFF. Is it ok to have Simbridge Connect on AUTO? Image attached --
So now that I'm using my proper ALIAS I don't get a SIMBRIEF red button, but neither am I getting the green
There's no button when you first open the menu, try opening a 2nd time.
I'm getting the same error, alias entered.
Have a space in my alias so possibly needs to be enquoted when passed through the API?
I'm getting the same error, alias entered.
Have a space in my alias so possibly needs to be enquoted when passed through the API?
It's not so simple, passing the URL quoted for some reason doesn't work and always return an error, even if the same URL works fine from the command line, we need to understand why ( we are using the open source CurlLib C++ library ), in the meantime a workaround is edit the Alias on SimBrief to not contain spaces, maybe using an Underscore instead.
This won't have any effect on your login/password, since the Alias is separate, and won't affect other add-ons that use the Pilot ID ( the number ) to login.
That sorted it, changed my alias to not have a space and connects fine now.
Many thanks.