FSDreamTeam forum
Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: AndyCYXU on September 05, 2022, 10:31:01 pm
I understand as you explained many times LOD's are made in accordance to what Asobo thinks they should be, but in case of GSX which runs at the time when the load on the system should be minimal as there is no actions which require high FPS, LOD's in GSX are overdone. I do not understand how can anyone can have performance issues during time of GSX usage where you are at the gate/parking.
So what is my issue... it causes disappearing pushback truck, bus without textures, disappearing suitcases on loading carts in outside view or drone view. Some objects seems to stick like people and stairs which is good but yeah the pushback truck and bus no textures ...
idk maybe it matters on the potato computers, so maybe some option to use better LODs'.. well less LOD's so these object display from farther away and not vanish when they are VERY desirable to be seen!
Seriously in case of luggage get rid of LOD all together same with pushback truck.. I mean none of the GSX is visible as the whole "engine" all objects, everything terminates after pushback so why even bother with LOD's all GSX objects are desirable to be seen when in use, so no need for LOD's
IMO get rid of all LOD's in GSX it is an addon that does not need it as it self terminates once it is done and all object turn off once the process is done. Instead you have people complaining about suitcase and trucks vanishing for no reason at very close distance where they are desirable to be seen.
I think this is something that airport creators should do, not GSX, as it is only active at the gate where high FPS aren't really required, again airport creators should pay attention to it like I do not want to have airport interior when taxing or the 100's of clutter items they put around the airport to make it look busy, which is nice but this garbage when it doesn't vanish is what causes bad performance.. ...meanwhile GSX is already turned OFF and all of it's objects are long gone, no need for LOD's
IMO get rid of all LOD's in GSX it is an addon that does not need it as it self terminates once it is done and all object turn off once the process is done. Instead you have people complaining about suitcase and trucks vanishing for no reason at very close distance where they are in demand to be seen.
I think I already explained quite clearly LOD's have been made to *strictly* comply with Asobo LOD rules, and this to also be sure nobody can accuse GSX to cause memory exhaustion, bad fps or CTDs.
This is particularly important for objects that are not used "just" for GSX by the user himself, but are also used as vehicles for AI airplanes and Living World vehicles.
After this will be abundantly clear, we might tweak some of them, for some specific objects, for example those only used by the user, we can probably break the Asobo rules on these ones, because not many of them will be visible at any given time, but LOD in general will stay.
, we can probably break the Asobo rules on these ones, because not many of them will be visible at any given time, but LOD in general will stay.
Exactly my point ! Many object as you explain that are only used when GSX is in progress can rid of LOD's as they are not visible at any given time, hence make them visible when they are desired while GSX process is in progress, so yeah I suppose suitcases would/could qualify same with pushback truck.. well you know best but thanks for considering !
We won't ever "get rid" of LOD, we'll just tweak them a bit to increase their range. LODs are a feature and an indication of a quality product, not a bug. It takes time to ADD them!
I understand the rules for LODs, but what I don't really understand is why the pushback truck disappears at pretty close distance already while the tug bar still visible from further away.
Why are those objects not in the same LODs to show/hide them based on distance? Both objects are part of GSX as far as I understand, but still they behave differently.
I understand the rules for LODs, but what I don't really understand is why the pushback truck disappears at pretty close distance already while the tug bar still visible from further away.
Nowhere I said ALL LODs are "perfect" as they are now, some objects might still need fixing, an in case of the Towbar tug, is a bit more complex to tune them, since is in fact made up of several objects attached together, the Tug, the Towbar, the Driver and the Rotating light, so those are a bit more tricky to optimize, because they have individual bounding boxes not sharing a common center, but we are fully aware of that vehicle to be one that needs extra tweaking.
Have I understood this correctly ?
If objects disappear when zooming is not a fault of my computer ?
Have I understood this correctly ? If objects disappear when zooming is not a fault of my computer ?
Nobody said it's your computer, quite the opposite.
LODs are made intentionally, they are an indication of a quality product, it takes *time* to add them, if we were lazy and didn't do any extra LODs, the object surely won't disappear but, the fps will collapse and, if the VRAM is exhausted, the sim will probably crash and, it's very likely they would be removed automatically in any case by the simulator, to prevent crashes.
They can be tweaked, of course, and the SDK has a tool that helps you with that, to ensure they are correct and won't put too much strain on the sim.
I agree with AndyCYXU's statement, there is something not right with the LOD's. In VR it is even worse. The suitcases disappear at +-10 mtr distance, the pushback truck at 15 mtr. The bus drives around as a grey brick at about 20-30 mtrs. While the fueltruck seems to hold its highest LOD even when almost on the other side of the airport? I saw that the suitcases have only one LOD while the bus has 10 LOD definitions and the fueltruck 3? I tried to add LOD's to the suitcases by copy and pasting the one available and renaming them LOD1, 2 and 3 and add them to the xml. But, I don't know much about these things or the SDK and it seems it did not work :) I shure hope this gets fixed at some point.
Panning around the aircraft causes the headlights on the baggage carts to turn on and off. In my view, anything GSX related in the immediate gate area should just have a fixed LOD of whatever fully on is while it's active. Very zany to have the camera sitting maybe one and a half wingspans away and having things popping in and out.
But you have to consider that there can be a lot of those GSX baggage carts running around on a big airport.
If Umberto removes the LODs from the baggage cart at the gate, then all of the baggage carts on the airport will have no LODs. GSX replaces the MSFS carts, so you would see the headlights on carts on the other side of the airport as well. It could snowball... He would likely need to create 2 models of the cart, a "gate" model with no LODs and a "world" model for all of the other ones.
Panning around the aircraft causes the headlights on the baggage carts to turn on and off. In my view, anything GSX related in the immediate gate area should just have a fixed LOD of whatever fully on is while it's active.
Baggage carts are not just operating in the vicinity of the airplane, they also go around the airport.
Two GSX baggage loaders can carry 66 bags ( 3 carts with 11 bags each and 2 loaders ), plus separate objects for the tow truck, the driver, and the carts, with an separate objects for the cart itself and the front wheels dolly that pivots independently to have a realistic turns.
As I've said, the LOD has been set using the SDK LOD tool, so they would always report correct for the object size, and that's the only way to be absolutely sure the objects won't be automatically removed by the simulator when its low on either RAM or VRAM.
We can TWEAK them, but we can't break too many rules, fact that other developers just ignore them saying "buy a new video card", is not a solution, we need to be sure all our objects are properly made according to the SDK recommendations.
so it has been over 2 years and still have a grey brick for a bus until it is pretty much beside aircraft and no visible suitcases all that in VR, i cannot zoom in using VR spot view is fixed and that is that seriously increasing LOD on these 2 things shouldn't be a huge issue, use VR outside view if you don't know what i am talking about and you will see grey brick bus and empty carts only one suitcase appears when worker picks it up
I dont know how this LOD rule is made, that you have to follow it. I see other objects in addon airports like Aerosoft ENGM and EBBR, Cars driving around in airport have good detail huge distance away. But GSX is just changing LOds in close proximity missing lights,baggage , towbars etc. How can other devs make good lod distances but not GSX?
How can other devs make good lod distances but not GSX?
Other developers are just ignoring LOD rules, because users don't like pop-up yet they are necessary to keep good performances.
A good thing is that, in MSFS 2024, MS announced that LOD rules will be enforced, because they realized lots of crashes/memory problems in MSFS were caused by add-ons not respecting LOD rules. This means everybody who just ignored LOD rules so far, will have to do a lot of work to adapt their products to MSFS 2024, but we won't.
How can that be a good thing? no one wants popups in their sim just in close proximity. I can understand that this maybe have to be on the xbox to preserve memory, but on pc this should be optional.
How can that be a good thing? no one wants popups in their sim just in close proximity. I can understand that this maybe have to be on the xbox to preserve memory, but on pc this should be optional.
Proper optimization is always a good thing, because the more lightweight objects are, the smoother the simulator is but, it's not as if we made it up, it's Microsoft/Asobo who announced that products without proper LODs won't work, we still don't know exactly how this will work or if the LODs values from MSFS 2020 has been changed, but we'll know it soon enough.
It will be a problem only for those developers which never cared too much for LODs. They don't do them because they love their users, they don't do it because *adding* LODs is A LOT of extra work that takes time, so most developers (especially of airports, but not only), just skip them so they can sell their unoptimized product more quickly.
Once I had a chat with Jorg, and he said to me there are some products that are done so badly, that the sim got close to exhausting memory as soon the airport loads, and they had to do all crazy things in code just to save it from crashing.
I guess this is probably due to the fact MSFS 2024 will be DirectX 12 only. While in DirectX 11, if you overload your VRAM (everything 3D goes into VRAM, not just textures, but also polygons), the worse it can happen, it will affect fps, but the memory handling is usually fine, because it's made by the drivers, and there's an army of developers at nVidia or AMD working just on drivers to be sure they are solid.
But in DirectX 12, memory handling is the responsibility of the application itself (MSFS), if VRAM ends or is close to exhaustion, saving the sim from a crash or even a BSOD, is supposed to be done by the game itself, and that's not something you want to do, since developing a flight sim is hard enough by itself, no need to add saving yourself from unoptimized 3rd party content, so I understand their decision.