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Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: flybysky on September 03, 2022, 06:25:39 pm

Title: I see no passengers while boarding but while deboarding
Post by: flybysky on September 03, 2022, 06:25:39 pm

I tried to boarding on a jetway but I see no passengers walking through the jetway, but it works while deboarding, I see all passengers walk out and through the jetway. I try it on serval airports (all standard) and with the Aerosoft CRJ all the same problem.

Hope you can help me...TIA
Title: Re: I see no passengers while boarding but while deboarding
Post by: flybysky on September 03, 2022, 11:13:51 pm
Now I arrived in Oslo (ENGM) the problem is stil there no passengers walk through the jetway while boarding only when deboarding...but a new problem appears a part of the bridge of the jetway is missing...

Please help this drive me crazy...

Title: Re: I see no passengers while boarding but while deboarding
Post by: flybysky on September 04, 2022, 04:16:20 pm
Here is the couatl.log of my last try, the problems are still there.
Title: Re: I see no passengers while boarding but while deboarding
Post by: Phil7789 on September 04, 2022, 08:25:21 pm
Do you see the pax count in the top left corner?

I have a similar problem but I cannot see the pax boarding info ( e.g. 10 / 134 ). I assume that the pax aren't really boarding in my case.
When deboarding I can see this info and the passengers, which matches simbrief.
Title: Re: I see no passengers while boarding but while deboarding
Post by: flybysky on September 04, 2022, 09:18:09 pm
Yes I see it for two or three times, then no massage and also no sound until boarding are finished and then the luggage load works as it should...
Title: Re: I see no passengers while boarding but while deboarding
Post by: disco79stu on September 14, 2022, 09:03:31 pm
I too have this from time to time.
Passengers won't spawn during jetway boarding, but just fine on deboarding.
Simbrief connection works.
Title: Re: I see no passengers while boarding but while deboarding
Post by: virtuali on September 15, 2022, 07:26:03 pm
but a new problem appears a part of the bridge of the jetway is missing...

That's an MSFS bug, of course, parent of the other "jetway disconnect" bug, the bridges are supposed to be extensible, but it's the simulator job to dot that, nothing in GSX has any part in that.
Title: Re: I see no passengers while boarding but while deboarding
Post by: flybysky on September 15, 2022, 09:32:10 pm
ok thanks for the reply, that's what i thought...