FSDreamTeam forum

Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: xaevo on August 31, 2022, 09:01:06 pm

Title: The addon unknown is causing...
Post by: xaevo on August 31, 2022, 09:01:06 pm
Bought GSX today. Installed, updated, and get the message that "The addon <unknown> is causing the Couatl Scripting Engine to restart".
GSX uninstalled, all folders removed, and reinstalled. Tried downloading the offline update and running that. Still getting that error.

Error log when prompted:

couatl v4.8 (build 4834)
panic log started on Wed Aug 31 20:58:36 2022

problem raised by addon <unknown>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ".\GSX\__init__.py", line 525, in <lambda>
  File ".\common\youcontrol.py", line 243, in showMenusWithSameTag
  File ".\common\youcontrol.py", line 84, in showContainer
  File ".\GSX\__init__.py", line 1012, in checkOnGroundState
  File ".\GSX\assistanceServices\__init__.py", line 4058, in aircraftEngaged
  File ".\GSX\__init__.py", line 1548, in checkSimBrief
  File ".\common\simBrief.py", line 112, in __init__
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'icao_airline' referenced before assignment
{'Airport': 'TUPJ', 'User Pos': (18.44558918945787, -64.53794172901037, 5.21213 m, 2.46143 m, 88.8834212301932, 0.021888865157961845, 0.024434609338641167, 0.013089923135709778, 2.553919111633301, 1.0)}

Aircraft: PMDG B738, airport is default, no installed scenery for the airport used. Any advise?
Title: Re: The addon unknown is causing...
Post by: xaevo on August 31, 2022, 09:10:04 pm
Full log when trying the GSX button right after sim load attached.
Title: Re: The addon unknown is causing...
Post by: flybysky on August 31, 2022, 09:31:48 pm
Same here, after Live Update

Now I'm trying this from another topic http://www.fsdreamteam.com/forum/index.php/topic,26933.0.html

Perhaps this is of interest I tried it with the CRJ 700

Couatl.err.txt attached.
Title: Re: The addon unknown is causing...
Post by: virtuali on August 31, 2022, 09:32:46 pm
Run the Update again, please, it's should work now.
Title: Re: The addon unknown is causing...
Post by: xaevo on August 31, 2022, 09:48:46 pm
Still getting the same error after running live update.
Title: Re: The addon unknown is causing...
Post by: virtuali on August 31, 2022, 09:57:15 pm
The problem is surely fixed, as confirmed here:


Try it again now.
Title: Re: The addon unknown is causing...
Post by: flybysky on August 31, 2022, 10:05:30 pm
Yes its fixed...wow this was verry fast thank you verry much...
Title: Re: The addon unknown is causing...
Post by: MrMarcelA380 on September 01, 2022, 01:01:14 am
I ran the Updater a few minutes ago.

The instant crash when opening gsx is fixed but the crash still appears if there is no connection to SimBrief and you push "Reload SimBrief".

And, before the update the connection to SimBrief worked perfectly, after the update it says "Can*t connected to SimBrief". Username is entered correctly in the settings.

The last few flights before the update, it worked perfectly. :) I like the new SimBrief Button to update Passengers during Turnaround, but something is going wrong at the moment
Title: Re: The addon unknown is causing...
Post by: virtuali on September 01, 2022, 01:11:30 am
It seems the flightplan was missing the airline, which we added in this update, I added an extra check to prevent this error in the Live Update now.
Title: Re: The addon unknown is causing...
Post by: MrMarcelA380 on September 01, 2022, 01:36:57 am
It seems the flightplan was missing the airline, which we added in this update, I added an extra check to prevent this error in the Live Update now.

ohh I see thank you!, yeah i did not have a airline in for the test flightplan. Now it works, also without updating again.
One thing i noticed while checking this right now: I know from the manual how gsx checks the departure time and ignores the date. This creates a problem:

The departure time is set to 0100 UTC (so at the next day). The current sim time is 1150 UTC. GSX now thinks the Departure time is before the sim time and does not load the flightplan.
(This case is not so likely, atleast not in my time zone, but i wanted to mention it in case it's unknown :) )

And another question because i could not test it yet: Does gsx save the pax numbers from the SimBrief Flight to use for deboarding. Or does it reload simbrief on arrival at the stand and so can't use the simbrief pax numbers because the current airport (destination) does not match the departure airport in the current SimBriefPlan for the Flight (because it searches for plan with the current airport as departure)?

Title: Re: The addon unknown is causing...
Post by: virtuali on September 01, 2022, 01:51:30 am
The departure time is set to 0100 UTC (so at the next day). The current sim time is 1150 UTC. GSX now thinks the Departure time is before the sim time and does not load the flightplan.

good question, I'll have to look into it.

And another question because i could not test it yet: Does gsx save the pax numbers from the SimBrief Flight to use for deboarding.

Yes, they are saved, because SimBrief is treated as if a 3rd party airplane set the pax number and, if a 3rd party airplane already set the pax number, SimBrief won't be used. Which means, the SimBrief on departure, by acting like a a 3rd party airplane to set the pax number, is preventing the SimBrief on arrival to reset it.
Title: Re: The addon unknown is causing...
Post by: MrMarcelA380 on September 01, 2022, 01:57:18 am
ok thank you very much.
I had no major problems in my flights the last few days with the PMDG 738 since the post release updates. The SimBriefRefresh is a great addition for flying more than one leg! That was one of the few things i was missing. So thanks for your work!
Title: Re: The addon unknown is causing...
Post by: trisho0 on September 01, 2022, 03:40:23 am
GSX Pro updated a few minutes ago. I have the same problem after requesting Boarding with AA. Reporting this issue with Logs.

Patricio Valdes
Title: Re: The addon unknown is causing...
Post by: Keirtt on September 01, 2022, 04:23:21 am
Having the same issue. Log attached. I've updated multiple times in the last few minutes.
Title: Re: The addon unknown is causing...
Post by: theersink on September 01, 2022, 05:28:50 am
Same issue here. Using Skywest and CRJ-900. Log attached.

Updated multiple times and always same error.

Reloaded old full installer and issue is gone.
Title: Re: The addon unknown is causing...
Post by: Rdiffy1983! on September 01, 2022, 06:15:25 am
same here cannot find old installer either?
Title: Re: The addon unknown is causing...
Post by: 1p1pd on September 01, 2022, 07:13:43 am
Same problem here, full log attached
Title: Re: The addon unknown is causing...
Post by: kcwestin on September 01, 2022, 08:19:14 am
I also have this problem, the error message says the "passengerBus.py causes the Couatl Engine to restart"
Title: Re: The addon unknown is causing...
Post by: 1p1pd on September 01, 2022, 08:28:35 am
I tried updating via live update a couple times. It keeps downloading the same fsdreamteam-gsx-world-of-jetways-scenery.zip file. Not sure if its related...
Title: Re: The addon unknown is causing...
Post by: MrMarcelA380 on September 01, 2022, 09:20:47 am
Indeed, the SimBrief connection is working but it does crash with the same issue when requesting Borading!But the log is a bit different

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ".\common\fsm.py", line 73, in executeDoFuncToCompletion
  File ".\GSX\assistanceServices\passengerBus.py", line 163, in do
  File ".\GSX\assistanceServices\baseAssistanceVehicle.py", line 359, in toggleDoor
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'toggleDoor'
{'Airport': 'LGIR', 'Requested assistance services at': 'Gate 3', 'User Pos': (35.33758887523711, 25.175439110884074, 27.4298 m, 2.47171 m, 274.9095047796171, 0.018549228087067604, 0.024434609338641167, 0.0, 2.553919111633301, 1.0)}
Title: Re: The addon unknown is causing...
Post by: MrMarcelA380 on September 01, 2022, 09:21:12 am
Same. Indeed, the SimBrief connection is working but it does crash with the same issue when requesting Borading!But the log is a bit different

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ".\common\fsm.py", line 73, in executeDoFuncToCompletion
  File ".\GSX\assistanceServices\passengerBus.py", line 163, in do
  File ".\GSX\assistanceServices\baseAssistanceVehicle.py", line 359, in toggleDoor
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'toggleDoor'
{'Airport': 'LGIR', 'Requested assistance services at': 'Gate 3', 'User Pos': (35.33758887523711, 25.175439110884074, 27.4298 m, 2.47171 m, 274.9095047796171, 0.018549228087067604, 0.024434609338641167, 0.0, 2.553919111633301, 1.0)}
Title: Re: The addon unknown is causing...
Post by: abhigyan on September 01, 2022, 09:24:31 am
respected simmers
i was having the same problem. i ran the fsdg  installer shortcut from desk top from the menu run update . dont update after that restart my pc .solved
can try this
Title: Re: The addon unknown is causing...
Post by: MrMarcelA380 on September 01, 2022, 10:06:10 am
respected simmers
i was having the same problem. i ran the fsdg  installer shortcut from desk top from the menu run update . dont update after that restart my pc .solved
can try this

Sadly updating and a reboot did not work. The Coatle Crash still occurs as soon as the boarding animation should start.
But: It only happens to me when i board at a stand where NO Bus is needed (walk in positions)

On positions with bus it seems to work fine
Title: Re: The addon unknown is causing...
Post by: Bill@1968 on September 01, 2022, 10:45:07 am
i have uninstall and reinstall gsx,run the offline updater n live updater hundred times and yet getting the same problem,i hope this is fix asap.
Title: Re: The addon unknown is causing...
Post by: kdmnet on September 01, 2022, 11:31:04 am
still the same unknown addon error despite 8 times the live update. Does the offline updater include the fix?
Title: Re: The addon unknown is causing...
Post by: paulanders on September 01, 2022, 11:47:50 am
Same issue for me after 31 Aug update

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ".\common\fsm.py", line 73, in executeDoFuncToCompletion
  File ".\GSX\assistanceServices\passengerBus.py", line 163, in do
  File ".\GSX\assistanceServices\baseAssistanceVehicle.py", line 359, in toggleDoor
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'toggleDoor'
{'Airport': 'LSZH', 'Requested assistance services at': 'Gate A 13', 'Requested parking services to': 'Gate A 13', 'User Pos': (47.45421906827453, 8.557472171913984, 425.999 m, 2.96395 m, 186.12964882711447, 0.013377858325839043, 0.001745329238474369, 0.00029654084798690387, 3.18211187210083, 1.0)}
Title: Re: The addon unknown is causing...
Post by: virtuali on September 01, 2022, 11:51:20 am
Ok, thanks for the reports, this should be fixed now on Live Update.
Title: Re: The addon unknown is causing...
Post by: m0N3T2 on September 01, 2022, 12:03:00 pm
The errors were reported as follows

couatl v4.8 (build 4834)
panic log started on Thu Sep  1 17:56:21 2022

problem raised by addon passengerBus.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ".\common\fsm.py", line 73, in executeDoFuncToCompletion
  File ".\GSX\assistanceServices\passengerBus.py", line 163, in do
  File ".\GSX\assistanceServices\baseAssistanceVehicle.py", line 359, in toggleDoor
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'toggleDoor'
{'Airport': 'RJFU', 'Requested assistance services at': 'Gate 7', 'User Pos': (32.91381380461283, 129.92191326567988, 7.54868 m, 2.96877 m, 47.68090096133508, 0.012525848113000393, 0.001745329238474369, -0.0003222156249265743, 3.18211187210083, 1.0)}

I've tried updating and rebooting but this doesn't help, the issue triggers when boarding starts
Title: Re: The addon unknown is causing...
Post by: Meatball on September 01, 2022, 12:04:18 pm
Got this when using jetways at ESSA (Default airport)  with PMDG 738.

Let me know if you need more information.

Seems to happen for more users too.
Title: Re: The addon unknown is causing...
Post by: SimonTricks on September 01, 2022, 12:05:43 pm
boarding via a jetway leads to crashing. Boarding via stairs works without problem
Title: Re: The addon unknown is causing...
Post by: virtuali on September 01, 2022, 12:06:22 pm
I've merged all the different topics which all reported the same error, so users who opened a different one would find it easier to know this has been fixed by running the Live Update now.
Title: Re: The addon unknown is causing...
Post by: Meatball on September 01, 2022, 12:09:34 pm

How about a more detailed changelog here on the forums for these kinds of fixes, more easy to track, more easy for you so you don't get 1000 posts with the same issue.
Title: Re: The addon unknown is causing...
Post by: virtuali on September 01, 2022, 12:26:59 pm
How about a more detailed changelog here on the forums for these kinds of fixes, more easy to track, more easy for you so you don't get 1000 posts with the same issue.

These are very minor issues that are fixed so quickly they might not deserve an entry in release notes. In this case, fixing the problem took way less time than would have been updating the release notes, which are repeated in 3 places, the release notes web page, the readme in the Offline installer and the stick notes in the offline installer itself.

There is a reason why we made the Live Update run completely automatically without any stopping dialog and confirmation at the end, it was suggested by some users that said they run an automatic startup batch file before every flight, which prepares everything, like opening website, charts, starting programs, and they wanted to add the FSDT Live Update to this process, so they would be sure they'll always get the latest updates before the flight started.
Title: Re: The addon unknown is causing...
Post by: jakecreates on September 01, 2022, 12:43:42 pm

I have had GSX since launch and have had no issues since I overcome the initial problems at launch.

In the last couple of days I've been having issues with GSX.

Firstly, when GSX opens it says it can't connect to sim brief. When I try to click reconnect, Couatl crashes.

Next is random Couatl crashes displaying the same error code as when trying to reconnect to simbrief.

Attached is the error and log.

Title: Re: The addon unknown is causing...
Post by: virtuali on September 01, 2022, 12:46:21 pm
I've merged all the different topics which all reported the same error, so users who opened a different one would find it easier to know this has been fixed by running the Live Update now.
Title: Re: The addon unknown is causing...
Post by: MFirdausAdi on September 01, 2022, 01:01:01 pm
THANKS!!! for the update, Working fine now..
Title: Re: The addon unknown is causing...
Post by: Bill@1968 on September 01, 2022, 01:02:09 pm
tq soo much Umberto,i run the live updater and can comfirm this problem has been fixed.
Title: Re: The addon unknown is causing...
Post by: alexm90 on September 01, 2022, 01:19:35 pm

i get this error when trying to board at LSZH Gate B33 with GSX Pro in MSFS. I am using the ASOBO/GAYA version of LSZH *not* the FSDT version. I tried it now 5 times, everytime with the same error message.

Title: Re: The addon unknown is causing...
Post by: virtuali on September 01, 2022, 02:49:20 pm
I've merged all the different topics which all reported the same error, so users who opened a different one would find it easier to know this has been fixed by running the Live Update now.