FSDreamTeam forum
Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: FilbertFlies on August 29, 2022, 07:07:37 pm
Since yesterday, I have had an eternal loading spinner on opening the GSX menu. I have left it a full ten minutes and the menu never appears. I have:
- restarted Couatl via the menu
- force-quit and restarted Couatl
- uninstalled GSX, uninstalled the installer, deleted the Addon Manager folder, reinstalled the Addon Manager, reinstalled GSX (which took about 2 hours), then installed using the latest offline installer
None of this has worked. What now?
The spinner will never take more than 5-6 seconds, at most, no use waiting more than that. Please post your startup log according to the sticky thread here:
Log file as requested.
Your log seems to indicate you must have unlinked or disabled at least one of the two gsx packages from the Community folder, or the drive itself where the Community folder is can't be accessed.
This line here:
INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE \\?\E:\MSFS Data\Community\fsdreamteam-gsx-world-of-jetways\*
Reports is a Windows error indicating some kind of problem, possibly the whole folder missing. There supposed to be a Symbolic link there.
The symlink is there, but the folder it refers to doesn't appear to be.
It should be in C:\Program Files (x86)\Addon Manager\MSFS, alongside fsdreamteam-gsx-pro right? It's not for some reason.
Updating in the FSDT Universal Installer doesn't put it there, nor does re-running the offline installer from https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NU20pW0twKl_KptypNFZre9nO5h0Q8F2/view
Updating in the FSDT Universal Installer doesn't put it there
That's normal, if the folder is not even there, the updater won't try to update it.
nor does re-running the offline installer
That's normal too, because the offline installer installs only the latest code, but it can't repair an entire package missing (it's several GB). You should do a complete reinstall, as explained here:
Ok. I've spent about 6 hours on this today, including doing a re-install following instructions you previously published which mentioned deleting the Addon Manager folder but which did not mention %APPDATA%\VIRTUALI\PackagesCache.
Since getting the release build, I would estimate I have spent somewhere in the region of 15 hours trying to fix various problems with GSX.
I do not understand how a folder can suddenly be removed from a working installation. I do not understand why I have had to do so many reinstalls. I do not understand why my P3D version is still broken, with jetways disappearing as soon as GSX activates. I do not understand why you can't just release a single installer, with everything in it (or, better still, one installer for MSFS and one for P3D) that makes the product work.
I cannot face deleting everything again and waiting another 2-3 hours for the installer to redownload everything. I'm just going to uninstall it for now and come back to it another day when I have more patience.
I appreciate your timely help with the matter but, honestly, I'm totally spent.
Ok. I've spent about 6 hours on this today, including doing a re-install following instructions you previously published which mentioned deleting the Addon Manager folder but which did not mention %APPDATA%\VIRTUALI\PackagesCache.
That's not a normal procedure, it's only something it can be done to be absolutely sure you haven't got a bad download originally. You packages might have been fine, maybe the problem was just the removed folder
Since getting the release build, I would estimate I have spent somewhere in the region of 15 hours trying to fix various problems with GSX.
And you got here, posted at 7:07, I replied 2 minutes later, and gave you a solution already.
I do not understand how a folder can suddenly be removed from a working installation.
I don't understand it either. If it worked before, I assure you we don't remove them, unless you go through the installer, select uninstall, and when asked if you want to Uninstall or just Unlink, confirm the uninstall,
I do not understand why I have had to do so many reinstalls.
You never said you had to do many reinstalls, for MSFS, this is the first time you posted something about issues in MSFS.
I do not understand why my P3D version is still broken, with jetways disappearing as soon as GSX activates.
Could you you tried to revert to a previous P3D version ? The issue with 3rd party SODE jetway disappearing when activating GSX has been fixed.
I do not understand why you can't just release a single installer, with everything in it (or, better still, one installer for MSFS and one for P3D) that makes the product work.
Because our installer always worked so far. Releasing a single installer, if the real cause are servers overloaded and serving the wrong stuff, would make anything worse, because instead of trying to fix single files, we'd had to deal with redownloading several GB worth of files, the bigger they are, the bigger the risk.
It's just that we couldn't even remotely anticipate how successfully GSX would have been, that could put so much stress even on cloudflare itself. I can see right now, looking at the bandwidth monitor on our origin server, that nodes are *still* replicating files, right now.
I cannot face deleting everything again and waiting another 2-3 hours for the installer to redownload everything.
And that's the whole point of the PackageCache: the question you had if you want to keep the installation files ? That's the package cache. If you got a good download of these files ( and there will be plenty of warning if you didn't ), as long as they are in the Package cache, the installation woulndn't "download everything", only the files which have been updated since the last time you downloaded the Packages Cache.
Again, I told you to remove them, to be absolutely sure you didn't get a bad download initially.
And you got here, posted at 7:07, I replied 2 minutes later, and gave you a solution already.
Yes, as I said, I do appreciate the speed of your reply.
You never said you had to do many reinstalls, for MSFS, this is the first time you posted something about issues in MSFS.
Yes, I've managed to fix previous issues by following your instructions to others and tips from friends, many of which involved full reinstalls.
Could you you tried to revert to a previous P3D version ? The issue with 3rd party SODE jetway disappearing when activating GSX has been fixed.
I don't think so, but once I've got the MSFS version working, I'll have another go at installing the P3D one.
Because our installer always worked so far.
With respect, I would say the number of support questions on here and in the P3D forum suggest that it hasn't worked particularly well so far.
If you got a good download of these files ( and there will be plenty of warning if you didn't ), as long as they are in the Package cache, the installation woulndn't "download everything"
As I said, today's reinstall via the FSDT installer took 2-3 hours. I don't know why. I do have files in PackagesCache, although these are from 16th August, which I suspect might be at the root of my problems. There was no warning about not having a good download though.
Again, I told you to remove them, to be absolutely sure you didn't get a bad download initially.
I shall. I'll give it a go tomorrow.
Thanks again for the prompt support. It's just been a really trying few weeks with MSFS & GSX.
With respect, I would say the number of support questions on here and in the P3D forum suggest that it hasn't worked particularly well so far.
That's because it was getting the wrong download from cloudflare, so we couldn't be sure what was being downloaded. If we didn't had cloudflare caching, our server would have just crashed 10 seconds after we were online, so nobody would have been able to download *anything*.
Once we realized the cloudflare update speed would have been slower than usual, we made the offline installer available.
As I said, today's reinstall via the FSDT installer took 2-3 hours. I don't know why. I do have files in PackagesCache, although these are from 16th August, which I suspect might be at the root of my problems. There was no warning about not having a good download though.
That's because in a first version of the installer, if the large ZIP files had a problem, we just logged the error in the small window, and continue downloading because, even a corrupted ZIP would still work, since it would have downloaded the missing files anyway, that's the "hours long" process you have experienced. Again, it never happened before that users had corrupted initial downloads of the ZIP files, but it never happened before we had SO MUCH traffic.
The current version of the installer has plenty of warnings if something goes wrong in the initial download, but since you already had your Packages downloaded, you couldn't see any, since it would have proceeded directly on the next step.
Okay, I have now reinstalled following the instructions you linked to:
- Uninstall GSX, and confirm to uninstall it, not just unlink it.
- Remove this folder %APPDATA%\VIRTUALI\PackagesCache ( if you have it )
- Reinstall GSX, it will redownload everything from scratch.
I figured it would be good to get this sorted before bed.
It appeared to reinstall correctly, downloading the large zip files. I started the sim, but I still just have the spinner when opening the menu. I updated. No change. I then installed the offline installer over the top. No change.
All the folders in C:\Program Files (x86)\Addon Manager\MSFS\fsdreamteam-gsx-pro and C:\Program Files (x86)\Addon Manager\MSFS\fsdreamteam-gsx-world-of-jetways have the date and time I installed them. There is no longer a PackagesCache folder in %APPDATA%\VIRTUALI\
Latest log attached. What next?
Zipped the wrong file. Log attached here.
The log shows you disabled GSX
"Addon GSX has been disabled by CouatlAddons.ini file"
The log shows you disabled GSX
I didn't. I wouldn't even know how to disable it. How do I enable it?
Good luck getting this fixed Filbert. I have the same issues where things work then disappear and only solution is to uninstal, -re-install, un install reinstall. Done it so many times ive lost count. Sick and tired of dealing with this product that I cant get it to work consistentently and I too have spent countless hours trying to get it fixed that now im tired with it, its sending me batshit crazy so ive given up.
I didn't. I wouldn't even know how to disable it. How do I enable it?
Sure you did, by having selected "Disable" from the Addon Manager menu in P3D. It's re-enabled by doing the same, or just set Disable = 0 in the Couatladdons.ini file.
My P3D version isn't installed. I probably disabled it before uninstalling it.
You must be able to see that nobody would be able to guess that the reason the MSFS version's menu wouldn't load, after a full uninstall and reinstall, including removal of the Addons Manager folder, was related to something they had done in the P3D version, which they no longer have installed? Especially as, in my case at least, the MSFS version had been working since uninstalling the P3D version?
I have looked at my CouatlAddons.ini (which is in %AppData%\Roaming\virtuali for anyone reading this thread in the future) and set disable = 0 in the [GSX] section. I also have disable = 1 set in the [parkme] section. What does this do? Should this be set to 0 as well?
My P3D version isn't installed. I probably disabled it before uninstalling it.
As standard uninstall practice, the uninstaller will never remove your own preferences, so the disabled setting would still be there.
I have looked at my CouatlAddons.ini (which is in %AppData%\Roaming\virtuali for anyone reading this thread in the future) and set disable = 0 in the [GSX] section. I also have disable = 1 set in the [parkme] section. What does this do? Should this be set to 0 as well?
[parkme] is no longer included in our sceneries, it has been replaced by GSX but, as an extra safety measure in case someone would install something that came with it ( like a 2011 version of the KJFK installer ) is set to disable just in case, it won't make any different in a recent installation, since the program is not installed anymore.
Ok, all was working again for my departure but, on arrival at Gatwick, when I requested deboarding, all ground services disappeared. I clicked edit parking positions to work out was going on, got an error message, restarted Couatl and now I have the eternal loading spinner back. Log file attached. What's the problem now?
It seems the program just crashed when it loaded the objects list around it, to find jetways. I really need to check with that scenery.
Could you please post your custom profile for EGKK as well ?
Sure. Profile attached. It's not mine, but one I got from flightsim.to.
Aaaaand another one. I just arrived into LMML (no custom profile), parked on a stand (worked fine), but then couldn't deboard. Just had the revoke parking services/change position options. I restarted couatl, opened the menu and it immediately closed itself again. A further restart of Couatl didn't help. Log attached.
I just tried EGKK with the .INI file you attached and, no issues whatsoever, passengers deboarding just fine.
I just tried EGKK with the .INI file you attached and, no issues whatsoever, passengers deboarding just fine.
That's good. I hope you have many happy flights to and from Gatwick! 8)
Aaaaand another one. I just arrived into LMML (no custom profile), parked on a stand (worked fine), but then couldn't deboard. Just had the revoke parking services/change position options. I restarted couatl, opened the menu and it immediately closed itself again. A further restart of Couatl didn't help. Log attached.
Your log shows that you started GSX, it was rebuilding the cache so, during that time it's not available. Your previous log from EGKK also had the cache regenerated. This is only supposed to happen:
- Just after having use the FSDT Live Update or the Offline installer
- If you make changes to the sceneries, like installing or uninstalling new sceneries
Normally, the cache will be used from the previous session, so GSX will be available very quickly.
Your log shows that you started GSX, it was rebuilding the cache so, during that time it's not available. Your previous log from EGKK also had the cache regenerated. This is only supposed to happen:
- Just after having use the FSDT Live Update or the Offline installer
- If you make changes to the sceneries, like installing or uninstalling new sceneries
Normally, the cache will be used from the previous session, so GSX will be available very quickly.
Ok, so there were two issues here:
- No deboarding or other ground services were available after parking. Just the options you get while still taxiing in (change parking position, revoke services etc.
- After restarting Couatl (and I think it had regenerated the cache, cos I didn't get the error that comes up when it hasn't) the menu kept appearing (with the loading spinner in it) and disappearing a second later when I clicked on it. It wouldn't stay open.
Could it be that it started a new log when I restarted Couatl and that's why it hasn't captured anything?
- No deboarding or other ground services were available after parking. Just the options you get while still taxiing in (change parking position, revoke services etc.
That means GSX can't detect where you are parked, likely because the the difference between the parking center and the actual parking position on ground is larger that the threshold value GSX uses to know if you are inside a certain parking spot, as explained here:
As you can see, we just lowered the value from 30 to 20 in today's update, and made it user-customizable because, if it's too high, it wouldn't be possible to detect parking spots which are very close to each other, which was that subject of that thread, but if it's too low, it might fail to detect if you are in a parking, if the center of mass of the airplane is farther away from the center of the parking for a value bigger than that threshold.
After restarting Couatl (and I think it had regenerated the cache, cos I didn't get the error that comes up when it hasn't) the menu kept appearing (with the loading spinner in it) and disappearing a second later when I clicked on it. It wouldn't stay open.
That's likely because the cache regeneration was still going on. The process happens in a background separate thread, so even the message can't always be sure when it's ready.
Of course, when the new API from SU10 will be out of Beta, assuming it will be also updated to add some things we are sill missing and we obviously asked to Asobo to be added ( data about Jetways, Jetway links and Runways Starts are missing in the current Beta ), we might possibly get away with the airport cache altogether, solving lots of issues and being able to read encrypted airports as well.
I'm too have a problem with the eternal loading spinner, but only with PMDG-73. aircrafts, with Phenix A320 and Just Flight Bae146 all works without problem. I don't know what the problem is the software or the aircraft .cfg.
I've also encountered this issue a few times, but what I found so far is that when you select Restart Couatl in the sim it might be actually only closing and not restarting. Only when I then start Couatl manual and as Administrator, it works again, seeming that something is blocking the restart that only Admin can override.
One of the things that increased this suspicion is that I could not delete the .err file, eventhough Couatl seemed to be closed (and also not in Taskmanager), Windows kept indicated that the file was still in use by a process.
Not sure if @FilbertFlies can confirm if Couatl actually restarted and is running again once he selected it in sim?
I'm too have a problem with the eternal loading spinner, but only with PMDG-73. aircrafts, with Phenix A320 and Just Flight Bae146 all works without problem. I don't know what the problem is the software or the aircraft .cfg.
I don't see anything in your loog that could make a difference between using the Fenix or the PMDG, they are both using the correct configuration. Try waiting a bit more to open the menu and/or close it and open it again, but not too quickly. Or, select Restart Couatl from the menu.
Try waiting a bit more to open the menu and/or close it and open it again, but not too quickly. Or, select Restart Couatl from the menu.
Tried everything possible, this problem is only with PMDG aircrafts. Ok,thx.
Same problem today. Last update of GSX (from this morning), via live update.
Did a full flight LROP to LTBA with GSX in the Fenix, no problems until deboarding. Mid deboarding, the endless spinning started (although I could still see the passengers deboarding).
Force closing COUATL (even from Task Manager) and restarting it several times did not do anything, still endless spinning.
So I flew a second leg without GSX, closed MSFS, restarted computer, and spawned again in LROP, GSX is working again.
There must be some bug which sometimes prevents reopening GSX with MSFS running, please take a look.
Same problem today. Last update of GSX (from this morning), via live update.
Did a full flight LROP to LTBA with GSX in the Fenix, no problems until deboarding. Mid deboarding, the endless spinning started (although I could still see the passengers deboarding).
Force closing COUATL (even from Task Manager) and restarting it several times did not do anything, still endless spinning.
So I flew a second leg without GSX, closed MSFS, restarted computer, and spawned again in LROP, GSX is working again.
There must be some bug which sometimes prevents reopening GSX with MSFS running, please take a look.
Again try to start Couatl manually as Admin (right click -> start as administrator), works everytime for me.
Had the same thing again, during or after deboarding something happened and the endless spinning happend. Stairs etc. are still attached.
I can try to select to always execute coatle as admin, did not try that yet but maybe it is a bug.
Logs says it lost connection.
Had the same thing again, during or after deboarding something happened and the endless spinning happend. Stairs etc. are still attached.
The log says you completed Deboarding successfully, then you came back to the Main Menu, then you went back to flight and, during this time, the simulator seem to have either crashed or closed the communication with GSX, which might be or not a real crash, but GSX cannot possibly know, it only knows the simulator dropped its communication with it abruptly for some reason.
Had the same thing again, during or after deboarding something happened and the endless spinning happend. Stairs etc. are still attached.
The log says you completed Deboarding successfully, then you came back to the Main Menu, then you went back to flight and, during this time, the simulator seem to have either crashed or closed the communication with GSX, which might be or not a real crash, but GSX cannot possibly know, it only knows the simulator dropped its communication with it abruptly for some reason.
oh yeah sorry my bad, i did not save the log before closing the sim. So ignore the part after main menu :D
The problem did occur somewhere around "Add-on or User decided not to disembark Crew".
It did ask me if i want to deboard crew. When i tried to open the menu it had the eternal spinning.
The problem did occur somewhere around "Add-on or User decided not to disembark Crew". It did ask me if i want to deboard crew. When i tried to open the menu it had the eternal spinning.
If anything like this happen again try Restart Couatl.
The problem did occur somewhere around "Add-on or User decided not to disembark Crew". It did ask me if i want to deboard crew. When i tried to open the menu it had the eternal spinning.
If anything like this happen again try Restart Couatl.
ok thx :)