FSDreamTeam forum
Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: Bentree on August 27, 2022, 04:25:39 pm
Just a message to express my total disappointment.....
Today tried to configure the new PMDG B738 in GSX, busy for about 4 hours (reading manual, configuring and saving)....after 7 attemps gave up..... the settings are not saved, the engine cones are set all around one engine, the service vehicles are servicing in front of the aircraft nose and behind the aircraft tail, the gear pin is set in the belly of the aircraft, configure menu is closed but still active so one can not do anything anymore and have to close caoutl and start all over... etc.... it is so annoying and frustrating.
Tried with several B738 liveries, on several airports (addon and MSFS airports)
Thanks for stealing my precious time FSDreamteam
The 737-800 obviously works perfectly fine with GSX in the current versions, as you could easily have verified by just reading the forums, instead of wasting your time, since the issue has already discussed here, for example, with explanations why you might not see the internal configuration working, which is done as follows:
- First be sure you DO NOT have your own custom configuration for it, by opening the airplane configuration editor with the 737-800 loaded, and ensure you see ONLY "Using Internal GSX database". If you see a custom configuration used, hit the RESET button.
- After RESET, if will show either "Using Internal GSX database", or "Using Simconnect" in red.
- If it shows "Using Internal GSX database", you are all set, and the plane will work perfectly.
- If it shows "Using Simconnect", it means you don't have the latest GSX updates so, either run the FSDT Live Update to get it, or run the Offline installer here:
So you start your answer AGAIN by accusing the customer messing up?
Your customer handling is awful, your product frustrates people to the bone.
Actually before starting to use GSX i first have read the whole manual last week, really from page 1 to the last page, and today customizing the B738 I took thye manual again and read word for word what to do.
In your manual nothing told about these problems, do you really think your customers are working through 5.000 treads of things not working in this forumpart while there is a manual and no messages to the customers about any updates posted?
I am a businessmen, 61 years of age...not a teenager....so i know where something is not right.
The potention of GSX is great, i used it for years in P3d....but since I have it for MSFS I am frustrated (and put aside as a schoolboy), almost nothing works as could be expected...why didn't you waited with realease until it was thruly tested? Did you badly need the money?.
So you start your answer AGAIN by accusing the customer messing up?
Where, exactly, have you "accused" of ANYTHING ? You starting by saying is "STEALING your precious time" so, why you don't start by not "accusing" FSDT of having done something to you first ?
I never "accused" of anything, I only said if you took the time to read the forum, instead of wasting your time, you would have know we posted the solution multiple times. But of course, in addition of not having accused of anything, I wanted to SAVE your time, so I JUST reposted what has been already indicated to be the correct procedure to have the GSX internal configuration working, which I'll repost again here:
- First be sure you DO NOT have your own custom configuration for it, by opening the airplane configuration editor with the 737-800 loaded, and ensure you see ONLY "Using Internal GSX database". If you see a custom configuration used, hit the RESET button.
- After RESET, if will show either "Using Internal GSX database", or "Using Simconnect" in red.
- If it shows "Using Internal GSX database", you are all set, and the plane will work perfectly.
- If it shows "Using Simconnect", it means you don't have the latest GSX updates so, either run the FSDT Live Update to get it, or run the Offline installer here:
This is what you wrote:
>> as you could easily have verified by just reading the forums, instead of wasting your time, since the issue has already discussed here
We (your customers) are expecting (and should get) a working product !
Look at your forum.....it is totally full with treads of people having problems. Are you proud of your work? Is it satisfying? Do you feel good?
For crying out load....it is a big shame !
You are well known in the FS Community for defending yourself by giving your customers the blame.... howwell is your sleep in the night?
Answer the question: WHY DID YOU NOT TESTED YOUR SOFTWARE AS YOU SHOULD, AND WAITED WITH RELEASE? Now you are totally waisting our time...use us all as beta testers!
We (your customers) are expecting (and should get) a working product !
Because it obviously does, with the configuration we supplied it with, which has been released the same day the 737-800 came out.
Look at your forum.....it is totally full with treads of people having problems. Are you proud of your work? Is it satisfying? Do you feel good?
Sure, because all problems have being explained, no matter how many they are. The number of post is irrelevant to the quality of the product, it only tells that is fairly complex to use, which we aren't NOT "ashamed" for, what matters is what they are reporting it and how they are being addressed, which shows the level of support.
You are well known in the FS Community for defending yourself by giving your customers the blame.... howwell is your sleep in the night?
Social networks are full of so many different positions, you can read about anything there. What matters is the actual solutions people get when they make a question, here. Let's try to be concrete, and stick to the facts. Have you tried what I suggested to do ? Does it work ? That's the only thing that matters.
Answer the question: WHY DID YOU NOT TESTED YOUR SOFTWARE AS YOU SHOULD, AND WAITED WITH RELEASE? Now you are totally waisting our time...use us all as beta testers!
The software has obviously being tested by several forum users first, then several YouTubers next, and nobody had anything in particular to say. But it's a very well known FACT that, no matter how a software is tested, once it gets out in the real world, you'll find a number of complain proportional to its popularity. When Microsoft release a new patch, you see THOUSANDS of angry users with CTDs', locked updates, community folders emptied, all kind of disasters. Nothing new to see here...
And, since you are referring of a SPECIFIC issue, which is the supposed inability to use the PMDG 737-800, for which I already provided full instruction for, how this could be possible "tested before release", considering the 737-800 came out AFTER GSX ?
We obviously had a fully working config for the -700, which requires no user intervention to be used.
Instead, why you don't do something as simple as TRYING what I've suggested to do ?
Everyone take a breath. Umberto, we're appreciative you respond so quickly. I get you're probably exhausted as well. That said, there are 1000s of messages in these forums and it's not always apparent where to find a fix or solve, so it comes across as passive aggressive when you reply, sometimes. That's all I think he was trying to say.
This is what you wrote:
>> as you could easily have verified by just reading the forums, instead of wasting your time, since the issue has already discussed here
We (your customers) are expecting (and should get) a working product !
Look at your forum.....it is totally full with treads of people having problems. Are you proud of your work? Is it satisfying? Do you feel good?
For crying out load....it is a big shame !
You are well known in the FS Community for defending yourself by giving your customers the blame.... howwell is your sleep in the night?
Answer the question: WHY DID YOU NOT TESTED YOUR SOFTWARE AS YOU SHOULD, AND WAITED WITH RELEASE? Now you are totally waisting our time...use us all as beta testers!
Hi Bentree,
Take it easy mate. I'm 59. I purchased GSX Pro on the day it was released. It's getting to be quite a common practice for developers to release their products on an early public access beta after the "A" class testers have reported their finding to the developer. This doesn't mean that the product is worthless or that the developer is sitting on their laurels after releasing their product. On the contrary, FSDT has been working around the clock and making updates on a daily basis if not on a several times a day. Every day, I see improvements.
DCS World and even MSFS released their sims and aircraft partially working, new systems are being updated and incorporated on a regular basis. Just take a deep breath and be patient. X-Plane 12 will also be released soon, and also on an early public beta access. In time, all of your issues will be resolved.
GSX Pro, is not a one size shoe that fits like a glove for all aircraft. Each aircraft has different door locations and baggage/cargo compartments, height from ground, fuselage length , etc. The developer has to custom craft the application for each aircraft for it to work properly and this takes time.
Lasty, I'll close with this. We are all living through difficult times. Developers like FSDT are working extremely hard to put food on their table and take care of their families to bring us products to enjoy that make simming more realistic and immersive.
Everyone take a breath. Umberto, we're appreciative you respond so quickly. I get you're probably exhausted as well. That said, there are 1000s of messages in these forums and it's not always apparent where to find a fix or solve, so it comes across as passive aggressive when you reply, sometimes. That's all I think he was trying to say.
He managed to say way more than that and yes, IT IS exhausting working full time, night and day, over weekends and vacations, non stop, replying a new message every 5 minutes, where MOST of them were probably already discussed and answered AND being treated in such patronizing way.
"How you do sleep at night ?" was the question. Well, I DON'T, or very little, because I'm working my **s off to HELP PEOPLE, as quickly as I can.
I totally understand. We are very appreciative (I'll speak for most) of the very fast responses and help. When GSX Pro works as it should, it's freaking amazing. Bugs will get ironed out I have no more doubts.
Hi mates.
First of all, sorry for my written English... I hope it can be understood.
I haven't bought GSX yet but I'm watching different YouTube videos (from youtubers such as 737NGDriver, British AvGeek, BobbyFuzzy, FilbertFlies and so on...) and listening some comments from a friend of mine who purchased it at day 1.
What I haven't understood yet is if there really is the possibility to change the positions of the stairs, loaders etc ... it seems that once the changes have been saved and the plane reloaded everything is lost and they are not maintained. I know that many simmers use PMDG, FENIX etc... and these planes are already configured by FSdreamteam but in the product page I can read:
"Although GSX already comes with an airplane database including many default and popular 3rd party airplanes such as Fenix, PMDG, Leonardo, Aerosoft, users can create their own custom aircraft profile, to adapt GSX to any airplane that will eventually be available in the future. Aircraft profiles are very small text files which can be shared by users or supplied by the airplane developers directly. There's a published API airplane or utility developers can use, to add specific GSX integration in their products."
I read comment from Umberto who says all works perfectly but apparently some users have this kind of issue. I am sorry that Umberto has not slept but it is evident that something has not worked properly. Instead of continuing to write the same response to the customers, why not clearly demonstrate by a video or tutorial that the product works? In this case the problem of not saving the changes is easily reproducible: give us a video tutorial on a default aircraft (for example the Asobo A320) where you can change the default GSX parameters (moving a door for example), save and then reload the plane.
For a potential customer like me, what I read on the forum is honestly not positive, but not because of the product itself which should be "corrected / improved", but the way you manage the customers.
I'm a help desk support specialist for a software house since years and I can assure you, dear Umberto, that the customer does not necessarily care about the speed with which you respond but the quality / usefulness of the response. I am reading several threads in which in the end you do not answer certain questions asked, but you continue to go around them. What I see is a developer responding like a developer and I think you know what I mean. Believe me I fully understand your position and some of your answers, it is difficult to manage certain reactions etc ... I know that it's difficult to deal with users but if your product works and does not have the problems that many raise, it is still up to you to "prove" that they are wrong and not just with a written answer. Too easy mate... especially when you can simply open Youtube to watch videos in which it is clear what is not working.
Before answering a customer, think that he paid (in this case about 40 euros) and it's also thanks to him that you can continue to work and do what, I hope, you like to do. I don't think the customer is always right but unfortunately it is up to you to show him that he's wrong or not, and when we make mistakes, we must have to apologize and indeed to thank him for patience and for trust. I don't think I've ever read an answer from you in which you thank a customer.
One of the main rules in the management of the help desk is to not always respond directly to the customer who writes even in an unpolite way. You can answer simply by showing, as I said before, that that particular feature works, telling him to try to perform certain steps etc ... but not doing a grammar analysis of every single word he wrote, without, in the end, having shown him the opposite but only a continuous defense, a question and answer that leads to nothing.
I hope Umberto you do not take these words as a "sterile polemic" but as an advice to improve. I have been a FSDreamteam customer for years and I will certainly buy GSX for MSFS ;)
Best regards,
Everyone take a breath. Umberto, we're appreciative you respond so quickly. I get you're probably exhausted as well. That said, there are 1000s of messages in these forums and it's not always apparent where to find a fix or solve, so it comes across as passive aggressive when you reply, sometimes. That's all I think he was trying to say.
He managed to say way more than that and yes, IT IS exhausting working full time, night and day, over weekends and vacations, non stop, replying a new message every 5 minutes, where MOST of them were probably already discussed and answered AND being treated in such patronizing way.
"How you do sleep at night ?" was the question. Well, I DON'T, or very little, because I'm working my **s off to HELP PEOPLE, as quickly as I can.
We all appreciate your hard work, but you might want to get some people that do support here before you physically exhaust. Support employees (with enough sleep) would also not come across as passively aggressive as you do most of the time, no offense. And you can concentrate on actual coding and bugfixing. GSX is a big product and the market is big, you can't do it all on your own; I think this release of GSX showed that pretty well.
Imagine you buy a product, ask for support and there's only one guy that constantly answers every post in a way that comes across passively-aggressive (mostly because of your preference for EMPHASIZING a lot of *words*, which comes across as a sort of yelling), ending up telling you that he doesn't sleep because he works 24/7. That doesn't sound very professional and diminishes customer trust, especially for those that have no previous experience with your products on P3D. Again, no offense, just a little advise from the heart because I care about you and GSX.
I'm a help desk support specialist for a software house since years and I can assure you, dear Umberto, that the customer does not necessarily care about the speed with which you respond but the quality / usefulness of the response. I am reading several threads in which in the end you do not answer certain questions asked, but you continue to go around them. What I see is a developer responding like a developer and I think you know what I mean.
Exactly, you want " quality / usefulness" ? Before you can get that, I need to understand precisely what's going on and, since most of the times reports start with "nothing works", "it doesn't start", they require lots of additional questions, like what exactly doesn't work, where, if a certain airplane has been used, if a certain scenery has been used.
That's the only way to eventually arrive at the useful answer.
especially when you can simply open Youtube to watch videos in which it is clear what is not working
And most of them clearly show the guy who made the video didn't read the manual, some examples I saw:
- One tried to use the Pax waypoint editor to make passengers pass through the jetway instead of "floating in the air", without realizing the jetway docked on the Service Door so, instead of a "GSX bug", he just witnessed an MSFS bug, which was only more noticeable because now you have passengers, and in that situations, passengers were the only thing correct, since they were doing the path they were *supposed* to take, had the jetway docked correctly in the first place. Pax Waypoint on Gates are only supposed to be used when there's a static jetway, it was a feature asked by users, which we promptly added, but it seems to have confused some.
- One tried the accelerate the boarding process and tried to use the Time Acceleration slider, wondered "it didn't work", without noticing the slider is placed in a section that reads "Refueling" and the manual clearly said that option is "Refueling Time Acceleration".
This is the kind of information you can get from YouTube...
I hope Umberto you do not take these words as a "sterile polemic" but as an advice to improve. I have been a FSDreamteam customer for years and I will certainly buy GSX for
I do get all your suggestions, and I need to stress that, support is NOT by job but, do you think support will improve, if we had to raise our prices to hire some support professional, which will surely be trained to better behave but, in the end, not doing anything other than replying with "I'll ask the developers" ?
But that's even besides the point.
Is there some other major developer where I could find some examples of good behavior towards customers. Because, if I had to rely on users "common knowledge", EVERY developer out is rude and egotistic and lots of users are even scared to post on those forums because they fear to be attacked by his "minions", that's the common term for users that understand why you can't have a professional level of support in this extremely small industry, they even end up being pictured as the bad guy minions.
Hi Umberto,
it is evident that there is no better deaf than someone who does not want to listen (and yes, from both parts).
Anyway, once again what you have been able to do is tell me that some users are wrong to use GSX. Perfect ... I'm waiting for your video in which you show me that the changes that are made on the planes are kept (a problem which is also mentioned in other posts I think). Your constant search for excuses to argue is useless because you are not proving to anyone that we are wrong and GSX works exactly as described on the product page.
Have you attended any communication, customer management or similar courses? If not, please don't tell me how to manage customers.
I think when a person has no idea what empathy means these are the results, and this has nothing to do with the problems of the product itself.
From your sentences it is clear how you think that all those who write on the forum are poor idiots who do not know how to use your fantastic program. Well, do you want to make your life easy? Refund all of these so you don't have to answer the same things in the forum and you can sleep peacefully.
I respect your point of view but unfortunately (and this is one of my limitation) I find very sad when someone doesn't put a minimum of "humanity" into what he/she does and how he/she treat people, at least at the beginning.
Best regards,
it is evident that there is no better deaf than someone who does not want to listen (and yes, from both parts).
You just made my point, again: I thought to have replied in a way that honestly acknowledged your suggestions, yet you seem to have failed to get it.
Anyway, once again what you have been able to do is tell me that some users are wrong to use GSX. Perfect ...
If you are referring to the mistake I saw in some videos, those are in fact mistakes caused by not having read the manual, I don't see why the onus of the proof should always be on me, but I have lost any right to say "that's a user mistake", when it clearly is.
I'm waiting for your video in which you show me that the changes that are made on the planes are kept (a problem which is also mentioned in other posts I think). Your constant search for excuses to argue is useless because you are not proving to anyone that we are wrong and GSX works exactly as described on the product page.
I already made a video showing changes are saved. It's there in another post. I think there's another problem entirely, which has something to do with changing ground elevation from edit mode to use mode, but I need to make more tests with it.
Have you attended any communication, customer management or similar courses? If not, please don't tell me how to manage customers.
That was I was trying to explain when I said customer support is not my job. You seem to have missed that too.
From your sentences it is clear how you think that all those who write on the forum are poor idiots who do not know how to use your fantastic program. Well, do you want to make your life easy? Refund all of these so you don't have to answer the same things in the forum and you can sleep peacefully.
From your sentences is clear you haven't read anything of what I wrote, since nowhere I ever wrote or said anything like that.
I respect your point of view but unfortunately (and this is one of my limitation) I find very sad when someone doesn't put a minimum of "humanity" into what he/she does and how he/she treat people, at least at the beginning.
And again you got it entirely backwards, I tried to explain exactly that, I have acknowledged what my limitations are since I'm not a customer support professional, I tried to explain that almost nobody in this incredibly small industry can afford to have a properly trained one, yet you managed to not hear any of that.
Yes, you are entirely correct, it is evident that there is no better deaf than someone who does not want to listen, and as you correctly said, it goes both ways.
You know what "makes me sleep at night ?" instead ? This kind of comments from a fellow forum user:
I do have to say something, I am also a developer and your devotion to this software and your drive to make it right and everyday come in here and answer our crazy questions and do it full time is more than anyone would expect and if you receive some negativity you always try to turn it into a positive. I hope you know most of us really, really appreciate your dedication and help..Thank you !
Now, reading your comments and this one together, it seems as if we were talking about two completely different people, but it's refreshing knowing somebody, at least, gets it.
Thanks Umberto,
your help was fundamental as always. I'm still waiting for a link of the video. I wonder why you didn't just point it out from the start.
Bye, Max
your help was fundamental as always. I'm still waiting for a link of the video. I wonder why you didn't just point it out from the start.
As I've said, I already posted a video, showing the customizing works.
I think the issue with stairs not raising correctly is elsewhere, not related to the customization feature, but to the way the ground elevation is applied to the doors after they have been edited. That will be obviously looked at, I'm working on some new planes configs starting from scratch, to understand this.