FSDreamTeam forum
General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: jkanold on August 27, 2022, 01:50:16 pm
The Application just needs a few tweaks:
1. Split the Boarding into two parts, 1st the Pilots and Crew so they can start to prepare the aircraft. 2nd Passengers, this way one can call for refueling before Call to Board.
2. Make a Button(Option) for Baggage Loading like you have for Catering.
3. Make the Baggage Tugs and Carts start from afar not at the plane. Saves time.
4. Get rid of the time delay before sending the Catering or Fuel trucks, send them right away.
5. One or two cycles of movement on the Catering trucks rather than three. Make them walk faster.
6. Give an overall slider to speed up everything. 1, 2 and 3x
7. Allow for the abortion and immediate completion of any process like you can with the Pushback.
Please add thoughts and further suggestions.
1. Split the Boarding into two parts, 1st the Pilots and Crew so they can start to prepare the aircraft. 2nd Passengers, this way one can call for refueling before Call to Board.
2. Make a Button(Option) for Baggage Loading like you have for Catering.
This won't be done, it's just too complex and would require a redesign of so many parts of the code, that will surely lead to worse bugs.
What we CAN do, instead, is allowing Refueling with passengers on board, trying ways to prevent the fuel trucks not to clash into the Baggage loaders.
3. Make the Baggage Tugs and Carts start from afar not at the plane. Saves time.
Don't understand: how's having Baggage tugs and carts starting from afar would save time compared to having them starting close to the airplane ? And, they already start from afar, during Boarding
4. Get rid of the time delay before sending the Catering or Fuel trucks, send them right away.
The very small time delay between the two catering trucks ( I think it's a random interval 5-10 seconds ), is to prevent them clash into each others. You would only save 10 seconds at most from the whole procedure if we send them together, but they will clash into each other.
5. One or two cycles of movement on the Catering trucks rather than three. Make them walk faster.
That can be done easily, but maybe some users like as they are.
6. Give an overall slider to speed up everything. 1, 2 and 3x
That's why there's a time acceleration in the sim to begin with. If you want things to move faster than real time, use that.
7. Allow for the abortion and immediate completion of any process like you can with the Pushback.
"Restart Position" in the menu, that's what is there for.
Don't understand: how's having Baggage tugs and carts starting from afar would save time compared to having them starting close to the airplane ? And, they already start from afar, during Boarding
They start at the plane, then go somewhere to get the baggage and come back. Forget the going away, just have them start on the way back.
They start at the plane, then go somewhere to get the baggage and come back. Forget the going away, just have them start on the way back.
No, they don't. The ones that are coming full are not the same as the ones who came out empty, they are a new set of full carts that has been spawned at the origin parking exactly at the same time you called Boarding, so they already take the shortest possible time they can, unless we wanted to stop coming from a parking, and pop-out somewhere.
Many things that seems "slow" in GSX, is because airports are not usually designed well enough to take into account ground services. In reality, every terminal has a fairly close staging area in which most vehicles would start from, they would never have to run across the whole airport. If an airport is well designed, with group of vehicles parking spots within easy reach of the main terminal areas, as they usually are in reality, everything will go faster in GSX.
The very small time delay between the two catering trucks ( I think it's a random interval 5-10 seconds ), is to prevent them clash into each others. You would only save 10 seconds at most from the whole procedure if we send them together, but they will clash into each other.
You are missing the point. There is a time delay from requesting the Fuel or Catering trucks and the time they start leaving from where ever they come from. Simply eliminate that time delay and have them come right away.
You are missing the point. There is a time delay from requesting the Fuel or Catering trucks and the time they start leaving from where ever they come from. Simply eliminate that time delay and have them come right away.
As I've said, it's very short, like 5-10 seconds at most, and it's even random so, in some cases one of the truck might start with 0 delay.
The Application just needs a few tweaks:
1. Split the Boarding into two parts, 1st the Pilots and Crew so they can start to prepare the aircraft. 2nd Passengers, this way one can call for refueling before Call to Board.
2. Make a Button(Option) for Baggage Loading like you have for Catering.
3. Make the Baggage Tugs and Carts start from afar not at the plane. Saves time.
4. Get rid of the time delay before sending the Catering or Fuel trucks, send them right away.
5. One or two cycles of movement on the Catering trucks rather than three. Make them walk faster.
6. Give an overall slider to speed up everything. 1, 2 and 3x
7. Allow for the abortion and immediate completion of any process like you can with the Pushback.
Please add thoughts and further suggestions.
First of all I want the developer to understand that we are amazed about the work that has been put into this addon that adds so much immersion to the sim and that's why we are paying customers. But he have to stop being so defensive when getting constructive feedback about the product and have definite and negative answers to the suggestions coming. We all want this to be as good as possible don't we?
1. I completely agree and I know that we aren't the only ones with this opinion, for me it would be even better to get rid of the whole crew boarding process instead of this unrelistic behaviour. Isn't the whole point of the app to enhance realism?? At the same time i'm questioning the complexity it would have to add a separate sequence for pax boarding thats triggable by the user (but i'm not a coder) i have a feeling it CAN be done :)
2. Again, it's about splitting up the whole loading and boarding sequence in to two or more user controlled faces instead of having everything being started by one button click, how can that not be attainable?
3. Have to agree here too, why are the tugs standing by the plane instead of just spawning from the pickup point of the luggage? I cant see the logic in having tugs standing by the plane in the first place if it isn't the same ones returning...
7. YES
But he have to stop being so defensive when getting constructive feedback about the product and have definite and negative answers to the suggestions coming. We all want this to be as good as possible don't we?
There isn't a single trace of "defensiveness " in my last reply. I just made a neutral, straight to the facts, exposition of the reasons why things are made in a certain way. Facts are:
- The most important feature, being able to do Refueling while boarding IS being considered.
- All the remaining issues were about delays, in one case you assumed the boarding carts were going back/forth wasting time, I only explained they are not, so no time would be saved, in the other cases, the time saved would be measured in seconds.
- I replied that adding overall time acceleration for GSX doesn't seem to be useful, considering the simulator already has one. There are several ways to speed up GSX, for example by increasing Passenger Density AND the refueling DOES have its own separate Time Acceleration slider.
2. Again, it's about splitting up the whole loading and boarding sequence in to two or more user controlled faces instead of having everything being started by one button click, how can that not be attainable?
That's what I said will require a profound redesign of all services, which will require lots of development time that would be much better spent by adding more important feature. If the REASON (as many seem to have posted) for wanting to do that, is because you would be able to call Refueling and Boarding passengers at the same time, it can be probably achieved in a different way, without the need to split the Boarding process in two.
3. Have to agree here too, why are the tugs standing by the plane instead of just spawning from the pickup point of the luggage?
Then you must have missed my explanation: the ones coming in full are not the ones standing by the plane and returning, they are *DIFFERENT*, the full ones start immediately after you call Boarding, so no time would be saved because they are already "spawning from the pickup point of the luggage" When you call Boarding, you have 4 Carts running at the same time, the full ones and the empty ones, they all start at the same time.
I cant see the logic in having tugs standing by the plane in the first place if it isn't the same ones returning...
Because GSX cannot possibly know in advance if you are going to start with Boarding or Deboarding. You can call GSX at any time, you might have used it on departure but not on arrival, or vice-versa. If you just landed, you WANT to have the Empty cars for Deboarding ready, that's why when a Gate is activated, the empty loaders will be there, it surely wouldn't be an improvement in speed if even the Empty ones had to come from afar.
Then you must have missed my explanation: the ones coming in full are not the ones standing by the plane and returning, they are *DIFFERENT*, the full ones start immediately after you call Boarding, so no time would be saved because they are already "spawning from the pickup point of the luggage" When you call Boarding, you have 4 Carts running at the same time, the full ones and the empty ones, they all start at the same time.
Now I understand THX. IS it possible to have the Catering, Baggage and Fuel trucks come from a point much closer distance? It is an unbearably long time to wait.
Now I understand THX. IS it possible to have the Catering, Baggage and Fuel trucks come from a point much closer distance? It is an unbearably long time to wait.
It wouldn't be, if airports were better designed. In reality, every terminal has a fairly close staging area in which most vehicles would start from, they would never have to run across the whole airport. If an airport is well designed, with group of vehicles parking spots within easy reach of the main terminal areas, as they usually are in reality, everything will go faster in GSX.
We *wanted* to go for the realism, that is Catering trucks coming from parking of the "Vehicle" type and Fuel trucks coming from parking of the "Fuel" type, and also because lots of users hate when things "pop-up" in front of them.
But I guess we might start to consider "cheating" and, for example, start spawn vehicles coming from afar on a random parking reasonably close to the user.
But I guess we might start to consider "cheating" and, for example, start spawn vehicles coming from afar on a random parking reasonably close to the user.
Yes, Please do.
Hello, do you think you could implement different walker point for boarding and unboarding?
Hello, do you think you could implement different walker point for boarding and unboarding?
That's possible.
Is there a way to position the girl with pin in hand after pushback to stand on the other side of the aircraft so she doesn't have to walk in front of taxiing aircraft? Would save valuable time as well.
Another suggestion for next update
Add the 'progressive taxi' option when selecting a gate or parking to the follow me car
the follow me car is often behind the plane od difficult to follow in complex airports
Or, if you lose the ''follow me car'' you're lost finding your way to the gate for parking.
My GSX suggestions:
1. Stop GSX closing L1 door when it considers boarding completed. Fenix or other software im using may be still boarding and I might not be ready to go yet. There is no option to disable GSX from having control of the doors from what I can see.
2. The simbrief integration is frustrating. Stop the checks that GSX does in relation to the simbrief data. Too late for departure? Wrong aircraft type (GSX thinks the ICAO code for a 738 is 737).
3. Agree with the other suggestions of separating crew and PAX boarding.
4. Agree with the other suggestions of different walking paths for boarding and deboarding
1. Stop GSX closing L1 door when it considers boarding completed. Fenix or other software im using may be still boarding and I might not be ready to go yet. There is no option to disable GSX from having control of the doors from what I can see.
We'll check this.
2. The simbrief integration is frustrating. Stop the checks that GSX does in relation to the simbrief data. Too late for departure? Wrong aircraft type (GSX thinks the ICAO code for a 738 is 737).
This won't change, and the way it's done is correct and not frustrating, and GSX doesn't "think" the 738 is a 737, it reads the icao_type_designator from the aircraft.cfg, which has been set like this, by PMDG:
737-600 = B736 ( CORRECT )
737-700 = B737 ( CORRECT )
737-800 = B737 ( WRONG )
What do you think GSX should do differently, with this kind of data ? There is a reason why there's an ICAO standard to recognize different airplane types in flight planning, and it's precisely to be sure there's no doubt which airplane we are referring to.
3. Agree with the other suggestions of separating crew and PAX boarding.
We already confirmed this will be added.
4. Agree with the other suggestions of different walking paths for boarding and deboarding
This can be added as well, but it might take a bit longer.
If it’s the case that it’s the aircraft cfg file rather than gsx, maybe the option to change this in the GSX aircraft settings so GSX will read the code from this rather than the aircraft.cfg
If it’s the case that it’s the aircraft cfg file rather than gsx, maybe the option to change this in the GSX aircraft settings so GSX will read the code from this rather than the aircraft.cfg
Yes, that can be done.
Could you please allow us to close the GSX Main Menu screen. It is extremely frustrating to constantly keep opening it.
Is it possible to put a time option for the "green text bar" so that it can stay ON a bit longer. Maybe something like the messages timer.
Also a personal request / question. Is there a paint kit for the crew?
Arslan Türegün
I think if possible you should make by default no jetway replacement and users have to launch fsdinstaller in order to replace the jetways on airports they want. Because everytime I have to donwload my gsx profile for an iarport and have to disable the replacement of this airport before a flight and If I forget one of theses steps in a hurry it will kill my experience.
everytime I have to donwload my gsx profile for an iarport and have to disable the replacement of this airport before a flight and If I forget one of theses steps in a hurry it will kill my experience.
The only time when you need to Disable a 3rd party airport from jetway replacement is when you install that scenery for the first time. After that, it will stay disabled unless you uninstall/reinstall GSX.
2. The simbrief integration is frustrating. Stop the checks that GSX does in relation to the simbrief data. Too late for departure? Wrong aircraft type (GSX thinks the ICAO code for a 738 is 737).
This won't change, and the way it's done is correct and not frustrating, and GSX doesn't "think" the 738 is a 737, it reads the icao_type_designator from the aircraft.cfg, which has been set like this, by PMDG:
737-600 = B736 ( CORRECT )
737-700 = B737 ( CORRECT )
737-800 = B737 ( WRONG )
What do you think GSX should do differently, with this kind of data ? There is a reason why there's an ICAO standard to recognize different airplane types in flight planning, and it's precisely to be sure there's no doubt which airplane we are referring to.
This has been fixed by PMDG and will be part of the next update for the 737 per Chris at PMDG.
everytime I have to donwload my gsx profile for an iarport and have to disable the replacement of this airport before a flight and If I forget one of theses steps in a hurry it will kill my experience.
The only time when you need to Disable a 3rd party airport from jetway replacement is when you install that scenery for the first time. After that, it will stay disabled unless you uninstall/reinstall GSX.
yes that's what I mean everytime I install a new scenery I have to think about doing this, its not seamless.
yes that's what I mean everytime I install a new scenery I have to think about doing this, its not seamless.
Not sure how it could possibly solved "seamlessly", even if we had a way to warn you of a newly installed scenery, it could only happen after you started the sim, which means you would have to exit, reconfigure GSX and start it again.
Additional suggestions
1- if you add GSX Marshall disable MSFS Marshall
2- this is coming from a great feedback from my 8 yo daughter. Passengers look like they are going to the mall or walking around than traveling. Add props likes carry on bags, backpacks and sweaters/ jackets…
3- same for cabin crew who never get into a plane without their luggage
4- add another ground crew member to escort the plane during pushback (on the opposite side of the current crew person)
5- push back driver should wish (voice) Have a nice flight in addition to the message being displayed
You are getting there and after a few weeks of hesitation I finally got this add-on. Looking forward to seeing great progress in the future
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- if you add GSX Marshall disable MSFS Marshall
That's what the "No Parking system" option in the parking customization page it's for.
2- this is coming from a great feedback from my 8 yo daughter. Passengers look like they are going to the mall or walking around than traveling. Add props likes carry on bags, backpacks and sweaters/ jackets…
Some passengers do have backpacks and bags.
5- push back driver should wish (voice) Have a nice flight in addition to the message being displayed
No, he shouldn't, because at that time, he would already disconnected the headset, so it would be wrong if you hear him, that's why it's only waving at you, and the message is only a text.
- if you add GSX Marshall disable MSFS Marshall
That's what the "No Parking system" option in the parking customization page it's for.
I will try this
2- this is coming from a great feedback from my 8 yo daughter. Passengers look like they are going to the mall or walking around than traveling. Add props likes carry on bags, backpacks and sweaters/ jackets…
Some passengers do have backpacks and bags.
Well most don’t and when traveling most do have back pack and carry on luggage’s. The current configuration is not believable with only a handful with backpacks.
5- push back driver should wish (voice) Have a nice flight in addition to the message being displayed
No, he shouldn't, because at that time, he would already disconnected the headset, so it would be wrong if you hear him, that's why it's only waving at you, and the message is only a text.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No, he shouldn't, because at that time, he would already disconnected the headset, so it would be wrong if you hear him, that's why it's only waving at you, and the message is only a text.
Not that it makes a difference to me, but he could say "have a nice flight" right before disconnecting the headset, like so.
https://youtu.be/itvNjU9sGhI?t=1238 (https://youtu.be/itvNjU9sGhI?t=1238)
Absolutely agree with you
And of course, the forum messed the link up, the starting point is at 20:38.
Not that it makes a difference to me, but he could say "have a nice flight" right before disconnecting the headset, like so.
We are discussing the GSX pushback guy, and when you see that text, it's already away from the airplane.
''Not that it makes a difference to me, but he could say "have a nice flight" right before disconnecting the headset, like so.''
What's next, the captain telling the pushback guy, ''thank you and to have a nice day.''
In reality do you know how busy the captain and first officer are with check lists getting the airplane ready for taxi and take off. it isn't broke, don't try to fix it.
Watch this video showing how it goes!
https://youtu.be/SR92KkY6sug (https://youtu.be/SR92KkY6sug)
Your flow is not accurate since you seem to be wanting to follow procedure. Ground crew is wishing well before moving away and before the hand signal is given.
Either there is no visual message at the end or there is a voice message before the pushback truck moves away.
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Remember, GSX is an animation, not a real-life portrayal with real people and may not be a 100% accurate, and I'm okay with that and so are a lot of other subscribers.
If you are not happy with FSDT GSX and can find a different sim that is more accurate, than maybe you should use that one. You get what you pay for. ;D
If you don’t want things to get better and more realistic then why are you reading this post. You can continue using GSX as is. Let others provide feedback so we can help the dev improve this add-on for the benefit of all.
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Good luck with that. Changes to GSX are usually complaint driven and it seems that you are the only one that wants to change it. You have every right to suggest changes as we all do.
The video you showed was made in a foreign country and I didn't understand a word they were saying, were they being pleasant or swearing at each other.
Good luck with that. Changes to GSX are usually complaint driven and it seems that you are the only one that wants to change it. You have every right to suggest changes as we all do.
The video you showed was made in a foreign country and I didn't understand a word they were saying, were they being pleasant or swearing at each other.
It was explained on the video description to turn on CC to see them in English 
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Your flow is not accurate since you seem to be wanting to follow procedure. Ground crew is wishing well before moving away and before the hand signal is given. Either there is no visual message at the end or there is a voice message before the pushback truck moves away.
You keep missing the point.
It has been said the voice message should be heard, when in fact it shouldn't because, the GSX pushback guy is already far away from the airplane when the TEXT message says "have a good flight", THAT'S why it correct you won't hear any voice.
Now, you are saying something completely different, that we should change the PROCEDURE to have the guy saying "have a good flight" BEFORE he leaves, that's a completely different issue and yes, IF GSX was made that way, in THAT case it should have the voice too.
We are discussing the GSX pushback guy, and when you see that text, it's already away from the airplane.
Yes, I'm aware of that. What I'm saying is he could say that prior to him disconnecting, and the text could be adjusted accordingly if desired.
What's next, the captain telling the pushback guy, ''thank you and to have a nice day.''
In reality do you know how busy the captain and first officer are with check lists getting the airplane ready for taxi and take off. it isn't broke, don't try to fix it.
Don't look at me, I wasn't the one who made the initial suggestion of having the voice saying that in the first place, I only brought up how it could be made to work.
Don't look at me, I wasn't the one who made the initial suggestion of having the voice saying that in the first place, I only brought up how it could be made to work.
And you can make such a suggestion, and I respect that.