FSDreamTeam forum
Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: jonz747 on August 26, 2022, 05:28:19 pm
Each time I reset aircraft position it crashes coautl and I have to manually open it again
I'm sorry, cannot replicate the problem. Please provide your log.
Please see attached
Your log shows the simulator stopped to talk with GSX abruptly, while it was loading passengers. Have you called Reset position in the middle of boarding ?
Reset position only shows up when a task is being done for me so I called passengers, then I reset position to replicate the issue mentioned and always at that point coautl crashes and I have to restart it manually.
Reset position only shows up when a task is being done for me so I called passengers, then I reset position to replicate the issue mentioned and always at that point coautl crashes and I have to restart it manually.
Is any different if you restart Couatl from the Tray bar icon ?
That’s the only place I start coautl. It does not start automatically for me
That’s the only place I start coautl.
I said "restart", not "start". As with "restart" using as an alternate way of "Reset position". It should be the same.
It does not start automatically for me
Well, it doesn't start automatically for me either, neither the Fenix or the Honeycomb driver, it's a known MSFS bug of the EXE.XML entries not being started.
I’m a bit confused about restarting from the tray bar icon? How do you restart if the app is already running. Clicking on the tray bar icon will only bring it into view.
I’m a bit confused about restarting from the tray bar icon?
GSX Manual, Page 68, the chapter named "The Couatl Tray Icon":
The Couatl Tray icon has a contextual menu, which can be accessed by Right-clicking on it.
Start COAUTL for GSX is the only option I'm seeing but I am in flight currently but your question makes no sense to me or the suggestion to read page 68 in the manual. I reported an issue that I believe is not expected behaviour which is coautl crashes when I reset position. You're asking me if coautl crashes if I restart it?
Start COAUTL for GSX is the only option I'm seeing
That's not the Couatl Tray bar icon, it's the Couatl icon on the Desktop. The Tray bar is the little icon on the bottom of the screen notification area.
but I am in flight currently but your question makes no sense to me or the suggestion to read page 68 in the manual.
Well, I'd said you should probably have read the manual *before* starting a flight, but that's a completely different issue. You can find the manual here:
\Addon Manager\couatl\GSX\GSX_manual_MSFS.pdf
So you can read it in flight as well.
I reported an issue that I believe is not expected behaviour which is coautl crashes when I reset position. You're asking me if coautl crashes if I restart it?
Yes, I wanted to know if you see a different between restarting from the Tray bar or restarting with "Reset position" or restarting from the "Restart Couatl" button in the GSX menu. There shouldn't be any, in theory, it's always a restart but, obviously, restarting during the middle of a service, expecially passenger+baggage boarding, might be more tricky to do, which is you have other options to Start and Restart.
I did read the manual when first bought thanks. As I’m a basic gsx user from p3d days, the only aspect of it I use is pushback and marshaling so no I will not read a manual before each flight. I can understand if I’m doing something I am not comfortable with and then referring to a manual as I go along but not for a simple pushback
I can check the icon when I land but seeing how coautl doesn’t launch on first click and your explanation that it’s just a restart albeit written differently then I suspect I will get the same issue as coautl will only launch on the second attempt for me.
I did read the manual when first bought thanks. As I’m a basic gsx user from p3d days
That's why the Tray bar icon is new to you: it has been added with this version.
I can check the icon when I land
Another change with this version, is that you can quit, start and restart Couatl from the Traybar icon an unlimited number of times, without ever disrupting a flight. It's very different than how it used to work in P3D.
I tried from the notification center with the same results. I then have to restart coautl manually so it doesn't matter if I do restart from notification or a reset position from the menu, it still results in coautl crashing
I tried from the notification center with the same results. I then have to restart coautl manually so it doesn't matter if I do restart from notification or a reset position from the menu, it still results in coautl crashing
Then you have a crash I cannot reproduce. Try the instructions on the sticky thread "How to report an error", and post a log file, maybe it might include some information to understand what's going on.
I have already done this earlier in the post. Thanks for the help
GSX reset crashing Couatl is as old as GSX. The same did happen, not always but very often, on P3D.