FSDreamTeam forum

Products Support => Memphis KMEM Support FSX/P3D => Topic started by: vacotton on August 24, 2022, 10:23:46 pm

Title: GSX-This Parking Isolated at FSDT KMEM P3D V4.5
Post by: vacotton on August 24, 2022, 10:23:46 pm
Here's a follow up.  I reinstalled KMEM for P3D 4.5.  The scenery is only partially loading up.  By that I mean I only get the A gates and the B gates on the list.  I know that GSX is okay because it works fine on all of my other add ons.  I have Flightbeam KSFO, KDEN, and KPDX plus ORBX.  All okay while some of  my friends can't even get their Flightbeam KSFO and KDEN to work. (Victory for me)  If I only could get KMEM to completely load up I would be fine.   

Help!  I just ran the updater for my GSX V2 and then installed FSDT KMEM and now get this error message at every gate.  I went to other airports and do not have this issue.
Prepar3d v4.5
Thank you in advance
Verne Cotton