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Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: Wimma on August 24, 2022, 02:01:28 am
Hello everyone,
Just wanted to edit EGGD (orbx) and for some reason GSX reads the default ACFAD although it is installed in my community folder. I tried to change the file path manually. Ofcourse with the sim closed. However, every time I then go back into the editor GSX creates a new profile.ini with the default AFCAD path again. Is there any solution to that?
Kind regards, Michael.
Is that an airport in the Community folder or a Marketplace airport ?
although it is installed in my community folder
Like I already said,community folder…
Have you tried the Offline installer posted as Sticky in this section ?
Yes. Did that 2 days ago. Also tried deleting the chache in %programdata% and reinstalled the new couatl.exe like you suggested in a different thread. The weird thing here is that it creates a new profile every time I change the AFCAD path in the original .ini. Is it a possibility that the devloper of EGGD has named their folder structure differently and GSX is not able to read that?
Pilotplus uses "Community\EGGD\scenery\PilotPlus\PPEGGD\PP-EGGD-polygons.bgl"
whereas aerosoft, for example, uses "Community\LGSA\scenery\world\scenery\ground_polygons.bgl"
Maybe GSX gets confused by "PilotPlus" instead of seeing "world"?
Yes. Did that 2 days ago
Then you have an outdated version, because what you installed was probably a first test version we posted in another thread. The Sticky thread is newer than 2 days ago, and it's surely more updated than the version you have. Download it again, install it and don't run or install anything else.
Maybe GSX gets confused by "PilotPlus" instead of seeing "world"?
GSX doesn't do any assumption on the subfolder names, it will search for airports in any .bgl that is located either in the Official or Community folders.
No change. Installed the latest installer from your sticky thread, cleared all the chache, updated GSX. Still does the same thing.
Then please post a startup log, made immediately *after* you launched the offline installer, so it will regenerate the airport cache and, if there's an error there, it should appear.
Okay so I downloaded the new offline installer. I placed the .ini file you provided in %appdata%\virtuali, like you suggested. After that I ran the offline insataller (as administrator). It downloaded a few files and after it was done I closed it again. However, it has not created a new virtuali folder in %programdata%, nor did it write in the log file you provided. The only thing that happened was that it generated a Couatl.txt file. Furthermore it generated an .ERR file. Please find them attached.
Further help would be greatly appreciated.
Okay sorry I just figured out that te couatl.txt is the actual log file. Sorry! It is attached anyway.
Here is the log file after I loaded up the sim, spawned at the bespoke airport (EGGD) and closed the sim again. It still loads the default afcad even though it is installed in the community folder!
Here is the log file after I loaded up the sim, spawned at the bespoke airport (EGGD) and closed the sim again. It still loads the default afcad even though it is installed in the community folder
This is likely the reason:
File \\?\E:\Programme\Microsoft Flight Simulator\Community\EGGD\scenery\PilotPlus\PPEGGD\PP-EGGD-objects.bgl skipped, likely too big to be an airport
Assuming this is the airport ( the other is the modellib, so it's almost sure it's not the airport ), how big it is ? By default, GSX will skip .BGL files larger than 4MB, because usually the airport data is smaller, but some developers might combine other objects in it, so it became larger than this. Skipping files larger than a certain size because they are not surely airports, is done to speed up startup time.
You can change this value by adding this on a new line in the Couatl_MSFS.INI ( after the log line )
airportCacheMaxBGLSizeBytes = 10000000
This will scan files up to 10MB, I don't know how big that file is, this number should be larger, and it's in bytes.
The PP-EGGD-objects.bgl is indeed 13,1 MB (13 824 000 Bytes). So I guess I would need to change it to airportCacheMaxBGLSizeBytes = 14000000 - Correct? Or would that screw up anything else because it would read to many files then?