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Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => GSX Pro - Airport profiles => Topic started by: AUA9085 on August 21, 2022, 07:27:17 pm

Title: Gaya Simulations LOWW
Post by: AUA9085 on August 21, 2022, 07:27:17 pm
Hey there,

I just tried to make Gaya Sim. LOWW a bit compatible with GSX.
It was working so far fine. Every Gate has its VDGS but some Gates are unfort. listed twice cause GSX cant different between F and C Gates (with same number)

Gates F3 F9 F11 F17 are not known by GSX therefor they cant be selected yet.
The Jetways are also a bit tricky cause it seems like that LOWW cant be read by GSX cause of its type of installation into the community folder.

Whatever, here is the link, you can test it out :)

NOTE: This version is for the Steam Version. If you are using another version, change the AFCAD path in that file
Download: https://flightsim.to/file/39200/gaya-simulations-loww-vienna-gsx-profile

Title: Re: Gaya Simulations LOWW
Post by: Hanse on August 22, 2022, 03:06:58 pm
Hi Bernd,

Thanks for all the work. But people downloading the file should consider to change the position of the "afcad_path" in the file based on their settings. My settings are (MS edition and not STEAM edition) afcad_path = \\?\?\?\Official\OneStore\fs-base-genericairports\scenery\0601\APX52140.bgl.

Title: Re: Gaya Simulations LOWW
Post by: AUA9085 on August 22, 2022, 06:54:37 pm
Thanks for the hint, i'll add that its for the Steam Version :D
Title: Re: Gaya Simulations LOWW
Post by: virtuali on August 23, 2022, 02:25:00 am
Don't worry, we already took this into account, quoting from GSX Manual, Page 46:

The name of the .BGL used to customize the scenery is listed in the [GENERAL] section of the GSX .INI profile. It will include the complete path valid for your system but, don’t worry, there’s no need to edit it out before sharing your work, since GSX will only use the .BGL filename, and will ignore the full path altogether, it has been designed like this exactly to facilitate sharing of GSX .INI profiles without worrying about different paths. As long the currently active .BGL matches the name referenced in the .INI file, the .INI will be loaded by GSX, no matter the path.
Title: Re: Gaya Simulations LOWW
Post by: Hanse on August 23, 2022, 01:37:34 pm
Hi Bernd,

did you also try to edit "Pushback" for the various gates? I am asking because I had problems at F23 and needed it to customize.

Title: Re: Gaya Simulations LOWW
Post by: AUA9085 on August 23, 2022, 06:05:57 pm

nope I did not tried the edited pushback stuff cause it did not work well for me yet.

Title: Re: Gaya Simulations LOWW
Post by: wined on August 23, 2022, 06:24:12 pm
I used your file as a very good base, but still edited it myself for my personal liking.
Stand F5 is my favourite, so I moved the vehicles around and customized pushback there.

But your file is definitely a great improvement to "default" and saves a lot of time.

So: VIELEN DANK, und Servus aus Wien!
Title: Re: Gaya Simulations LOWW
Post by: AUA9085 on August 24, 2022, 08:57:48 am
I used your file as a very good base, but still edited it myself for my personal liking.
Stand F5 is my favourite, so I moved the vehicles around and customized pushback there.

But your file is definitely a great improvement to "default" and saves a lot of time.

So: VIELEN DANK, und Servus aus Wien!

Yeah it was done "quick and durty" in 3,5 hours :D
Its a bit tricky with the editing tool currently :D
Title: Re: Gaya Simulations LOWW
Post by: AUA9085 on August 28, 2022, 04:14:22 pm
I've update the file and uploaded it  to flightsim.to.
Modified all the pushbacks cause they were a bit strange.
Title: Re: Gaya Simulations LOWW
Post by: AUA9085 on August 30, 2022, 09:56:04 pm
File Updated:
F04 F08 F12 F16 F22 F26 F32 F36
Center Line Pushback add

Parking Stands: E41, E42, E43, E44, E46, E47, E48, E49, E50, E51, E52, E97, E98, E99
Setup correctly

Parking Stands: F53, F55, F57, F59
Setup correctly

Parking Stands: B75, B74, B73, B72, B71, B81, B82, B83, B84, B85, B91, B92, B93, B94, B95, B96
Setup correctly
Title: Re: Gaya Simulations LOWW
Post by: Hanse on August 31, 2022, 03:02:46 pm

You did a great job. I think I can evaluate this because I was also working in parallel on the GSX-configuration for all gates at LOWW. I had to interupt my work for a couple of days and now saw that you already finished the job. For a systematic approach I prepared the attached document which you will find attached. I think it explains the situation regarding the gates C, D and F and what has been possible resp. which gates can be used. If you like you can enclose this as "read.me" in your download configuration file.

I also contacted ORBX (because I bought GAYA Simulations LOWW) from them. They contacted GAYA and received the following answer: "We have decided that our airports work and continuous feature updates are not planned. As far as this issue we are concerned, the software is compiled according to the SDK and work as intended". This means we cannot expect anything from GAYA. Maybe if the new API (to be introduced with SU 10) works as required then all necessary data in future can be read by GSX directly from MSFS and a specific AFCAD no longer is required.

Title: Re: Gaya Simulations LOWW
Post by: AUA9085 on August 31, 2022, 07:20:43 pm
Hey Hanse,

thanks for the PDF.
Yeah I already have seen the post in the Orbx Forum as well (dont know if it was you^^).

It's a bit a shame for them that they do react in that way on the request.
We can just hope if Asobo is removing the encryption stuff that LOWW will work than too. Lets see.

In that case, I can just say it again that I really hope that Umberto will give us a possibility to modify the gates a bit in the tool itself to make them unique if the AFCAD of the scenery cant be read completly or is not available.

Title: Re: Gaya Simulations LOWW
Post by: Lukas3434 on September 14, 2022, 09:58:10 am
I actually managed to get a reply from Gaya via Facebook and they were telling me that they are working on a big update for Vienna but they could not give me an exact ETA when it will come out. They also told me that this Update should make it GSX Compatible but the did not get in to further details.
Title: Re: Gaya Simulations LOWW
Post by: AUA9085 on September 26, 2022, 07:18:27 pm
I actually managed to get a reply from Gaya via Facebook and they were telling me that they are working on a big update for Vienna but they could not give me an exact ETA when it will come out. They also told me that this Update should make it GSX Compatible but the did not get in to further details.

Oh, nice. I hope it wont take too long :)
Title: Re: Gaya Simulations LOWW
Post by: AUA9085 on October 01, 2022, 09:54:35 am
Umberto, what have you done o.O
Its reading the Gates accordingly now without any change on the scenery :O

Or had Asobo corrected the Parking position with the last update.

Title: Re: Gaya Simulations LOWW
Post by: Hanse on October 01, 2022, 01:58:29 pm
The problem seems to be that GSX in the previous version did not check the actual position of the plane using the only accessible bgl-file (=MSFS original file). However, after the update, when selecting in MSFS the gate F23 the plane is positioned correctly at gate F23 in GAYA LOWW. Nevertheless, GSX reads the original MSFS LOWW bgl-file and in this file the gate F23 is on a different location. If I then (using the GSX menu) select F23 the plane is positioned in the GAYA LOWW version at gate F11.

The reason is that GAYA changed the gate numbers in its LOWW version – in this case from F23 to F11. This only an example, but there are much more messed up gates.

The only solutions to me are that GSX accepts the position (like before the update) or uses the new API / Simconnect to check the position and not the original MSFS LOWW bgl-file.   
Title: Re: Gaya Simulations LOWW
Post by: Hanse on October 01, 2022, 06:24:58 pm
Hi Bernd,

I just recognized that you found a solution to this problem with your new version 1.3. Great work and thank you.
