FSDreamTeam forum

Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: Codster on August 20, 2022, 04:51:11 pm

Title: GSX Pro Doesn't Work When GSX P3Dv5 Is Installed
Post by: Codster on August 20, 2022, 04:51:11 pm
Purchased GSX Pro on release, was getting a Couatl Engine isn't started message at first, easy fix for that. I then went to open the GSX menu but did not show anything. Searched through the forums and saw someone else was having this issue, virtuali says that it is because the servers near did not sync up or whatever. I don't buy it nor do I have the patience to wait for them "to sync". I uninstall the entire GSX Addon Manger folder (p3d GSX included). Reinstall just GSX Pro, it works! Do a quick flight, many bugs. Decided I want to fly P3D... I reinstall GSX & GSX level 2, works fine in P3D, but now I have annoying voice in my ear. Next day here I am getting ready to do a MSFS flight in the Fenix but my GSX menu does not want to open! I do not believe this is a server downloading issue...
Title: Re: GSX Pro Doesn't Work When GSX P3Dv5 Is Installed
Post by: virtuali on August 22, 2022, 02:34:19 am
Check this post here:
