FSDreamTeam forum

Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: david roch on August 20, 2022, 10:43:43 am

Title: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: david roch on August 20, 2022, 10:43:43 am
Hi Umberto,

I can't customize the FBW A32NX. When I want to save my changes, the Couatl window doesn't react.
Instead of saving the customization and closing the dialog window, the SAVE button does nothing.
If I just close the window, changes are not saved.
Can you please have a look after you'll take a well deserved rest?
Thank you.
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: Deltaflight84 on August 20, 2022, 11:55:54 am
this happened to me with the PMDG 736, when i customize an aircraft does not save the changes that you've made with the 3d editor, or better say, it works only one time after that you have been done the work with the3d editor, and then when you restart the sim, all the changes done for that specific aircraft ( in my case PMDG 736) does not load the changes. this is frustrating
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: Fiorentoni on August 20, 2022, 12:14:40 pm
It does save the changes I make (and also closes the window when I click on save). The aircraft profile is then found in /appdata/virtuali/airplanes. Do you find anything in that folder when you save your changes?
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: Deltaflight84 on August 20, 2022, 01:02:54 pm
yes i found the folder of the aircraft but does not save the changes that i made in the editor
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: david roch on August 20, 2022, 01:19:45 pm
Hi Fiorentoni and thanks for your answer.
The aircraft folder is created, but remains empty.
Win 11, MSFS SU10 Beta4

EDIT: I've just checked, the issue is only with the FBW Bus.
Fenix and PMDG do work OK.
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: cholland on August 20, 2022, 01:21:39 pm
I am having the same problem but with the Twin Otter, it saves changes initially but then they revert later. In fact I took off with changes on a short flight all doors etc in the right place and it had reverted at the end only 40 mins later with doors back their starting positions! It has created a custom file but they aren't being read/saved to properly.
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: cholland on August 21, 2022, 12:29:21 pm
Some extra info on this bug is that 'some' of the aircraft info seems to save. The position of the embedded stairs I altered seems to save but the  main pax exit 1 always reverts to default -  most frustrating to have passengers and crew boarding into the sky!
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: virtuali on August 21, 2022, 12:58:41 pm
Can you post a Couatl.log made with the FBW loaded ? I think I saw something weird about it path or filename in some log about something else which I need to confirm.
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: cholland on August 21, 2022, 03:15:16 pm
Can you post a Couatl.log made with the FBW loaded ? I think I saw something weird about it path or filename in some log about something else which I need to confirm.

I have the same issue but with the Aerosoft Twin Otter but no log file being generated. (followed your instructions from the script not being generated error postfeed).
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: virtuali on August 21, 2022, 03:30:11 pm
I have the same issue but with the Aerosoft Twin Otter but no log file being generated. (followed your instructions from the script not being generated error postfeed).

If you are referring to the manual creation of a Couatl_MSFS.ini, those instructions are only relevant to those that didn't even had GSX starting, so they couldn't enter its interface. That's not your case, GSX is clearly working so, you can enable logging much easily if you just use the "Enable Logging" option in the GSX Settings page. Then restart Couatl with the affect airplane loaded.
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: cholland on August 22, 2022, 03:30:57 pm
I have the same issue but with the Aerosoft Twin Otter but no log file being generated. (followed your instructions from the script not being generated error postfeed).

If you are referring to the manual creation of a Couatl_MSFS.ini, those instructions are only relevant to those that didn't even had GSX starting, so they couldn't enter its interface. That's not your case, GSX is clearly working so, you can enable logging much easily if you just use the "Enable Logging" option in the GSX Settings page. Then restart Couatl with the affect airplane loaded.

For sure - here is the error log for the Aerosoft Twin Otter. It seems to be the height of the pax1 exist that keeps being reset though sometimes also the position randomly resets to default. I have not tried it for other aircraft though will do so now and let you know. Hope this helps.
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: virtuali on August 23, 2022, 11:37:15 am
Your log indicates you don't have the latest version of the program (build 4081, the current one is 4811). Try to run the Live Update and see if it gets downloaded, and if it's not, use the offline installer here:


I don't know if this will solve the airplane saving, but it's best to be sure you are on the correct version, otherwise troubleshooting gets impossible for us.
Title: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: benne36 on August 23, 2022, 12:45:30 pm
Hello Umberto!

I too have a problem with changes in the GSX Pro on the Aircraft FBW A320.

If I stand at a gate with the FBW and open the Customize Airplane in the GSX Pro menu and then change it, nothing happens. I mean, in the Virtuali\Airplanes folder, a folder named FlyByWire_A320_NEO is created, but no file is written to it. The Couatl starts with the MSFS with no problems. I did it with a PMDG 737 and Fenix A320 and everything is written correctly in a gsx.cfg

Have you already found a solution to the problem?
Have the couatl.log file backed up with the FBW.
Should I upload the zip file?

thanks benne
Title: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: benne36 on August 23, 2022, 01:02:26 pm
Hello Umberto!

I have now again made a test with the FBW.
I found the following: It may be due to the paintwork. Loaded the FBW with the FlybireWire livery and changed and saved it in the Customize Airplane. Now GSX PRo has written the file gsx.cfg in Virtuali\Airplanes. Unusual.

Please check whether it can be due to the liverys.

thanks benne :)
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: virtuali on August 23, 2022, 01:07:43 pm
What was the exact name of that livery ? If it contained non-western characters in its path, it might have confused the editor. If you could point me out where it can be downloaded from, we can have a look at it.
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: benne36 on August 23, 2022, 03:15:54 pm
Hello Umberto!

I'm done with my next test.

I have now deleted all my liveries and individually reinstalled and tried them out.

With every livery I have (except for the original FBW) you have the problem.
Cannot create a gsx.cfg when trying to create from these liveries.
It only works with the two originals from FBW.

All liveries are downloaded from "Flightsim.to".
I have several from Flightsim.to and all have the same result.

Further tests with the liveries.
1. I installed the liveries with the additional programs ModManFX64 and MSFS_AddonsLinker. No success.
2. Copies the liveries directly to the community directory. No success.
3. With a successful gsx.cfg from the original FBW liveries, I also tried the other liveries and hoped that it would work. But unfortunately it is not recognized and an unedited setting is displayed again.

Here is one of the liveries I used:

Maybe you can find out what the problems with the liveries are.

thanks benne
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: Phogbound on August 23, 2022, 03:56:16 pm
I have the same issue with the pmdg 737-600. I change pass door 1 position in the editor check the gsx.cfg file for the change everything looks good. I then made the file read only. Next time I load the same plane the pass door 1 goes off  to its original position (not the one I created) along with the original position of the catering door. What's strange is it remembers the custom baggage door locations only. Until we can save these positions correctly, to me this program is pretty much useless!
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: cholland on August 23, 2022, 09:44:51 pm
Your log indicates you don't have the latest version of the program (build 4081, the current one is 4811). Try to run the Live Update and see if it gets downloaded, and if it's not, use the offline installer here:


I don't know if this will solve the airplane saving, but it's best to be sure you are on the correct version, otherwise troubleshooting gets impossible for us.

Ok so I've done all this to help make your life easier :-) Same issue though - log file attached. It seems that the Twin Otter saves changes to the aircraft file when I edit it (I can see it has saved it and the file shows the correct height which is -0.92m, but then ignores the file and uses a much higher height/loads some random data with regard to the height and placement of PAX1. Most frustrating as it resets each time.
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: mertayd1n on August 24, 2022, 02:09:27 am
Same problem with the CaptainSim 777. After editing the stairs and services, it goes back to default, it is not saved. Cargo loaders and cones are not included because once you edit them, they will work fine
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: DrVenkman on August 24, 2022, 03:29:00 pm
Has anyone been able to create or customize new aircraft profiles successfully yet? I have run into the same problem trying to create a profile for the PMDG 737-600 that someone else had above. I could change every item, but after leaving the editor and calling for services, some of the items such as the stairs reverted to the incorrect default locations and were not saved. Then once I changed them, the cargo loaders reverted to their original locations. I have given up for now, but with the release of the PMDG 737-800 any day now, this situations will be exacerbated.
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: virtuali on August 24, 2022, 03:31:03 pm
The question about the 737-600 has been answered many times: it's best to wait we create our own configuration first, because PMDG planes needs extra custom coding you can't do with just a normal customization.

AFTER we'll add the base configuration, you can do your own edit, which in general won't even be required, since the standard configuration is perfectly fine as it is.
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: DrVenkman on August 24, 2022, 03:56:38 pm
The question about the 737-600 has been answered many times: it's best to wait we create our own configuration first, because PMDG planes needs extra custom coding you can't do with just a normal customization.

AFTER we'll add the base configuration, you can do your own edit, which in general won't even be required, since the standard configuration is perfectly fine as it is.

Thank you for your reply, @Virtuali. Much appreciated.

This then ties back to another recurring question that I see in the forums here: how do we know when new aircraft profiles are available or have been added? Is the best practice just to run the Installer and press the Update button, or run the Live Updater every day and just hope that new profiles are added? As it is, there’s no way to tell if updates are available or if we’re even on the most-recent version of GSX.
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: virtuali on August 24, 2022, 07:01:58 pm
how do we know when new aircraft profiles are available or have been added?

We have a "News" button in the installer, this is where we always added release notes. But we can't right now, until we know for sure the servers are working as they should.
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: DrVenkman on August 24, 2022, 08:31:53 pm
how do we know when new aircraft profiles are available or have been added?

We have a "News" button in the installer, this is where we always added release notes. But we can't right now, until we know for sure the servers are working as they should.

That’s perfect. Thank you!
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: virtuali on August 24, 2022, 08:41:26 pm
Little test to see if the servers are coming up: try Live Update now, we posted some fixes for:

- the FBW repaints not working (it was a Simconnect bug, coupled with the fact some of these repaints don't have an empty string in their atc_id )

- the internal configuration for the PMDG 737-600
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: robvanderwiele on August 24, 2022, 09:18:04 pm

I've exact the same situation with the B737-800 from ProSim. Changes are saved after I edit them and when I test them in the same flight they work ok. But after the sim is restarted they revert to default positions again.

Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: DrVenkman on August 24, 2022, 11:56:32 pm
Little test to see if the servers are coming up: try Live Update now, we posted some fixes for:

- the FBW repaints not working (it was a Simconnect bug, coupled with the fact some of these repaints don't have an empty string in their atc_id )

- the internal configuration for the PMDG 737-600

Well, I've loaded up the sim and just called the catering trucks. Looks like things got updated, so that's good. When I called for boarding, however, two things seem different: I had to manually open the cargo doors, and the left overwing emergency exit opened. Not sure if this is a glitch with the scripting logic, or something changed with today's update to the -600 and -700 (which I have not yet tested).
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: virtuali on August 25, 2022, 12:41:05 am
Please check if the -700 is ok. The -600 has all the doors in the right places, but I must say haven't checked the automation.
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: DrVenkman on August 25, 2022, 01:13:09 am
Please check if the -700 is ok. The -600 has all the doors in the right places, but I must say haven't checked the automation.

Okay, I checked the -700 and the animations for jetway, stairs, baggage loader, etc. all seem to be fine. Earlier I checked the BSDF cargo version and it seemed good too.

I also tried the -600 again and I think my first test had some glitches because it was the first time spawning into a new version of the plane from today's update. All looks good now.

Of course, and by the way, the -800 was released about an hour ago. I don't have it yet (tomorrow evening) but I'm sure there will be posts about it too soon.
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: lebond on August 25, 2022, 10:17:30 pm

For updates it is necessary to pass the installer or by live uptade ?

Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: virtuali on August 25, 2022, 11:04:43 pm
For updates it is necessary to pass the installer or by live uptade ?

As already explained in so many identical questions, and of course the same thread about the offline installer:

- Try the Live Update first, and see if you are getting the updated files. If you do another update immediately thereafter, and it doesn't download anything else, it means your local cloudflare node is fine, and there's nothing else to do.

- If, instead, the Live update downloads something, you do it again and it downloads the same thing over and over, it means your local cloudflare node is still not fully updated, so you must use the Offline installer as the last thing you do, and don't run the Live Update for the time being.

The Offline installer is always in sync with the latest updates so, one way or the other, you'll get the same files.
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: gvert on August 26, 2022, 11:18:08 am
I am struggling to save any amended config. I tried to amend the basic (the one from the the Live update) 737-800 config, by adding the embedded stair (airstair for Ryanair). However, with the next couatl restart, the checkbox was empty again and GSX placed a normal stair on door 1L.

For me, GSX doesn't seem to save any config, the way I've set it up. It's always comming up with a different config on the next start.
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: Fiorentoni on August 26, 2022, 11:26:08 am
I am struggling to save any amended config. I tried to amend the basic (the one from the the Live update) 737-800 config, by adding the embedded stair (airstair for Ryanair). However, with the next couatl restart, the checkbox was empty again and GSX placed a normal stair on door 1L.

For me, GSX doesn't seem to save any config, the way I've set it up. It's always comming up with a different config on the next start.

I think you do not have the correct 737-800 base config. Because it already has the embedded stair correctly integrated (just tried it out 5 minutes ago). I think you should redownload the update
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: gvert on August 26, 2022, 11:33:59 am
I am struggling to save any amended config. I tried to amend the basic (the one from the the Live update) 737-800 config, by adding the embedded stair (airstair for Ryanair). However, with the next couatl restart, the checkbox was empty again and GSX placed a normal stair on door 1L.

For me, GSX doesn't seem to save any config, the way I've set it up. It's always comming up with a different config on the next start.

I think you do not have the correct 737-800 base config. Because it already has the embedded stair correctly integrated (just tried it out 5 minutes ago). I think you should redownload the update

I know, It has worked before, but I've tried to make a change to the gradient the passengers and crew have to climb, because of the other problem I've reported, where the pilots get stuck in the air. http://www.fsdreamteam.com/forum/index.php/topic,26997.0.html

I've deleted my cfg and that's back to normal, with the embedded working and no GSX stair at the front...but also with the stuck pilots. However, I still can't save any personal made changes, because GSX is overriding them on its own during the next start, which is the problem I wanted to bring up with my post above :)
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: Fiorentoni on August 26, 2022, 02:01:48 pm
I am struggling to save any amended config. I tried to amend the basic (the one from the the Live update) 737-800 config, by adding the embedded stair (airstair for Ryanair). However, with the next couatl restart, the checkbox was empty again and GSX placed a normal stair on door 1L.

For me, GSX doesn't seem to save any config, the way I've set it up. It's always comming up with a different config on the next start.

I think you do not have the correct 737-800 base config. Because it already has the embedded stair correctly integrated (just tried it out 5 minutes ago). I think you should redownload the update

I know, It has worked before, but I've tried to make a change to the gradient the passengers and crew have to climb, because of the other problem I've reported, where the pilots get stuck in the air. http://www.fsdreamteam.com/forum/index.php/topic,26997.0.html

I've deleted my cfg and that's back to normal, with the embedded working and no GSX stair at the front...but also with the stuck pilots. However, I still can't save any personal made changes, because GSX is overriding them on its own during the next start, which is the problem I wanted to bring up with my post above :)

For what it's worth I do not have the stuck pilots problem or them walking in the air. With or without airstairs during boarding. Pax (and pilots) pathing is mostly configured by the airport (e.g. a jetway), so when they walk in the air I'd start looking there (correct AFCAD loaded? GSX jetways excluded if it's 3rd party?). That's just me guessing.
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: jiequinn on August 26, 2022, 02:50:08 pm
I have updated GSX via the recent offline installer which includes a profile for the PMDG 737-800 however I have edited this as the stairs are too but it fails to save it it keeps reverting back to the default profile so I keep having to go in manually and change this each time
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: Fiorentoni on August 26, 2022, 03:07:15 pm
I have updated GSX via the recent offline installer which includes a profile for the PMDG 737-800 however I have edited this as the stairs are too but it fails to save it it keeps reverting back to the default profile so I keep having to go in manually and change this each time

In the "customize airplane" menu - is there "internal database" written in the top? Because I'm sure you do not have the correct update.
The stairs on the default 800 profile match perfectly for me, all of them.
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: gvert on August 26, 2022, 03:32:58 pm
I am struggling to save any amended config. I tried to amend the basic (the one from the the Live update) 737-800 config, by adding the embedded stair (airstair for Ryanair). However, with the next couatl restart, the checkbox was empty again and GSX placed a normal stair on door 1L.

For me, GSX doesn't seem to save any config, the way I've set it up. It's always comming up with a different config on the next start.

I think you do not have the correct 737-800 base config. Because it already has the embedded stair correctly integrated (just tried it out 5 minutes ago). I think you should redownload the update

I know, It has worked before, but I've tried to make a change to the gradient the passengers and crew have to climb, because of the other problem I've reported, where the pilots get stuck in the air. http://www.fsdreamteam.com/forum/index.php/topic,26997.0.html

I've deleted my cfg and that's back to normal, with the embedded working and no GSX stair at the front...but also with the stuck pilots. However, I still can't save any personal made changes, because GSX is overriding them on its own during the next start, which is the problem I wanted to bring up with my post above :)

For what it's worth I do not have the stuck pilots problem or them walking in the air. With or without airstairs during boarding. Pax (and pilots) pathing is mostly configured by the airport (e.g. a jetway), so when they walk in the air I'd start looking there (correct AFCAD loaded? GSX jetways excluded if it's 3rd party?). That's just me guessing.

Affirm, everything as it should be.

But nevertheless, that's not the issue for this thread. This thread is about that customizations aren't saved, which is really annoying.
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: jiequinn on August 26, 2022, 04:18:57 pm
I have attached the images, I think I have the correct version it shows the paths for the file, The stairs are not perfectly alligned for me and everytime I change the configuration it works but doesn't save for the next time so I have to keep editing it because the custom configuration isn't saving
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: Brisi on August 26, 2022, 04:36:22 pm
Hello everyone,
I have the same problem. :'(
I Flying Boeing 737 - 800, Prosim 737 model and Sofware.
The loaders and the stairs do not go to the doors.
Thousands of tries nothing works.
GSX pro is useless.
There are no solutions in sight either.
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: robvanderwiele on August 26, 2022, 05:27:55 pm
I got the same problem with ProSim B737-800 as well. Tried everything I could think of but nothing works to create a custom airplane profile.

Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: Fiorentoni on August 26, 2022, 06:02:19 pm
Hello everyone,
I have the same problem. :'(
I Flying Boeing 737 - 800, Prosim 737 model and Sofware.
The loaders and the stairs do not go to the doors.
Thousands of tries nothing works.
GSX pro is useless.
There are no solutions in sight either.

You fly the prosim 737 on MSFS...? What are you talking about? There's only a PMDG 737.
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: Brisi on August 26, 2022, 06:27:58 pm
I have a full 737 cockpit from CPflight. And FSUICP. And it's going pretty well. some landings are uncontrollable.
But otherwise it's going really well.
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: virtuali on August 26, 2022, 06:29:45 pm
Could you please try the DEFAULT configuration that comes with GSX for the 737-800, which is just fine as it is, and see how it works, before trying any modifications ?

Use the RESET button in the Airplane configuration editor and, you should see ONLY "Internal GSX Database", that's the configuration we made and tested.
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: jiequinn on August 26, 2022, 07:16:27 pm

Thanks so much for responding so quickly, I hit reset which removed all customisations and now its only showing Internal GSX Database.

I have edited again just lowering the stairs, saved the config and restarted everything. I reloaded again to see if it had saved and its not its reverted back to the default.

Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: rickypro on August 26, 2022, 07:28:05 pm
Is is fantastic that there is an updated file for the 787-800.  I appreciate it very much.  But the fact that we can't change it and get it so save is a huge problem IMO.  Is there a work around for this or is it just the way it is for now?
Thank you.
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: virtuali on August 26, 2022, 10:50:34 pm
You are supposed to be able to edit it, we need to check this. I used the GSX editor to make it, then it was converted into data but, initially, I used the graphic editor like everybody else would have.
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: jiequinn on August 26, 2022, 10:57:37 pm
Thanks Umberto :)
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: Brisi on August 27, 2022, 10:34:20 am
Good morning
reset everything.
Now there are three stairs on the 737 and no stairs at a door.

this is really frustrating.
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: Deltaflight84 on August 27, 2022, 10:42:40 am
for me work only the 737-800 variant, and "no" the cargo versions and BBJ2 is that normal?
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: virtuali on August 27, 2022, 10:43:21 am
Good morning reset everything. Now there are three stairs on the 737 and no stairs at a door.

That can only mean:

- You haven't reset everything, a custom config you did before we supported the 737 must be already there. I already explained in this thread how to check for that.


- You have reset, but still have a version of the program that doesn't come with the 737 internal config, so you need to either run the Live Updater, or install the Offline installer. NOTE that, we only added the Passenger variant for the 737-800, the others will come soon. All other PMDG 737's are fully supported in the internal GSX database, and require no configuration.
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: Brisi on August 27, 2022, 01:54:42 pm
Now GSX deleted, reinstalled.
Stairs don't go to the doors again.
Then edited doors. GSX file with the correct values ​​is created.
GSX file write-protected.
Unfortunately, the stairs are in the wrong place again.
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: Fiorentoni on August 27, 2022, 01:58:21 pm
Now GSX deleted, reinstalled.
Stairs don't go to the doors again.
Then edited doors. GSX file with the correct values ​​is created.
GSX file write-protected.
Unfortunately, the stairs are in the wrong place again.

Please check in the airplane customize menu if on the top you can read "internal database". Also go to appdata/virtuali/aircraft and delete ever folder which says 737-800. My guess is you still have a custom profile active. Because the 737-800 works out of the box for me, all stairs correctly attached.
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: virtuali on August 27, 2022, 02:02:26 pm
Now GSX deleted, reinstalled.

Nowhere I said you had to delete anything. Your custom configuration won't be removed in that case.

Stairs don't go to the doors again.

That's because your custom configuration is still active, and is taking precedence over the internal one.

Then edited doors. GSX file with the correct values ​​is created.

You shouldn't edit anything on the PMDG if you are not starting with the correct base configuration.

GSX file write-protected.

This is not normal, of course, unless you were trying to remove it while the editor was still open, you should always have permissions to write in your own folder. Try to remove when the simulator is not running.

Unfortunately, the stairs are in the wrong place again.

Of course they are, until get rid of your custom configuration file which was started to be made when the airplane wasn't supported yet.

The correct files which are included in the current release surely contain the 738-800 and DO NOT require any editing.  Be sure you run the FSDT Live Update to get the and be sure your remove your custom airplane profile.

The aircraft editor page should read ONLY "Using Internal GSX database" NOTHIGN ELSE.

If you still don't see this, after being sure you removed your custom configuration, the use the Offline installer linked at the top of this page, because apparently you are not getting the current files from Live Update so, run that one, and don't use the Live Update for the time being. We are keeping the Offline installer constantly updated with the latest fixes.
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: Brisi on August 27, 2022, 02:15:28 pm
Of course I closed the sim before I change anything.
And I don't have PMDG but Prosim 737
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: virtuali on August 27, 2022, 02:26:26 pm
Of course I closed the sim before I change anything.

Could be Couatl didn't close for some reason ? That's the only possible reason I could think for the GSX.CFG being not writable.

And I don't have PMDG but Prosim 737

That's a completely different issue then, I didn't knew there was a Prosim 737 in MSFS, do you use it with a PMDG external model then ?
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: Brisi on August 27, 2022, 02:35:36 pm
Yes Prosim 737 even runs MSFS very well.
And no, I use the Prosim Boeing 737.
PMDG cannot be controlled via Prosim in MSFS.
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: virtuali on August 27, 2022, 02:40:56 pm
Yes Prosim 737 even runs MSFS very well. And no, I use the Prosim Boeing 737.

Then nothing we discussed here applies, you only need to do a custom configuration for it but, I can't possibly say how it will work because, like the PMDG, it MIGHT require some kind of custom support on our side first, before such configuration can be created/customized by users.

It might be best if you, as a ProSim customer, might suggest ProSim developers getting in touch with me, because as far as I know, their product are highly customized and don't use many standard system, so we might need to do extra work to support them.
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: Brisi on August 27, 2022, 02:48:25 pm
So now GSX pulls the aircraft data from the GSX simconnect.
Where can I find this data ?
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: virtuali on August 27, 2022, 03:17:19 pm
So now GSX pulls the aircraft data from the GSX simconnect.

GSX ALWASY pulled data from Simconnect, when it has no other source available, that is the plane is not configured yet. It might work, or not, depending how accurate the airplane own configuration is. Meaning: if the airplane developer put a door in the wrong place, the data we get from Simconnect will show that, that's why you have a GSX configuration editor to begin with, so you can override the airplane own data, and add data missing entirely.

Where can I find this data ?

You don't have to find anything, GSX will pull data from Simconnect, and what you see on the editor, is the result, which is there for you two tweak.
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: jiequinn on August 27, 2022, 03:20:13 pm
Umberto does that mean we will never be able to make our own customisations or save them?
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: virtuali on August 27, 2022, 03:26:56 pm
Umberto does that mean we will never be able to make our own customisations or save them?

I don't see where I ever said that. SOME airplanes, like the PMDG, needs first a basic internal setup, and then can be customized further.

I use the GSX editor to do all configurations you see as "internal", before they go into the GSX database, they start as normal user configurations, made using the editor, as anybody else would do. I hope someone doesn't seriously think I'd manually put all numbers there!
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: jiequinn on August 27, 2022, 03:29:46 pm
No I totally get that but what I'm saying is the configuration that comes with the PMDG in your latest update when I try to change the height of the stairs and the catering it doesn't save it it reverts back to default each time... that's what I was meaning sorry
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: virtuali on August 27, 2022, 03:39:04 pm
No I totally get that but what I'm saying is the configuration that comes with the PMDG in your latest update when I try to change the height of the stairs and the catering it doesn't save it it reverts back to default each time... that's what I was meaning sorry

Well, first you shouldn't have to change it to begin with, because they are already correct in the internal configuration, unless I missed something so, in that case, please report it.

However, it's possible you might be mislead by the change in altitude due to the different height of the airplane when it's normally loaded to when it's edited ? When you edit the airplane, the editor place it in freeze mode so it will sit on its static_cg. This is made to be sure the edition is in a known state that is not affected by the airplane ever changing height due to a change in payload.

What might seem confusing, is that heights *DISPLAYED* in the editor, are based on as distances from Ground, because that's a figure everybody can relate to but, their DISPLAY is only valid during editing, because at the time the airplane is staying on its static CG.

However, GSX STORES the distance in the GSX.CFG file as RELATIVE to the airplane own center of mass (more precisely, the 0,0,0 in its visual model), and that's precisely to prevent having .CFG that would only work if the plane weight in normal use was exactly the same as while editing so, you might think your settings haven't changed, but that might only be a result of that difference, however the change would work in normal use, because is not stored as an absolute value, but as a relative offset from the airplane center, the altitude above ground of points is only a *display* conversion.

This, unless you see completely different issues, like the .CFG not being saved at all, or some error writing to it because of permission problems, etc.
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: Brisi on August 27, 2022, 03:41:50 pm
I too will now delete GSX. Test and try for 4 days and it doesn't work.
There are 2 major simulator software vendors for full flight simulators and GSX has no idea that Prosim works in MSFS. That's really a pity. So I will ask for my money back.
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: virtuali on August 27, 2022, 03:52:54 pm
I too will now delete GSX. Test and try for 4 days and it doesn't work.

GSX obviously works, you are saying it "doesn't work", only because it doesn't support a VERY particular product that uses lots of custom systems.

There are 2 major simulator software vendors for full flight simulators and GSX has no idea that Prosim works in MSFS. That's really a pity. So I will ask for my money back.

Please clarify who these 2 vendors, we are discussing ProSim right now, and from the little information I can see on their website, is not even clear if MSFS 2020 even officially supported, I can see on their forum users are basically experimenting and are all waiting for SU10 and multi-monitor to be out, before it can be taken seriously for cockpit builders.

I do see they have a Trial, it seem they'll take 3 working days to check for a Trial application, so I'll send mine next week, and see how it works.
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: fcmusician on August 27, 2022, 03:57:21 pm
Still frustrating. Been trying to edit the PMDG DC6B for days and make it stick to my edits. I have the #4 door now saving ok. No idea how I managed that all of a sudden. Now my problem is Cargo doors don't save. They both open at the same time with the same door command. I use the rear cargo door for loading Door 2. get out of the editor and do a boarding. They do they're job perfectly the first time. Belt loader is set just right. Crew and People load in with the outside stairs. Beautiful sight just sitting there watching. Next time I try boarding. The stairs show up nice the crew and people load but the cargo crew is nowhere in sight. I have to go in and reedit the cargo door once again. Then get out of that and once again everything is working fine. Over and over again I have to do that.
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: virtuali on August 27, 2022, 03:58:32 pm
I'll look into adding an internal config with the DC-6 as well. As I've said, every single one of the "perfect" internal configurations included, are all been made using the same editor everybody has now.
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: Brisi on August 27, 2022, 04:06:14 pm
As I said Prosim 737 works very well in MSFS with all hardware Opencockpits CP Flight etc.
Take a look at the forum...
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: virtuali on August 27, 2022, 04:14:04 pm
As I said Prosim 737 works very well in MSFS with all hardware Opencockpits CP Flight etc.Take a look at the forum...

I really don't know how's relevant here or has anything to do with your expectations GSX would work out the box with such a particular product. They are not standard MSFS airplanes for sure, and will surely require some custom work to support them.

Isn't having completely custom and out-of-the-sim simulation their major point of differentiation ? Then you, as their customer, must be aware they might not work with other utilities like GSX, which assume the running simulation would be the default one, so we can get data from the airplane in a standard way.
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: Bluefly747-8 on August 27, 2022, 04:26:33 pm
Let´s reroll the initial problem we´re all facing here. When I try to edit any aircraft in the 3D editor or just by numbers in the airplane editor and save those values and then when I try to summon the stairs for example those values are being resetted back to the default setting.
This can´t be right. I don´t care if there´s an internal configuration for let´s say the PMDG 737-800.
I would like to have my own config as I was able to do back in P3D.

Here are some screenshots
1. From before configuring the height of the door (Value: 2.75)
2. After configuring (Value: 2.65)
3. After summon stairs fot testing (Value: back to default 2.75)
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: Brisi on August 27, 2022, 04:28:26 pm
In its product description, the FSDreamteam promises that their program should work with all aircraft – including newer addon aircraft such as the Fenix ​​​​A320, the PMDG 737 or Leonardo's Maddog. However, users can also create their own profile and define docking points etc. themselves - this also applies to gates and ramps at airports.
Can you keep the promise?
If so, please tell me how, if not, send me my money back.
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: robvanderwiele on August 27, 2022, 04:29:30 pm
Hello Umberto,

I do see they have a Trial, it seem they'll take 3 working days to check for a Trial application, so I'll send mine next week, and see how it works.

Please do, they have their own ProSim B737-800 flight model and external model just like in P3D and there it was working great. I hope you can add this one to your db. If I can be of any assistance please let me know.

Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: jiequinn on August 27, 2022, 04:32:08 pm
No I totally get that but what I'm saying is the configuration that comes with the PMDG in your latest update when I try to change the height of the stairs and the catering it doesn't save it it reverts back to default each time... that's what I was meaning sorry

Well, first you shouldn't have to change it to begin with, because they are already correct in the internal configuration, unless I missed something so, in that case, please report it.

However, it's possible you might be mislead by the change in altitude due to the different height of the airplane when it's normally loaded to when it's edited ? When you edit the airplane, the editor place it in freeze mode so it will sit on its static_cg. This is made to be sure the edition is in a known state that is not affected by the airplane ever changing height due to a change in payload.

What might seem confusing, is that heights *DISPLAYED* in the editor, are based on as distances from Ground, because that's a figure everybody can relate to but, their DISPLAY is only valid during editing, because at the time the airplane is staying on its static CG.

However, GSX STORES the distance in the GSX.CFG file as RELATIVE to the airplane own center of mass (more precisely, the 0,0,0 in its visual model), and that's precisely to prevent having .CFG that would only work if the plane weight in normal use was exactly the same as while editing so, you might think your settings haven't changed, but that might only be a result of that difference, however the change would work in normal use, because is not stored as an absolute value, but as a relative offset from the airplane center, the altitude above ground of points is only a *display* conversion.

This, unless you see completely different issues, like the .CFG not being saved at all, or some error writing to it because of permission problems, etc.

Thanks for confirming in that case is it possible you could amend the default PMDG 737-800 profile and update it. Like I said it won't let me or anyone else save our desired configuration it automatically goes back to default each time. I have lowered door 1L to 2.60 which alligns perfectly and door 2L changed lowered to 3.20.

I have tried to attach images but it would appear they are too large :(

Thanks in advance :)
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: virtuali on August 27, 2022, 04:43:09 pm
In its product description, the FSDreamteam promises that their program should work with all aircraft – including newer addon aircraft such as the Fenix ​​​​A320, the PMDG 737 or Leonardo's Maddog. However, users can also create their own profile and define docking points etc. themselves - this also applies to gates and ramps at airports. Can you keep the promise? If so, please tell me how, if not, send me my money back.

Why you keep insisting about it ? You are using a completely custom simulator (ProSim), which is NOT a standard airplane so "just" moving doors around with the editor might not be enough to make it work with GSX, how do you suppose we'd be able to get any *meaningful* data from it, if it's not using the standard simulation ?

So yes, GSX obviously works with all aircraft, provided they are using the default simulation, from flight model, to fuel systems, etc.

GSX CANNOT refill the Fuel Tanks of the Fenix. Is this a problem ? Fenix users EXPECTS that, considering how the airplane works, and nobody is "blaming" GSX for that.
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: Brisi on August 27, 2022, 04:45:49 pm
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: fcmusician on August 27, 2022, 04:48:33 pm
I now only have to edit the individual heights of the cargo doors each time. Alignment seems to be remembered.
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: fcmusician on August 27, 2022, 04:51:41 pm
I'll look into adding an internal config with the DC-6 as well. As I've said, every single one of the "perfect" internal configurations included, are all been made using the same editor everybody has now.

Thank you Thank you!  I love this program. It is just that one edit problem and I am good to go.
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: virtuali on August 27, 2022, 05:00:42 pm

I don't know what you are trying to achieve here. I'm sure those who spent 1500$ to buy a custom simulator that runs externally to the host sim ( which I guess IS the main selling point ), are fully aware of what they bought, and it might not compatible with OTHER utilities that obviously expect to rely on the standard simulation running.
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: virtuali on August 27, 2022, 05:06:07 pm
Here's a video showing editing a door works:

I THINK we are looking at a completely different issue here, it's not as settings are not saved, because they obviously are. The problem is everybody seems to use the 737, and on the front door, it calls for a certain kind of staircase (they one without a vehicle) and THIS ONE I think might not have an animation long enough to display small changes in the door's height you are doing.

It can be seen by looking at passengers: if you lower the door of, let's say, 20 cm, passengers feet WILL go lower through the staircase, it's just the staircase that didn't raise correctly, so the editor is fine, I need to check that particular stairs model too verify all its parameters are correct, and possibly extend the animation length, to be more precise.
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: Bluefly747-8 on August 27, 2022, 05:11:11 pm
Yeah that works for me too but pls try restarting couatl and then try to summon the stairs and that´s where the problem starts for me.
EDIT: This also happens with the aft and service doors on the 737 (even with the other stair model) and also with the fenix (all doors).
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: virtuali on August 27, 2022, 05:27:58 pm
Yeah that works for me too but pls try restarting couatl and then try to summon the stairs and that´s where the problem starts for me.

No problems with restarts either:

Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: Bluefly747-8 on August 27, 2022, 05:32:30 pm
As I said this works for me too but when I summon the stairs or something else the values get resetted.
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: virtuali on August 27, 2022, 05:46:36 pm
As I said this works for me too but when I summon the stairs or something else the values get resetted.

You mean the *value* changed, or the stairs seem to go at the same place as before ?
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: Bluefly747-8 on August 27, 2022, 07:02:35 pm
As I said this works for me too but when I summon the stairs or something else the values get resetted.

You mean the *value* changed, or the stairs seem to go at the same place as before ?

Yes the value changes when I request stairs or other services

See Video:
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: virtuali on August 27, 2022, 07:18:58 pm
Yes the value changes when I request stairs or other services

You always close the dialog with the X, you never press the Save button.
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: Bluefly747-8 on August 27, 2022, 07:27:36 pm
Yes the value changes when I request stairs or other services

You always close the dialog with the X, you never press the Save button.

Becuase it´s greyed out, it´s already saved but it reverts back to default as soon as i order any gsx service.
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: virtuali on August 27, 2022, 07:28:49 pm
Becuase it´s greyed out, it´s already saved but it reverts back to default as soon as i order any gsx service.

It's greyed out because you haven't done any changes, that's why it's using the default.
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: Bluefly747-8 on August 27, 2022, 08:04:34 pm
Sorry this video is a little longer than anticipated but it shows the problem exactly.

Please pay close attention to the height value after i restarted couatl and summoned stairs.

Without restarting couatl everyting saves as intended but you have to restart couatl at some point so everything that has been saved gets wiped out after a restart.

Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: jiequinn on August 27, 2022, 08:07:40 pm
blau99 that's exactly what's happening with me
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: cholland on August 29, 2022, 01:58:47 pm
Any fix for this aircraft editing bug? The Aerosoft Twin Twin Otter can be modified perfectly but upon restarting its still reverting to wrong/old pax door/exit data etc
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: virtuali on August 29, 2022, 02:53:51 pm
We have confirmed multiple times is being looked at.
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: cholland on August 30, 2022, 04:02:38 pm
We have confirmed multiple times is being looked at.

Thank you for your courteous reply.
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: fcmusician on August 30, 2022, 07:28:29 pm
Yes. Thank you!
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: Brisi on August 31, 2022, 04:40:31 pm
Hello, is there already a solution for this problem?
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: teisco on August 31, 2022, 04:53:04 pm
Please fix the save function for all aircraft, not just the popular passenger jets.
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: miki3320 on August 31, 2022, 05:06:45 pm
The same happens with the Dc Designs Concorde unfortunately :(
Title: Re: Can't customize aircraft
Post by: virtuali on August 31, 2022, 05:21:54 pm
As confirmed multiple times in this thread, we are looking into that. And, BTW, the save is working just fine, what is not working is the Load.

There's a (obviously TEMPORARY) workaround, if you open the aircraft editor in 2D and change anything, like a door name, it will work for that session, until the next restart. This because your saved file is fine.

However, if you enter directly in the 3D editor without doing first, you'll have to fix your doors again, that is the real problem.