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Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: Erwin06 on August 19, 2022, 08:15:43 pm

Title: VDGS Display Error
Post by: Erwin06 on August 19, 2022, 08:15:43 pm
It's a small issue, but I think it worths mentionning.
Title: Re: VDGS Display Error
Post by: virtuali on August 19, 2022, 08:18:25 pm
This might possibly be a result of too much traffic over Simconnect. Does it go away or it comes back, if you Restart GSX ?
Title: Re: VDGS Display Error
Post by: Erwin06 on August 19, 2022, 09:01:54 pm
You're right it worked ! I have a question however : why the ETD on the VDGS is always 20 min more than my departure time in Simbrief ?
Title: Re: VDGS Display Error
Post by: aal763 on August 19, 2022, 10:26:31 pm
Because GSX is pulling your Wheels up time from Simbrief and not gate departure time.  This needs to be fixed in GSX.  I'm sure Umberto will make note of it.  He's really good at updating his products.
Title: Re: VDGS Display Error
Post by: Erwin06 on August 20, 2022, 10:44:28 am
I've done some testing and I think I've isolated the issue. If I start a flight in the sim, restart couatl (else I can't open GSX menu, there is always the message "Couatl engine has not started"), open the GSX menu and select anything the VDGS works correctly. However, if I click on "reposition aircraft" and select an action (boarding, refueling or catering) there is this problem. The workaround is to click on Reset position and everything works well after. The VDGS doesn't like that my position changes suddenly. It could be good if this was fixed because it demands a lot of steps :
- start the sim
- restart couatl
- open GSX menu and "reposition aircraft"
- open GSX menu and "reset position"
- open GSX menu and select ...
It's 5 minutes of handlings that could be saved...

Thank you for your response aal763, I just don't understand the difference even after googling it. The ETD I choose on simbrief corresponds at the time the airplane leaves the ground right ? I don't understand how the VDGS could indicate something that happens 20 min after. If it were 10 minutes before takeoff I would understand since pushback and taxi can take time, but 20 min after I don't. Like you said, it will probably be fixed.
Title: Re: VDGS Display Error
Post by: Erwin06 on August 20, 2022, 12:21:38 pm
I also want to report a visual bug. When I reset the position the text that shouldn't be there disappears then returns.
I have a question : How can we remove the text above the VDGS ? I don't understand its purpose since the VDGS already guides the plane...
Title: Re: VDGS Display Error
Post by: virtualstuff on September 19, 2022, 09:33:16 pm
I also want to report a visual bug. When I reset the position the text that shouldn't be there disappears then returns.
I have a question : How can we remove the text above the VDGS ? I don't understand its purpose since the VDGS already guides the plane...
Same here  :o
Title: Re: VDGS Display Error
Post by: virtuali on September 20, 2022, 10:04:55 am
How can we remove the text above the VDGS ? I don't understand its purpose since the VDGS already guides the plane...

The "Marshaller Distance Readout" option in the settings, is valid for all kind of Parking systems.
Title: Re: VDGS Display Error
Post by: sidfadc on December 06, 2022, 08:07:14 pm
My safedocks don't work either properly, meaning they show the Gate number I'm at but I don't see TTD or any scrolling messages (it used to work).  Can't pin this down to a specific safedock or airport, just doesn't seem to work full stop.
Title: Re: VDGS Display Error
Post by: virtuali on December 06, 2022, 10:14:39 pm
My safedocks don't work either properly, meaning they show the Gate number I'm at but I don't see TTD or any scrolling messages (it used to work). 

You probably haven't the latest update, which fixed exactly that.