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Products Support => GSX Support MSFS => Topic started by: sas407 on August 19, 2022, 07:54:11 pm

Title: Multiple audio devices
Post by: sas407 on August 19, 2022, 07:54:11 pm

Would it be possible to have the choise of multiple audio devices to be able to separate the voice communication during pushback to a headset and the other sound to the desktop speakers?

It´s a little bit unrealistic to have all the sound from only one device.

I would also like to have voice control for the pushback like FS2Crew, is that something that will be implemented in the future?

Secondly, please have an option to disable the voice which informs what service are active, it breaks the immersion :-[

/ Niclas
Title: Re: Multiple audio devices
Post by: virtuali on August 19, 2022, 07:55:35 pm
All suggestions are valid. But expect to see more vehicles first.
Title: Re: Multiple audio devices + Crew Boarding
Post by: sas407 on August 19, 2022, 08:22:59 pm
Thanks Umberto

One more thing, there should be an option to disable crew boarding, in my flights they are already onboard

/ Niclas
Title: Re: Multiple audio devices
Post by: St.LouisBlues on October 07, 2022, 04:41:22 am
I would also like to request this feature that the sound be separated.  Radio communications with the ground crew would go through the "Communication Device Output Selection" and all other sounds would go through "Main Device Output Selection".  This would allow you to use your headset just for communications as some other software does.

Title: Re: Multiple audio devices
Post by: DeltaCharlie on October 21, 2022, 07:47:05 am
+1 : great suggestion :-)
Title: Re: Multiple audio devices
Post by: DeltaCharlie on June 04, 2023, 02:59:20 pm
Hi, is there an update about this specific request ?
Being able to hear ground crew through headset would really be an improvement .. !
Title: Re: Multiple audio devices
Post by: virtuali on June 04, 2023, 03:03:49 pm
We confirmed multiple times this is planned, but we don't know when we'll have time to add it. It will, eventually, but we cannot possibly know when.
Title: Re: Multiple audio devices
Post by: BiTRiP on October 15, 2023, 12:18:53 pm
We confirmed multiple times this is planned, but we don't know when we'll have time to add it. It will, eventually, but we cannot possibly know when

It's like we have set a release date but we don't tell when. Almost a famous line.  8)

Nevertheless, I hope this will come soon as this is a real immersion breaker and a huge miss in GSX imho.
Title: Re: Multiple audio devices
Post by: Captain Kevin on October 16, 2023, 02:39:00 am
It's like we have set a release date but we don't tell when. Almost a famous line.  8)
I don't think this is really a fair comparison. There's a difference between having set a release date and not telling when and NOT having a release date set and not telling when.
Title: Re: Multiple audio devices
Post by: virtuali on October 16, 2023, 11:40:21 am
We are working on this, and in fact we already have an internal version working, but we are sorting out some technical issues we found when working with multiple devices, so we still can't provide a release date, but (assuming the issues will be solved), it shouldn't take too much.
Title: Re: Multiple audio devices
Post by: BiTRiP on October 19, 2023, 02:53:34 pm
We are working on this, and in fact we already have an internal version working, but we are sorting out some technical issues we found when working with multiple devices, so we still can't provide a release date, but (assuming the issues will be solved), it shouldn't take too much.

That sounds promising.  :) Thanks for update.