FSDreamTeam forum
Products Support => GSX Support FSX/P3D => Topic started by: karine2412 on June 08, 2020, 03:49:25 pm
I ve read few posts on this forum, for this problem and i can't resolve it.
There no fuel price on the fuel truck.
Could help me please?
Thanks a lot
The problem is not the missing fuel price, the problem is the price windows shows 0 gallons loaded. Which airplane you are using ?
I'am using fslabs A320
A another example with a321 fslabs.
Thanks you
An another example at the end refueling A321 fslabs
Thanks for your help
Does it work with a default airplane ?
I ve tried with the AC11 Commander, it s a same problem.
Tried too with 737ngxu.
I ve tried with the AC11 Commander, it s a same problem.
Tried too with 737ngxu.
I asked if it works with a default airplane.
same issue with the f22 Raptor, default aircraft...
same issue with the f22 Raptor, default aircraft...
It's not the same issue. In your first post, the price panel indicated 0 Gals loaded, when the big display indicated a quantity, that's why I said "The problem is not the missing fuel price, the problem is the price windows shows 0 gallons loaded", because that's not supposed to happen.
Now the price display shows a quantity, but no price but that might be an entirely different issue, for example the program not being able to pull the fuel price from the internet, maybe because of connection problem.
But I'll verify this.
I checked, and the fuel price works normally here. Be sure your firewall is not blocking Couatl.exe from accessing the internet.
I ll check and report.
Effectively, it's a problem with the firewall. When it disconnected the fuel price work fine.
But i've excluded couat.exe and the problem persist.
Could say me wich another file must be exclude from the firewall please?
Thanks you
Could say me wich another file must be exclude from the firewall please?
Couatl.exe is the only file that should be involved.
Have you an idea where the issue come from ?
Have you an idea where the issue come from ?
Firewall blocking Couatl.exe. As you already realized by disabling the firewall. No idea why it's not enough to just allow Couatl.exe to connect.
Ok, thanks
Grasping at straws: Have you tried re-blocking it. Restarting your PC and un-blocking it again?
I was thinking you might have moved GSX2 to another folder? or drive? or the file had it's attributes changed without you knowing and the un-blocking not working?
Ok, thanks,
I ll try .
Thanks you