FSDreamTeam forum

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: virtuali on April 15, 2020, 03:39:15 am

Title: Prepar3D V5 installers instructions
Post by: virtuali on April 15, 2020, 03:39:15 am
All our installers has been updated to support Prepar3D V5, here's some quick instructions:

- Download the latest full installers for all your FSDT products. Their names are unchanged so, even if you see something like "xxxx_setup_fsx.exe", if it's the latest version, it supports from FSX to P3D V5. And if something is named "xxxx_setup_p3d4.exe", if it's the latest version, it supports both Prepar3D 4.4 and 5.0.

- No need to Uninstall anything. Just install over your existing installation. But you can Uninstall, if you want, it won't make any difference.

- No need to worry about activation. Unless you also change major hardware components ( cpu, mainboard ) or reinstall Windows. All your existing license will work from FSX ( sometimes from FS9... ) to P3D 5.

- Due to the switch to DirectX 12, Render To Texture for GSX is not done yet, as explained here:


We'll have to work at it in the next weeks, since this is a fairly delicate issue, and DX12 is very different from DX11. This will result in not having Logos on operators ( just their Base color ) and no Jetway logos either, and any kind of Font rendering, like Fuel counters, the Marshaller distance readout, etc.

- Because most of the fixes we made to the sceneries were related to different Exclusion required because many default airports have been updated in V5, You MUST let the Live Update to update the AFCAD, otherwise you'll see plenty of double objects. Please do it, even if you customize the AFCAD heavily, there's no way around this.

- We made an update for PHNL to use SODE jetways, the other Hawaii airports will follow in the next days, so you might still see some default objects popping out in V5 there. Same for KFLL.

- KORD V2 has a new native photoreal background made specifically for P3D V5, which should blend better with the surrounding, since it's the first photoreal background made in full PBR ( not possible with P3D V4 ), we'll likely do the same for Basel, so both will end up being 100% PBR.

- Be CAREFUL with your settings, because P3D V5 consumes a lot of VRAM. A video card with 8GB is strongly suggested. Better if you have more...the sim now has an indication of your spare VRAM memory, so you'll know when you are going too high
Title: Re: Prepar3D V5 installers instructions
Post by: Deception780 on April 15, 2020, 05:23:26 am
Chicago runways broken?
Title: Re: Prepar3D V5 installers instructions
Post by: Deltaflight84 on April 15, 2020, 09:57:56 am

Thx for the update so according to what i read gsx is also compatible?

Title: Re: Prepar3D V5 installers instructions
Post by: gregoryv on April 15, 2020, 11:54:08 am
Thanks. I have issue with Vancouver installer.
"The code execution cannot proceed because d3dx9_34.dll was not fount"
Title: Re: Prepar3D V5 installers instructions
Post by: donkey20048 on April 15, 2020, 12:18:53 pm

thanks for the quick update of your installers
Issue i have is when i go to install KORD for v5 i get the following error:
Please uninstall FSDT Ohare X (2011 version) first

I also get this error when trying to install gsx level 2 into v5

thanks for any help
Title: Re: Prepar3D V5 installers instructions
Post by: virtuali on April 15, 2020, 01:42:21 pm
Thanks. I have issue with Vancouver installer. "The code execution cannot proceed because d3dx9_34.dll was not fount"

Nothing has changed in that installer regarding DirectX, it seems your Windows is not full updated.
Title: Re: Prepar3D V5 installers instructions
Post by: gregoryv on April 15, 2020, 02:38:33 pm
Thanks Umberto,

I just installed DirectX package from Microsoft and all good. Thanks for your help.
Title: Re: Prepar3D V5 installers instructions
Post by: DispatchRandy on April 15, 2020, 06:36:27 pm

Very painful experience installing all of the scenery's into V5 with having to deal with the LIVE UPDATER updating every time.

Title: Re: Prepar3D V5 installers instructions
Post by: DrumsArt on April 16, 2020, 01:14:25 am

Should I install GSX + GSX2 or GSX2 only?
Thanks and Regards,
Title: Re: Prepar3D V5 installers instructions
Post by: grandfred29 on April 16, 2020, 01:44:09 am
your advise is available too for P3dv4 and p3dv5 because i want keep V4 alive some times, so if i use the new installer i don't risk to loose your product in v4?

download speed from your server are very slow
Title: Re: Prepar3D V5 installers instructions
Post by: Greg Goodavish on April 16, 2020, 04:12:05 am
On a couple of the airports, on the download button, it shows P3DV4/5.  The others just show FSX/P3D.  Will those work in P3DV5 as well?
Title: Re: Prepar3D V5 installers instructions
Post by: truthknown on April 17, 2020, 05:19:26 am
Is it possible to have a separate installation for P3Dv5 with a separate addon manager? In effect having this installed in v4 and v5 separately?
Title: Re: Prepar3D V5 installers instructions
Post by: Richard McDonald Woods on April 17, 2020, 09:02:25 am
All of my 7 FSDT sceneries installed without incident  :)
Title: Re: Prepar3D V5 installers instructions
Post by: virtuali on April 17, 2020, 09:57:26 am
Quoting from the original post:

- Download the latest full installers for all your FSDT products. Their names are unchanged so, even if you see something like "xxxx_setup_fsx.exe", if it's the latest version, it supports from FSX to P3D V5. And if something is named "xxxx_setup_p3d4.exe", if it's the latest version, it supports both Prepar3D 4.4 and 5.0.
Title: Re: Prepar3D V5 installers instructions
Post by: virtuali on April 17, 2020, 10:02:41 am
Is it possible to have a separate installation for P3Dv5 with a separate addon manager? In effect having this installed in v4 and v5 separately?

They are already installed separately, that's the main advantage of using the add-on.xml method, which we have been using since P3D4:

- All products are installed OUTSIDE the simulator, so no files of the sim are ever altered.

- They use a single installation folder, so no useless duplication of files happens, if not needed.

- The installer obviously know what to do so, of course, when you install into FSX, P3D4 and P3D5 at the same time, the add-on.xml files will be slightly different ( and FSX config files ), each once pointing to different files or folders, which are of course correct for the sim in use.

And yes, there's IS different Addon Manager for each version:

Fsdreamteam\Addon manager\bglmanx.dll is the 32 bit version which works in FSX and P3D 32 bit
Fsdreamteam\Addon manager\bglmanx64.dll is the native P3D V4 version, compiled using the P3D 4.4 Simconnect and PDK
Fsdreamteam\Addon manager\bglmanx65.dll is the native P3D V5 version, compiled using the P3D 5.0 Simconnect and PDK

So yes, the installer knows exactly what to do, and it does it in the best possible way, in the most SDK compliant way, without wasting a byte of your precious HD space too.
Title: Re: Prepar3D V5 installers instructions
Post by: marjmithib on April 17, 2020, 02:51:33 pm
Yes, a good news is the new installer, but the bad news is download speed from your server are very very slow
Title: Re: Prepar3D V5 installers instructions
Post by: virtuali on April 17, 2020, 03:06:03 pm
Yes, a good news is the new installer, but the bad news is download speed from your server are very very slow

We don't have our download server. We host the file on Amazon, which surely is the fastest server out there, and downloads are replicated across the entire Cloudflare network, which spans over 200 servers:


Cloudflare automatically selects the node closest to your location. So, it's not our download speed is slow, because it's extremely fast ( 50 MB/s here ), but it's either a problem on your local Cloudflare node, or POSSIBLY a problem with routing to it caused by your ISP.
Title: Re: Prepar3D V5 installers instructions
Post by: marjmithib on April 17, 2020, 03:34:21 pm
I have no problem with my ISP.
I have to wait more than 8h. ???
Thanks for your answer.
Title: Re: Prepar3D V5 installers instructions
Post by: virtuali on April 17, 2020, 05:36:21 pm
I have no problem with my ISP.

You surely have, otherwise the download would be very fast, as normally is. I checked Cloudflare status, and most of their servers are up:


They only reported a problem with some Enterprise accounts, but we don't use those features.

I have to wait more than 8h. ???

Nobody has to wait that much, there's clearly a problem on your side.

As I've said, it's downloading at 50 MB/S here ( I think my download come from either the Zurich node or the Frankfurt node ), so it should be 40 seconds for 2GB, using my 1Gbit/s cable connection. A more common 100Mbit/s connection would then take about 6 minutes.

If you want to be sure the problem is your ISP, you can try using a VPN, like this one:


Use the free Basic version. What a VPN does, is bypass your ISP routing, so you'll download as if you were located somewhere else, with a different ISP. A VPN will be a bit slower than a direct connection, but it surely won't be that slow, and you'll know something might be wrong with your ISP routing.
Title: KFLL Problem when Installed on P3D V5
Post by: ptysimmer on April 17, 2020, 06:32:58 pm
Clean installation on a Clean new Windows 10 64-bit HDD with NO other simulators installed.
(see attached JPG)
Title: Re: Prepar3D V5 installers instructions
Post by: nbl1936 on April 18, 2020, 01:08:50 am
If you have Orbx Vector installed, select the CONFIGURE and run the Airport Elevation Correction utility.  That should fix it

Dave Robinette
Title: Re: Prepar3D V5 installers instructions
Post by: Dave_YVR on April 18, 2020, 01:29:56 am
 Vector isn't compatible with P3d V5 and shouldn't be installed.
Title: Re: Prepar3D V5 installers instructions
Post by: autobrake on April 18, 2020, 12:12:59 pm
Installing KORD v2 into Prepar3D v5 gives me the following error:


I have no version 2011 installed and an extensive search on my computer gives me no results.

Also the windows addon manager shows no 2011 version to uninstall:
(this is the Prepar3D v4.5 installation)


How can I solve this problem?
Title: Re: Prepar3D V5 installers instructions
Post by: ptysimmer on April 18, 2020, 04:34:51 pm
If you have Orbx Vector installed, select the CONFIGURE and run the Airport Elevation Correction utility.  That should fix it

Dave Robinette

I dont have Vector or any other ORBX product installed.  The closest scenery I have installed is LatinVFR KMIA V5 which is already P3D V5 compatible.
Title: Re: Prepar3D V5 installers instructions
Post by: tod on April 19, 2020, 01:54:27 pm
Hope to get some installation help on two things:

1. I have a clean install of P3DV5. It looks like I have to install GSX first before being able to install other sceneries. However, the GSX default path is C:\Program Files(x86)... There is no window to change this path. How do I change the path to a different directory? If I accept the default path, other sceneries will go to the same location.  <--- Just fixed this. Apparently had an empty folder called Addon Manager that needed to be deleted.

2. I'm having issues with some sceneries like Hawaii V1. Files are corrupted or missing during installation, prompting the Abort, Retry or Cancel options repeatedly. I've downloaded the download files many times, even without Antivirus but same issues. KFLL had the most issues if I recall.

Anyone else experiencing all these update issues? This is the most complicated update so far for me, having successfully upgraded FSDT sceneries since FSX days.

Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: Prepar3D V5 installers instructions
Post by: virtuali on April 20, 2020, 12:01:04 pm
I have no version 2011 installed and an extensive search on my computer gives me no results.

Yes you have. Or HAD, most likely, and didn't remove it correctly ( maybe you removed the scenery and texture folder without removing the Simobject, and haven't used its uninstaller ).

The problem has been already discussed here:

Title: Re: Prepar3D V5 installers instructions
Post by: roli lsmu on April 22, 2020, 04:13:05 pm
Thanks. I have issue with Vancouver installer.
"The code execution cannot proceed because d3dx9_34.dll was not fount"

Same problem here.
No issues with other FSDT-Installers.

Title: Re: Prepar3D V5 installers instructions
Post by: virtuali on April 22, 2020, 04:50:43 pm
"The code execution cannot proceed because d3dx9_34.dll was not fount"

Same problem here.
No issues with other FSDT-Installers.

If you followed the post, the user who reported this fixed it by updating DirectX:

I just installed DirectX package from Microsoft and all good. Thanks for your help.
Title: Re: Prepar3D V5 installers instructions
Post by: perohijo on April 22, 2020, 06:08:39 pm
Thanks form all your explanation.
Unlike other developers who state that they have to charge as a new product because is a, and quote" a completely new product" you have  kept your customers loyalty alive specially in these difficult times.
I'm moving to P3DV5 since I have the gear for it. I had several airports installed from Kord to KLAX, but for other reasons I had to reinstall P3DV4, and every time when I uninstalled a FSDT airport, P3D got corrupted. I ended up having to delete P3D manually because when I clicked on the icon it could not find P3D. I know it sounds strange, but it happened twice and only happened every time I was uninstalling FSDT products. I decided to leave the airports alone and only installed GSX.
I'm  only waiting for more addons to be compatible to make the transition. I have been a customer for a long time since FS 2004, so I love the way the sceneries look, although, even with  $4.000 US computer, your KLAX is really hard on frame rates (don't know why) even without Southern California from ORBX installed . I'm really waiting for Microsoft Flight Simulator, but P3DV5 looks really promising.
Title: Re: Prepar3D V5 installers instructions
Post by: autobrake on April 23, 2020, 10:26:41 am
I have no version 2011 installed and an extensive search on my computer gives me no results.

Yes you have. Or HAD, most likely, and didn't remove it correctly ( maybe you removed the scenery and texture folder without removing the Simobject, and haven't used its uninstaller ).

The problem has been already discussed here:


Thanks for your help, Umberto! Problem solved!  :)
Title: Re: Prepar3D V5 installers instructions
Post by: virtuali on April 23, 2020, 10:40:06 am
I know it sounds strange, but it happened twice and only happened every time I was uninstalling FSDT products. I decided to leave the airports alone and only installed GSX.

It's not strange, it's basically impossible, because you are the one and only ever reported this. The only possible explanation is: one of your configuration files, likely the add-on.cfg, has been corrupted by ANOTHER product, most likely a bugged product that has installers that wrongly try to write that file themselves, and destroyed it by changing the encoding, which is supposed to be Unicode, but many bugged installers write it back to ANSI.

Our installers DO NOT try to write ANY of the P3D config files directly. They all follow LM guidelines that these files should never be touched by installers, and they should only use the P3D command line utilities, that use the simulator *itself* to make any changes to these files, both when installing and when uninstalling. However, if these files were corrupted ( change of encoding is the typical mistake they do ) by another application, it's POSSIBLE that, when our Uninstaller, which as a proper P3D-compliant installer delegates the change of these to the sim own facilities, results in the sim itself not being able to change the file, since it encountered a wrong encoding caused by another non-compliant installer that changed it.

That's the only possible explanation of why you have been mislead into thinking "Uninstalling FSDT corrupted my sim". What corrupted your sim was a non-compliant installer or a bugged installer, but you had to use a proper installer like the FSDT one, to realize its effect.

And yes, before you say "if the file was already corrupted, why I didn't noticed ?" and the answer is the actual simulator is more resilient against those kind of file corruption, and accepts files in both encoding style ( that's why many developers don't even bother changing it, the sim continue to work ), but the command line facilities all proper installers ( like ours ) are not the same routines as the one used while the sim is running, and they might be more strict about the file syntax, likely because they assume "everybody" would use them, so they don't expect those files might be changed externally by non-compliant installers.

Sorry for the lengthy explanation, but it's important to squash rumors about "GSX corrupted the sim", before they grow and spread into urban legends.
Title: Re: Prepar3D V5 installers instructions
Post by: Shivam3005 on April 24, 2020, 06:23:45 pm
Fselite's compatibility list says JFK and MEM is ready for P5D. is this correct? as i don't see it listed in the downloads page.
Title: Re: Prepar3D V5 installers instructions
Post by: virtuali on April 24, 2020, 10:28:40 pm
Fselite's compatibility list says JFK and MEM is ready for P5D. is this correct? as i don't see it listed in the downloads page.

What do you mean with "listed in the download page", they surely are. This very thread starts with:

All our installers has been updated to support Prepar3D V5

Is there something not clear about it ?
Title: Re: Prepar3D V5 installers instructions
Post by: Shivam3005 on April 25, 2020, 12:12:40 am
Sorry didn't see that part lol, even though it's right at the top. It happens when you have a 15 month old jumping in your face.
Title: Re: Prepar3D V5 installers instructions
Post by: roli lsmu on April 29, 2020, 03:05:58 pm
"The code execution cannot proceed because d3dx9_34.dll was not fount"

Same problem here.
No issues with other FSDT-Installers.

If you followed the post, the user who reported this fixed it by updating DirectX:

I just installed DirectX package from Microsoft and all good. Thanks for your help.

Thank you for the hint. I can confirm, that a reinstallation of DirectX has solved the problem.

Title: Re: Prepar3D V5 installers instructions
Post by: Johnliem on May 09, 2020, 09:13:19 am
Hello Umberto,

I do not change any hardware.

Suddenly all my Fsdreamteam airports become a trial, I did click on all the *.Reg files, but when I go to Addon manager when P3D V5 is running I see them all trial, can you tell me how to fix this. thanks

Title: Re: Prepar3D V5 installers instructions
Post by: Xiropillo on May 09, 2020, 11:22:41 am
I had problems and everything solved registering Sode in Sode platform manager. It was active for v4 but not for v5. Now everything is running fine.
Title: Re: Prepar3D V5 installers instructions
Post by: Johnliem on May 09, 2020, 01:27:19 pm
Yes , thank you it is solved now.
Title: Re: Prepar3D V5 설치 관리자 지침
Post by: lee kyu hyoun on July 01, 2020, 02:42:40 pm
I can't install p3dv5.
Title: Re: Prepar3D V5 설치 관리자 지침
Post by: virtuali on July 01, 2020, 02:45:44 pm
I can't install p3dv5.

Already discussed and answered here:

Title: Re: Prepar3D V5 installers instructions
Post by: captainvanzanten on January 08, 2021, 12:46:36 pm
when will we have the logos again because there is time that they are talking about updating but the logos never come?
Title: Re: Prepar3D V5 installers instructions
Post by: virtuali on January 09, 2021, 01:05:23 pm
when will we have the logos again because there is time that they are talking about updating but the logos never come?

This has been answered several times already: with the current situation of crashes due to VRAM exhaustion and DX12, we decided not to use DirectX anymore in P3D V5 but, instead, use a new feature that has been added with 5.1, that is Render to Texture using HTML5, which should be hopefully more reliable.

However, this feature is not complete yet, because it still lacks a crucial feature we need, that is support for non-square textures ( all GSX liveries are not square ), so we need it to be added by LM first, in a future update.

The, after LM adds it, we can START working on it, to translate all parts in GSX that used to use DirectX to this new system.
Title: Re: Prepar3D V5 installers instructions
Post by: lucatrader on February 04, 2021, 02:01:29 am
what's about a new pc with p3d , how  the instalation works
Title: Re: Prepar3D V5 installers instructions
Post by: virtuali on February 04, 2021, 09:58:42 am
what's about a new pc with p3d , how  the instalation works

Not sure what you are asking. The installation is exactly the same with a new PC, it's just that you'll surely have to activate the products, same as you do when you buy them.
Title: Re: Prepar3D V5 installers instructions
Post by: MaxDE96 on February 22, 2022, 03:38:18 pm
Hey dear community,

I didn't want to make a new post :D Hope it's Okey so.

I bought P3Dv5 after much thought and wanted to install GSX, I uninstalled P3Dv4 first.
I turned off my Windows Defender via the "Regist" command during installation, I wanted to enable GSX, but it doesn't work, he tells me that Coutl could not start or something like that and that I have to do something with the antivirus first.

Antivirus is off
Program installed as admin
SIM: P3Dv5

Title: Re: Prepar3D V5 installers instructions
Post by: virtuali on February 22, 2022, 07:36:56 pm
I didn't want to make a new post :D Hope it's Okey so.

This is the correct thread, solution on the 2nd post:

Title: Re: Prepar3D V5 installers instructions
Post by: JFMITCH1716 on May 01, 2024, 04:54:29 am
Your company has to be the worst flight sim company still on the market. I have been trying to install KIAH for two days now to no avail. SODE will not install/load.  I have read so many damn instructions that I ended up today realizing that if i continue to stress over purchasing this airport and GSX and  GSX Level 2 I'll either have another stroke or a heart attack. Your products are so so confusing that this 79 Year old veteran has decided that the only satisfaction i will get is to tell all my simming buddies to boycott your company.

James Mitchell
Title: Re: Prepar3D V5 installers instructions
Post by: virtuali on May 07, 2024, 10:42:44 am
Such kind of comments can't go unanswered, because you really crossed a line with such public slander, so I'm going to quote YOUR EMAIL to support, to stop you for posting further nonsense.

You used this attitude and rude tone in your email as well:

"Where in the hell is my kIAH  purchased ?  Your programs have given me such a headache and for  a Stoke survivor I don’t need the stress"

To that, I replied with:

"You forgot you bought KIAH and KCLT on Simmarket so, clearly, it's entirely normal you won't find those orders on our site. You'll find your keys on Simmarket, of course."

And that was your reply:

"Thank you. The short term memory loss is terrible (stroke effect)"

So much for the "Your programs have given me such a headache", when the only issue was that your forgot you bought those products on Simmarket. I'm sorry for your memory loss issue, but you just can't throw it up on us,  our products or out site, that's not acceptable.

About SODE "not installing", are you AWARE that SODE is a free utility that existed BEFORE we used it and we are just including the SAME installer you could have downloaded and installed yourself and it's the same installer that is used by ALL other airports that also use SODE, so if you have issues with it, it's completely unrelated with our products ?

So, even if it's not really the proper place to complain about SODE, there's an issue with the very latest version, 1.8.0, which has been updated to support P3D V6 but, some users reported issues with other versions, suggesting to download the previous version ( 1.7.1 ) instead:

Title: Re: Prepar3D V5 installers instructions
Post by: AZWildk4t on May 10, 2024, 04:41:42 pm
I have sceneries for P3Dv4, but need some help installing my sceneries for P3Dv5. I've read through the instructions above but I'm unsure how to point V5 to the scenery location for a FSDT airport. For now, I want to keep both V4 and V5 airports.

I launched P3Dv5 and scenery file does not appear in the Scenery Library list. Do I manually add the area here?

I ran the FSDT Universal Installer and ran the "Check" option for KLAS. It reports an error that "Fsdreamteam/KLAS/scenery/AP_KLAS_ALT.BGL" is missing and it's downloading it. Once the process is complete, I went to the folder and the BGL does not exist. Refer to attachment

Next, I uninstalled KIAH via Windows Install/Uninstall area. I then used FSDT Universal Install to try and install KIAH again. The Installer will not install the application. It says to use the standard installer from the FSDT Products Page. Do I go to the "Products for FSX and FSX:Steam Edition and Prepar3D" page to download this app?

Title: Re: Prepar3D V5 installers instructions
Post by: virtuali on May 20, 2024, 09:10:39 am
Nothing you did is required and it won't work. You just need to download the latest version of the various installers, which supports P3D V5
Title: Re: Prepar3D V5 installers instructions
Post by: AZWildk4t on May 23, 2024, 04:23:58 pm
Nothing you did is required and it won't work. You just need to download the latest version of the various installers, which supports P3D V5

Thanks for the response. My issue was I didn't know where the full installers were located. I didn't realize the full installers were under the FSX section. Everything has installed and running correctly.