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Products Support => GSX Support FSX/P3D => Topic started by: Scott752 on February 17, 2019, 07:53:17 pm

Title: Boarding/Deboarding complete in seconds.
Post by: Scott752 on February 17, 2019, 07:53:17 pm
Hi all! First of all, I absolutely love GSX and have been using GSX L2 for a while now. I do a lot of Ryanair flying, and at some airports. e.g Alicante (where I'm at right now) they park at a stand at the terminal and the pax walk into the building. I know that this currently isn't modelled, and I look forward to it being implemented in the future. My issue is that when I decide to use a gate where GSXL2 pax will not be rendered, my deboarding/boarding is over in a few seconds. I don't want to mess with my boarding settings as I am happy with the speed they enter/exit when using SODE/busses. Is there any way to overcome this issue?
Title: Re: Boarding/Deboarding complete in seconds.
Post by: Aang72 on February 18, 2019, 03:57:58 am
Do you have the estimated passengers setting on? And what aircraft are you using for this?  GSX goes based on the weight compared to zero fuel weight (I think), so if you are closer to that then maybe thats an issue.

If you have the estimated passenger setting on, you can always turn it off and always manually enter the amount of passengers.  That is what I do when I am at an airport that GSX doesn't have their SODE jetways (Chicago, Hawaii etc), and I always increase the passenger count to reflect the faster boarding/deboarding timing
Title: Re: Boarding/Deboarding complete in seconds.
Post by: Scott752 on February 18, 2019, 11:45:31 pm
Nope, using the manually entered number. As I say, when I use the stairs or SODE it works perfectly, it’s at the perfect setting for those. I’ve only been flying the NGX since I got L2.
When I don’t use these it goes up sort of like this - 20/60/80/110/120/150/done. As quickly as that. I always have the correct pax load (generally near the max for the PMDG 737) and weights before boarding/deboarding.
Title: Re: Boarding/Deboarding complete in seconds.
Post by: Psybear on February 19, 2019, 02:01:57 am
When the GSX Level 2 Expansion is Active, the Deboarding/Boarding settings in the Timings page will look different.
Since passengers are now no longer simulated, but will appear as actual animated characters, the original timings in seconds/passenger will not be meaningful anymore: the time required to board passengers will be a combination of their walking speed and their density. Each passenger has its own walking speed, which depends by its animation and walking style, but it’s possible to control the passenger Density, which will affect the number of animated passengers visible on screen at any given time.
Setting the slider towards the highest density settings will shorten boarding and deboarding times, but with some cost in performances.
Also, on 32 bit simulators ( FSX and P3D 1/2/3 ), there’s a risk that too many passengers visible at the same time might exhaust the limited memory available in 32 bit mode, especially when using GSX with complex airplanes and airport scenery. We suggest to start with the lowest density settings, and eventually rise them up if you are sure there’s enough memory available.
On a 64 bit simulator, like P3D4, the highest passenger density settings won’t risk memory exhaustion, so the GPU will probably be the only factor affecting performances.

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Title: Re: Boarding/Deboarding complete in seconds.
Post by: Scott752 on February 23, 2019, 04:41:09 pm
I'm happy with the settings menu, that's not my issue. The problem I have with it is that whilst it works perfectly with busses and jetways, without the passengers being simulated it shows the deboarding is complete in a few seconds.
Title: Re: Boarding/Deboarding complete in seconds.
Post by: virtuali on February 25, 2019, 10:53:13 am
I'm happy with the settings menu, that's not my issue. The problem I have with it is that whilst it works perfectly with busses and jetways, without the passengers being simulated it shows the deboarding is complete in a few seconds.

I think you might have to edit the preferences file directly, since if GSX L2 is installed, the user interface won't show the old settings page anymore.

Look the various timings in the [GSX] section of the %APPDATA%\GSX\Couatladdons.ini and change them to your liking: I believe these will be used when you want to use GSX on a jetway that hasn't been replaced by GSX and it's not SODE.