FSDreamTeam forum
Products Support => GSX Support FSX/P3D => Topic started by: marknie on December 24, 2018, 01:29:29 am
"A simulator update has been applied please run GSX Level 2 Control Panel to patch Sceneries" I have run the live update and the level 2 control panel a zillion times. It doesnt go away. Where is this patch? I dont think the Live update is working?
No Response means this is a bug. Ill just wait for a fix. Typical fashion, there is not customer service like it always is in the FS community.
No Response means this is a bug. Ill just wait for a fix. Typical fashion, there is not customer service like it always is in the FS community.
ever thought of the time difference and I guess you expect Umberto to work 24/7, give him time to respond since don't expect him to respond as soon as you post some thing
i forget hes a 1 man show.
He's not a one man show but I think it is unreasonable to expect support on Christmas eve. Nobody is open now.
Looking forward to a resolution on this one, too. Have the same issue and can't resolve.
...after the holiday, of course. ;D
It happens on every flight here. Getting old.
I solved it! Like always, had to do it myself. Run the GSX Level 2 Control Panel, Make sure default gateways is inactive and check every modified xml on the list and click the compile button. Worked for me, but this GSX 2 is still very buggy. Not ready for market in my opinion, very sloppy. Sad we all had to pay money to be beta testers again. . .
He's not a one man show but I think it is unreasonable to expect support on Christmas eve. Nobody is open now.
Finally a sane comment...
I solved it! Like always, had to do it myself.
I don't know what you are trying to say with "like always", but you surely couldn't expect 24/7 support during Christmas.
Run the GSX Level 2 Control Panel, Make sure default gateways is inactive and check every modified xml on the list and click the compile button.
No need to do that, of course. As the message said, you only had to enter the GSX Control Panel, and Disable the default jetways. No need to recompile the XML files.
The message appears because GSX checks the the default airport_objects.bgl file, which can be patched or unpatched. If the simulator was updated, the file reverted to the upatched status, so GSX will correctly stop to create its own jetways (otherwise you'll see double jetways default+GSX), and will correctly give you that message, so you'll know you must disable the default jetways.
So, what "fixed" it for you was to disable the default jetways, which is what the message told you to do.
Nothing in the status of the various XML/BGL exclude files could possibly affect this but, since you said you did both (disabling the default jetways and recompiling), you think you fixed that way, but you haven't. It was enough to disable default jetways, as the message said.
I can't change the default jetways stays grey.
Frans Gehl
I can't change the default jetways stays grey.
Before you can change default jetways, you must first disabled them. And, of course, have GSX L2 activated.