FSDreamTeam forum
Products Support => GSX Support FSX/P3D => Topic started by: pelsrijcken on September 16, 2018, 11:23:45 pm
After installing GSX level 2 I can - when on a runway or taxiway - open (by clicking Ctrl+F12) the menu for take-off and parking, but after parking at a gate ("warp me there" or just choosing a random gate/parking position) I get no menu anymore, nothing happens, also not when I try the options in the dropdown menus Couatl or GSX. So, no boarding, catering, walking passengers etc. >:( >:(
Uninstalled and re-installed the complete program a few times now, but always the same result. I checked Firewall and AV, no cause for problems there.
Specs: Win 7, P3Dv4.3, Prosim suite and ProSim flight model, FSUIPC 5.13, ORBX Global/Vector/EU Landclass.
Please give me some clues how to solve this very irritating problem. :'( :'(
Do you have something in the log files here ?
In order to have a .LOG file, you should enable logging in the Troubleshooting page of the GSX settings.
Python 2.7.13 Stackless 3.1b3 060516 (default, May 22 2017, 13:45:26) [MSC v.1900 32 bit (Intel)] wxPython
couatl v3.2 (build 3997)
log started on Mon Sep 17 21:17:12 2018
After installing GSX level 2
couatl v3.2 (build 3997)
Your log shows you haven't installed GSX L2, since the version Couatl version included with GSX L2 installer is 4043. Disable the antivirus and reinstall, maybe the antivirus has blocked the current version from installing, so you are stuck with the old one.
Thanks, I 'll give it a try.
Hello, I installed Level 2 this time, but got the same result, alas. Attached the log-file.
Regards, Koosch.
OK, uninstalled everything, and re-installed everything by the book, and now everything works OK. Thanks for your time and effort :) :)