FSDreamTeam forum

Products Support => Memphis KMEM Support FSX/P3D => Topic started by: jimstiles on June 04, 2016, 02:47:14 am

Title: HUD display ?? Not really but not sure how to explain it
Post by: jimstiles on June 04, 2016, 02:47:14 am
Ok, just took a quick ILS flight from KLIT to KMEM in a default 737, everything worked great all the way in except for two things.

As I was on my final approach to 36L, it appeared that I had a transparent HUD display showing the runways and taxiways of KMEM (like an overhead view) out the windshield. It was faint but was there, once on the ground it disappeared. I didn't have time to grab a screen shot of it but will try again tomorrow to replicate it if needed and try to get a screen shot of it.

Once I landed and warpped to a gate with jetways, I was unable to get the jetway to deploy using the ctrl+j key.  Did I miss something?

Thanks, this airport is great, looks like I've got a new home base.

Title: Re: HUD display ?? Not really but not sure how to explain it
Post by: jimstiles on June 04, 2016, 04:14:44 am
Found my issue with the jetways in another post on here. Got it now.

Title: Re: HUD display ?? Not really but not sure how to explain it
Post by: hopskip on June 04, 2016, 04:40:43 am
I'm guessing you're seeing this?


http://s33.postimg.org/ixzkmrqjz/lol.jpg (http://s33.postimg.org/ixzkmrqjz/lol.jpg)
Title: Re: HUD display ?? Not really but not sure how to explain it
Post by: jimstiles on June 04, 2016, 05:00:30 am
Yep, that's it, I'll follow the other post that you linked to in hopes of getting it fixed soon. In the meantime, I'll just fly through them and keep on going.
