FSDreamTeam forum
Products Support => Chicago O'Hare for FSX/P3D => Topic started by: Ayax on December 05, 2008, 05:30:05 am
Hello everyone i am a new user of this airports..they are great.
I have a problem aproaching to KJFK rwy 13 l... i got a memory run out, change the settings... i listen someting about the 3 GB swithc, but i canot find it in AVSIM, cause the new browser and search engine is not working properly...
can someone help me please..
To enable 3GB usage, under XP:
- Edit your boot.ini file (hidden, in the root folder) and add the /3GB switch to the startup parameters for XP
- Under Vista:
1. Right-click Command Prompt in the Accessories program group of the Start menu. Click Run as Administrator.
2. At the command prompt, enter "bcdedit /set IncreaseUserVa 3072"
3. Restart the computer.
Note that 3072 it's just a starting value, but if your video card has lot of VRAM, it's better to use lower values, like 2560 for example.
ok thanks
To enable 3GB support on XP, you need to edit the boot.ini file, which is found under the root folder of your boot drive (usually C:\)
Have a look here for an explanation:
Just a quick note - merely editing the boot.ini will not correct the OOM issue if your FSX is only at SP1. You will also need to make FSX "largeaddressaware". This can be done in either of two ways: by installing SP2, which does it automatically - or you can go to http://download.cnet.com/CFF-Explorer/3000-2383_4-10564296.html and download "CFF Explorer" (free).
After CFF Explorer is installed - double-click it's icon; click File -> open, then browse to Flight Simulator and click (one click) on FSX.exe. This will put fsx.exe in the left window of CFF Explorer: find "File Header" and click on it. A window will open up on the right side, with a pink "Click here" box highlighted. Click there. At that time a new 4" square box will open: go down the list, looking for "App can handle >2gb addressest". Place a check in its box, and close it. Reboot. Assuming you have already edited the boot.ini - you will now have fixed your OOM issues. ;)
Just a quick note - merely editing the boot.ini will not correct the OOM issue if your FSX is only at SP1
That's correct but, since the question was made in connection with O'Hare, we can safely assume that everybody using FSX with any of our sceneries, has either SP2 or Acceleration installed, because all our installers refuse to install with FSX RTM or FSX SP1, and the scenery wouldn't work anyway, even if someone manages to install it somehow.