FSDreamTeam forum
Products Support => Vancouver CYVR support FSX/P3D => Topic started by: Avidean on March 10, 2015, 05:12:14 pm
it seems that FSDreamteam CYVR and ORBX PNW do not after all play 100% nice together!
Here is a shot of the approach to 26L with FSDT CYVR deactivated in the scenery LIbrary:
http://i832.photobucket.com/albums/zz241/Avidean/P3DV2%20at%205ghz/CYVR%20diabled.png (http://i832.photobucket.com/albums/zz241/Avidean/P3DV2%20at%205ghz/CYVR%20diabled.png)
Here is FSDT CYVR activated in the scenery library and at the top. I know its not fully loaded but take my word for it the reads are always missing:
http://i832.photobucket.com/albums/zz241/Avidean/P3DV2%20at%205ghz/CYVR%20active.png (http://i832.photobucket.com/albums/zz241/Avidean/P3DV2%20at%205ghz/CYVR%20active.png)
Also I investigated the road at the northern boundary of FSDT CYVR and in fact all is well there now, however just a little north of there the road at the boundry of a golf course was missing with FSDT CYVR active:
http://i832.photobucket.com/albums/zz241/Avidean/P3DV2%20at%205ghz/edge%20of%20golf%20course%20noth%20of%20CYVR%20with%20trucks%20no%20road.png (http://i832.photobucket.com/albums/zz241/Avidean/P3DV2%20at%205ghz/edge%20of%20golf%20course%20noth%20of%20CYVR%20with%20trucks%20no%20road.png)
Here it is with FSDT CYVR disabled:
http://i832.photobucket.com/albums/zz241/Avidean/P3DV2%20at%205ghz/edge%20of%20golf%20course%20north%20of%20CYVR%20deactivated%20road.png (http://i832.photobucket.com/albums/zz241/Avidean/P3DV2%20at%205ghz/edge%20of%20golf%20course%20north%20of%20CYVR%20deactivated%20road.png)
It looks to me that its no only the roads that are effected here. It appears that Custom PNW traffic is effected too.
Any ideas how to make the 2 scenery's play nice together?
Sorry, we don't have any OrbX scenery, you might have to wait for another OrbX user that might have some suggestions.
All our sceneries are available in Trial, for the precise reason you can test them with your combination of other 3rd party products installed, we simply cannot test or guarantee perfect results with any other scenery out there. That's why there's a Trial. I don't find the issues you reported too serious to prevent the usage of the product.
Well I wasn't asking for a refund, just bringing the issues to your attention and hoping that there was maybe an easy fix. But your right its not a big deal.
Well I wasn't asking for a refund
I never had the impression or implying you were, just pointing out that we it's not really possible for us to test under every possible combination of 3rd party addons out there, that's why there's a Trial.